1. HellThrone's Avatar

    HellThrone's UI

    Hey guys

    In last 3 week i received lots of pm about ppl who wanted to know what addon i use for my UI and i told them i will post in forum when i have time .

    So this is the main reason im opening this thread to keep my words nothing else

    I use lots of addon but im only mentioning my UI addons not all

    This is screen of my UI

    Ok now i will mention name of each addon i use in separate photos

    Sorry if i posted these addon late and i hope u be happy now

    Best Regards

  2. Not bad,Noobthrone <3. I have original one :3

  3. HellThrone's Avatar
    I have original one :3
    Cuz ur noob that's why :D

  4. I keep telling Svetox to go get a new UI....

  5. Whats wrong with the regular UI? It's the best.

  6. HellThrone's Avatar
    ^_^ I love you too.
    Your so cute ty :D I love you too (EWwwwww)

  7. Not bad, but seems a little too clustered for my liking. :P

  8. Fhusion's Avatar
    It's messy as hell (get it?) - all i can say is that basically there's text on around 70% of your screen :p

    Not to mention overlaping which i hate more than i hate bugs >.<

    (XPerl sucks btw - it eats up a lot of your memory)

  9. It's messy as hell (get it?) - all i can say is that basically there's text on around 70% of your screen :p

    Not to mention overlaping which i hate more than i hate bugs >.<

    (XPerl sucks btw - it eats up a lot of your memory)
    His screen resolution is like 1000x700 or something, or he is blind and has to make everything huge. Only UI modifications I say you need is bartender, the rest over complicate it and don't help anything.

  10. My eyes are bleeding. How, (if you even play) can you play Arena with this. You won't even see where people around you except your target are positioned. ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

  11. HellThrone's Avatar
    My eyes are bleeding. How, (if you even play) can you play Arena with this. You won't even see where people around you except your target are positioned. ((((;゚Д゚)))))))
    First all my resolution is 1920x1200 so its much bigger than u really see here, Also i tried to show all my addons in 1 screen thats why u think ist kinda messy.

    About arena and bgs, you can ask my partners i see who do what exactly , You just need get use to it ;)

  12. Fhusion's Avatar
    You can get used to a much cleaner UI with more utility and more space...

    I'd choose anything over that tbh >.<

  13. Ur Black thing which covers 1/4 of ur screen, srs... Why? :O

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