1. June 7, 2015  
    After we took and did tide waves on it for more than 40 minutes and the skies filled with alliance players screaming:relax bro are gays and ****ing donors(which is what you everyday this week).

  2. June 7, 2015  
    There are a group of geared horde griefing players in the alliance PVP vendor for the past day and a half, not letting anyone buy gear. They are all decked out in grievous gear too. Why the hell did Blizzard put the pvp vendors way out in the middle of no where instead of Stormwind like they usually do.
    Thank God blizzard did that, world pvp was dead, now theres at least something,

    flying mounts killed world pvp, then they hide vendors in SW/Orgri I mean wth... this is way better

    just wait for WoD and no flying mounts ;)

  3. June 7, 2015  
    no lifers returned and got raped! rofl
    The only time you wiped us was 15 vs alliance swarm, your tears fuel my furnace of hate.

    I like the vendors where they are right now, here's actual pvp in the world now, I still remember when pre-catacylsm ganks would ignite open 30v30 street fights, this is some semblance of it.

  4. June 7, 2015  
    We do the same thing to horde, I don't see the problem... everything they can do, we can do better. ;)

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