Here's the riddle for where you can find Grinch.
Yes, it's mumbo jumbo. Figure it out.
P.S no posts containing the solution, they'll be promptly deleted!
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Here's the riddle for where you can find Grinch.
Yes, it's mumbo jumbo. Figure it out.
P.S no posts containing the solution, they'll be promptly deleted!
Oh, the invasions of his minions? They will appear in intervals throughout the entire world.
Looks great! Have some great holidays all.
Cheers Mercy :) And thank you very much!SO events start tomrrow 00:00 server time yeah.
Also Best of wishes to Warmane Staffus and Adminus and Grinchus and Nikolas :)
Haha ssometimes:) I got tiny bear as gift for saint Nikola :)
Relaxing these holidays much.,Ps (offtopic,Prot best of wishes to you and relax,hope yu wont have 6 feet of snow like last year,or was it year before that) :)
Don't post answers or hints to the riddle here, please. Let others have the chance of figuring the event out.
Good thing i got it in time :) tx Deathmaster:P
LoL, Happy to help brother!
Yes, there will be a server announce as to which zones they spawn in. But it will be up to you to find them. Also, I don't believe they give loot beyond 5 players, so making a raid or such can be undesirable.
That was a fun and tricky riddle. I figured out how to read it and where the location is. Definitely makes sense looking at it.