As the tittle states, I'm looking for any causal "dad" guild of sorts that aren't speed runners, super heavy min maxers, gatekeepers, and all that other negative stuff to take me in to enjoy the game instead of treating it like a job.
Recently joined the server, but knows how to play the game.
Preferable time zone being Pacific Standard Time but will also happily join a guild that is on the Eastern States time zones as well. 3 to 4 hour difference from the Pacific Standard Time would be nice so that i don't have to be awake at 4am to raid lol.
Also prefer English speaking guild or one that has people who commonly speak it enough that I am not sitting in a Spanish guild not understanding anything anyone is saying in coms or any other language.
Are you on horde? If so, let me know in-game and I'll invite you to the one I'm in, 100ish members, 10-ish lvl 80's, haven't done any endgame content yet, I'm still lvling myself, very casual and friendly guild! - Sophiemh
No I am alliance primarily, and also been finding that a lot of guilds seem to be UA timezones instead of NA which doesn't work for me. SO unless yours is NA or somewhere close to NA timezones then I can't join. That and it's Horde so..yeah