1. The MACRO Thread

    Post your macro, what macro you use to make your life as hunter easyer.

    Here is some of mine

    Roar of Sacrifice:

    #showtooltip Roar of Sacrifice
    /cast [help][@player]Roar of Sacrifice

    Arena roar example:

    #Showtooltip Roar of Sacrifice
    /cast [help][@Party1]Roar of Sacrifice

    you can change party1 to party member name if you like that better

    Master's Call at party member:

    /cast [help][@Party1]Master's Call


    #showtooltip Deterrence
    /cancelaura Hand of Protection
    /use Healthstone
    /cast Deterrence
    /use Master Healing Potion


    /cast disengage
    /use 15

    15 is cloak slot for parashute

    Scatter Shot:

    /cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Scatter Shot; Scatter Shot

    Silencing Shot:

    #showtooltip Counter Shot
    /cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Silencing Shot; Silencing Shot

    Pet Special abilities combined in one macro, the ones I use the most

    #showtooltip [pet:Bird of Prey]Snatch; [pet:Spider]Web; [pet:Monkey]Bad Manner
    /cast Web(Special Ability)
    /cast !Bad Manner
    /cast Snatch(Special Ability)
    /cast Nether Shock(Special Ability)

    BM version pet macro

    #showtooltip [pet:Shale Spider]Web Wrap;[pet:Spirit Beast]Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)
    /cast Web Wrap(Special Ability)
    /cast [@player]Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)

    Misdirection PvE macro

    #showtooltip Misdirection
    /cast [@target, help] [@focus, help] [@pet, nodead, exists] Misdirection

    Very usefull you dont have to change targets etc...
    for example, target the boss and focus your MT, the macro will cast MD on your tank
    if you dont have focus, it will MD your pet
    if you target some friendly player it will MD on tht player

    Thats it from me, feal free to post yours too lets see what you guys have ;)

  2. Thanks for that :D My pet dossent attack even on deffensive/assist untill i command -.- Any macros or suggestions?

  3. Thanks for that :D My pet dossent attack even on deffensive/assist untill i command -.- Any macros or suggestions?
    Thats a warmane bug, cant do much about it

    I keybound those commands,

    pet attack = ctrl+r
    pet follow = ctrl+f

    and set my pet to passive

  4. /cast [@mouseover, harm] [@target] Wyvern Sting

    Love to put people to sleep with this macro.

    And this one is like my cata verison but i had to change some stuff to make work on mop. To help your friends on Bgs. First priority mouseover then target, then focus, according to your need at the moment.

    /cast [@mouseover, help] [@target, help] [@focus, help] Roar of Sacrifice
    /cast [@mouseover, help] [@target, help] [@focus, help] Spirit Mend
    /cast [@mouseover, help] [@target, help] [@focus, help] Master's Call
    Edited: April 15, 2015

  5. Beetter MD macro

    #showtooltip Misdirection
    /cast [help][target=focus,help][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

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