1. Engineering, the seconds prof is whatever you chose but I'd go with either jwc or alchemy.
    but engi is useless when in an arena right? you cant use anything with engi in arena?

  2. but engi is useless when in an arena right? you cant use anything with engi in arena?

    Hyperspeed Accelerators
    + BL deadly stuff.

  3. tailoring and engeenering are the best, nitro boots when silenced by priests are just awsome, and frostweave net when rougues got cloack of shadows? MARVELOUS, and the 300 spell power proc of tailoring cloack enchant? are the bests
    so if you get both those profs, how can y get the tailor cloak enchant and also use the engineering slow fall parachute thing at the same time??

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