1. The only reason you and 95% of Molten don't care about retail history is because you have none.
    And because his avatar is an image of his Molten arena stats. Molten arena stats. Such. Wow.

  2. The only reason you and 95% of Molten don't care about retail history is because you have none.
    lmao exactly

  3. And because his avatar is an image of his Molten arena stats. Molten arena stats. Such. Wow.
    I know your not talking about me kiddo, cause my molten arena stats are higher than yours will ever be, along with my Lvl 80 Warrior on retail, that probably is higher rated than your main on retail you dog.

  4. I won't doubt this guy any longer, until I meet him in arena, in-game I really can't say anything about him, my apologies.

  5. I know your not talking about me kiddo, cause my molten arena stats are higher than yours will ever be, along with my Lvl 80 Warrior on retail, that probably is higher rated than your main on retail you dog.
    you seem kinda mad...

  6. Now the question is why would you come play on a Pserver if you this much of a glad?

    Did you miss 4.3 where rogue rolled everything without skill?

  7. jk im s1-13 guys best dk right here if op plans to make us believe him, there should be something else added to give us more info

  8. wow this post is still going lol as i said i found a team and will surely meet you in game best of luck to all /thread

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