1. While some guilds needs 9 months of practicing of fight, while some guilds needs to abuse Sholazar Buffs and Runes from Icecrown to boost their movement / damage, while officers of those guilds are applying for Diffraction and even faction changing - we are bringing Halion 25 HC down.

    After only 3 raids, after only 3 hours of practicing - Halion fell. It was a fight in which participated trials, socials and inactive people - yet they proved that they are the best people of this realm who can adapt to changes and bring every content down without spending tremendous amount of time and neglecting of real life.

    We have proven that with little to no time can bring down every available content without using any kind of abuses or getting their Guild Masters banned for 5 days due to exploits ;)

    More informations about guild, recruitments and Halion alone - soon.

  2. While some guilds needs 9 months of practicing of fight, while some guilds needs to abuse Sholazar Buffs and Runes from Icecrown to boost their movement / damage, while officers of those guilds are applying for Diffraction and even faction changing - we are bringing Halion 25 HC down.

    After only 3 raids, after only 3 hours of practicing - Halion fell. It was a fight in which participated trials, socials and inactive people - yet they proved that they are the best people of this realm who can adapt to changes and bring every content down without spending tremendous amount of time and neglecting of real life.

    We have proven that with little to no time can bring down every available content without using any kind of abuses or getting their Guild Masters banned for 5 days due to exploits ;)

    More informations about guild, recruitments and Halion alone - soon.

    ..meh fekkkin easy peasy boss..
    ..this song is more exciting, Dino...
    ..cause all I need..
    ..is a beauty and a beat..
    ..who can make my life complete..
    ..it's all about you..
    ..when the music makes you move..
    ..baby, do it like you do..
    ........dis geld gay. k bai.

  3. Gj Diffraction, Halion so easy lol :D

  4. Such easy sheez. Tobad that loot is STILL normal

  5. Halion 25 HC has fallen.

    While some guilds needs 9 months of practicing of fight, while some guilds needs to abuse Sholazar Buffs and Runes from Icecrown to boost their movement / damage, while officers of those guilds are applying for Diffraction and even faction changing and while some people are spending their time to parry stack their DK's to abuse mechanic of the game - we are doing it retail like - we are bringing Halion 25 HC down.

    After only 3 raids, after only 3 hours of practicing - Halion fell. It was a fight in which participated trials, socials and inactive people - yet they proved that they are the best people of this realm who can adapt to changes and bring every content down without spending tremendous amount of time and neglecting real life.

    We have proven that with little to no time can bring down every available content without using any kind of abuses or getting their Guild Masters banned for days due to exploits ;)

    Raid composition:

    1. Thundria Protection Paladin
    2. Lolersmourne Blood DK
    3. Keyadriel Blood DK

    1. Aamu Discipline Priest
    2. Orzechowy Holy Priest
    3. Overtyr Resto Druid
    4. Pachiderma Resto Druid
    5. Ownerz Resto Shaman
    6. Lezia Holy Paladin

    1. Jazzer Retribution Paladin
    2. Dessapoetesa Retribution Paladin
    3. Squaids Retribution Paladin
    4. Yicgmak Frost DK
    5. Zebii Frost DK
    6. Reknilador Unholy DK
    7. Nome Feral Druid
    8. Vicaris Fury Warrior

    1. Drunkuser FFB Mage
    2. Moez FFB Mage
    3. Nzx MM Hunter
    4. Jadakizz MM Hunter
    5. Muus Balance Druid
    6. Ozner Demonology Warlock
    7. Tee Shadow Priest
    8. Norvalla Elemental Shaman

    LK 25 HC kill count

    <Diffraction> is opening TEMPORARY recruitements for everyone eager to join. We are looking forward to down Lich King 25 Heroic on our Third Raid and we are looking people for that as he is being farmed on First and Second raid. Only exceptional applications with highly skilled, geared and well explained application will get invited for interview and only the best will be tested in raids.

    Recruitment status*
    • Death Knight - Low
    • Druid - Medium (Resto+Balance)
    • Hunter - Very Low
    • Mage - Low
    • Paladin - Low
    • Priest - Closed
    • Rogue - Closed
    • Shaman - Closed
    • Warlock - Closed
    • Warrior - Medium


    • Main character
    • Frostwing Halls 25 Heroic Achievement (can be exception)
    • Fluent English
    • Able to raid at given times and listen on VoIP Software

    *Most desirable classes. However, every exceptional application may be accepted.

    Note: If you have problems about application submitting or if you want to know about status of your application feel free to whisper Aj in game.

    Who to contact regarding guild informations and recruitment status?

    *Currently on vacation.
    For more informations about guild please click here.

  6. Good job to those in the raid! Glad to see you guys doing so well, now get it on farm and HOPEFULLY when Molten decides to fix the loot, the raiders will be able to get something off from their hard work and effort!!!

  7. Congratulations on the kill yo,
    I almost feel sorried that I've gone out instead of this..
    K I LIE IT WAS LEGEN .. -wait for it-
    Still, why not both, idk.

  8. best thing was that our inside tank had constant 1 fps on laptop and we still killed it like a boss!

  9. Congratulations on the halion 25 hc kill! I hope someday soon we will down him too...didnt evan try jet :)

  10. Grymninja's Avatar
    Gratz guiz. Gud raiding guild is gud.

  11. Jizzer and Dreknilador still homos! <3 you nibs. :D

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