View Poll Results: How has your experience on Lordaeron been so far?

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  • Awesome! It has so far met my expectations!

    542 92.33%
  • I am disappoint (explain why)

    45 7.67%
  1. Looks like 6000 people can play something that's 6 years old and I think that's more than enoug. Its a great expansion.
    the question is not how many, but how long? There was already enough wotlk realms with enough people on it, why would they completley throw away other expansions for something that is already working like it should? i dont understand

  2. 2 things after many hours playing.
    small thing- love love the occasional warmane announcement.. keep doing that it just has a ... ?? .....authentic proffesional official appeal of some sort... cant explain it and dont care to try.
    Server restard in 30 minutes.

  3. Here's why I'm disappointed. Broken loot tables (for example level 8 mobs dropping level 15 greens) and censorship on forums. I hope you're not asking me for explanation just to hide it from other people afterwards.

  4. Honestly, there is still a few things to fix, but in general, the most important things seem to work. Pathfinding is good, stability is good, classes seem to work properly.

    I voted no, because im disappointed with the amount of informations we are getting.

    Cant find any information about how long the phases from Naxx - Uld - Toc - Icc are gonna take.

    Same goes for PvP and the rewards (is it gonna be blizzlike, 0,5% top players gladiator, or top10 teams like i heard it used to be here?)

    PvP Titles for serious 5s? Should be in my oppinion, so guilds actually have a reason to make a good 5s team.

    When you release Northrend, will Naxx/Os/EoE be instantly available?

    What do you intend to do about 6000 people running into hellfire peninsula, when 500 people in human starting zone caused an extreme mess already?

    I guess i wont get an answer to most of my questions, but i hope i will.

    As for now ive really enjoyed the ingame part of it, just the lack of informations is worrying me.

    @Kaer: I guess if you love world PvP that much, flag yourself for PvP next time, you have been the only thing that left the hillz alive :P

    @Horde: Still waiting for someone who will force me to make more keybinds while leveling :P

    And are the PvP titles gonna work?

  5. Great! Played on primalwow... This population is so much better!!

  6. I voted no, because im disappointed with the amount of informations we are getting.

    Cant find any information about how long the phases from Naxx - Uld - Toc - Icc are gonna take.
    It has been said that the content will be released when the staff sees that the community on the realm is ready for the next content tier.
    When you release Northrend, will Naxx/Os/EoE be instantly available?
    Of course. Why wouldn't they be?
    What do you intend to do about 6000 people running into hellfire peninsula, when 500 people in human starting zone caused an extreme mess already?
    Nothing for the time being, really. It is a great way to stress test the realm. But we may do something about it, but unlikely that we will come up with something that will have much of an effect.

  7. In my first 20 levels I've encountered a few things that say the least, a little jarring and worrisome. Still excited to play here on a new Wrath server setting and hopefully play through the awesome raids (after Naxx), but these are things that are a constant immersion breaker for me.

    1. The mob aggro range is ridiculous, and I'm not saying this out of some ambiguous experience, literally, the mob aggro range is viciously huge and it's to a noticeable degree. I can't even open up out of stealth from behind a mob of my own level with something like a Backstab or Garrote, because they see and aggro to me before I can even get in melee range. Same level mobs. This is grossly incorrect coding in terms of how harsh mob aggro ranges should be and it affects the experience HIGHLY not only for rogues, but everyone because overpulling is pretty much way too easy to do on accident.

    Nonetheless it's also very annoying to have mobs even 2 levels lower than me aggroing to me from way too far away while I'm just running through an area.

    2. I chose mining this time around in order to support my planned BS/Engineering professions when I hit cap, and I can easily say every single mining node being overlapped by 3 types of nodes is not the least bit attractive, if not a bit tacky.

    3. There's a weird bug that makes the character freak out for a second when entering stealth, it isn't every time, but very disorienting when it occurs.

    If these things were addressed I could probably have no trouble admitting that I can't wait to hit 80.
    Edited: September 28, 2015

  8. TL;DR this tread, but for me:
    Server seems great so far but the drop rate of quest items is a serious pain in the .....
    Wich is the only thing that kinda annoys me (ignoring the fact that I ganked by murlocs >.>)

  9. To all those who were saying that Lord would be deserted.......
    Spoiler: Show
    Not to be a downer, but realistically you should give it at least a couple months before drawing conclusions. Hell, even Warsong was popular when it was first released.

    Edit: I'd really like to see the end of the WoD Texture pack spam. I've already got the damned thing, I don't need to see it take up half of my chatbox when I'm trying to talk to my guild. That being said, I wouldn't mind it being on the "Welcome to the server" message thing.
    Edited: September 28, 2015

  10. Not to be a downer, but realistically you should give it at least a couple months before drawing conclusions. Hell, even Warsong was popular when it was first released.
    2k warsong , 6 k lord, diffrences are with them.

  11. It has been said that the content will be released when the staff sees that the community on the realm is ready for the next content tier.

    Of course. Why wouldn't they be?

    Nothing for the time being, really. It is a great way to stress test the realm. But we may do something about it, but unlikely that we will come up with something that will have much of an effect.
    don't tell the time it's released.

  12. The server is great so far, all the quests have worked so far. The only things I don't like are certain ranged casters hitting for harder than their supposed to and their aggro range is far further than it should be. Also locking ranged casters out of their school of magic doesn't work + they just stand their instead of running up to melee you because they're locked out. Which can cause combat bug. I've also seen some mobs casting while walking which looks really odd.
    Caster NPCs always did a load of damage in retail Wrarth, it's not wrong, I know for a fact cause I always used to die to them :3.

  13. 2k warsong , 6 k lord, diffrences are with them.
    The point still stands. Both were still popular. Lordaeron is bound to have more people than Warsong at first due to all the pre-release hype it has received.

    Like I said, give Lord a couple of months to show itself before drawing conclusions. Once everyone gets over the hype of a new realm, I'm personally predicting a massive drop in population when the constant quest grind of an x1 server gets old.

  14. multibox? are you serious? this crap ruining game

  15. It has been said that the content will be released when the staff sees that the community on the realm is ready for the next content tier.

    Of course. Why wouldn't they be?

    Nothing for the time being, really. It is a great way to stress test the realm. But we may do something about it, but unlikely that we will come up with something that will have much of an effect.
    Despite not getting an answer on all of my questions, i thank you very much, as this is more information than i expected to get ;) Thank you one more time.

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