1. Is there any problem with the server atm ? every time i log in after Success i go to You have been disconnected

  2. How found is everyone from the Sentinel anti-cheat system? Trying to jump off a boat... jk pulled back. Touch a mage ice armor, jk pulled back, get distracted jk pulledback, I can go on and on and on.

    I never thought im gonna say that, but I'd rather have hackers around, that this non-retail, non-hardcore, non-complete experience

  3. About the RDF, my guess is, if it was enabled when reaching the level required for Outland instances you can queue up for those dungeons before the 1 month release schedule of Outland and its content and so on.
    So I believe we will have RDF but after all zones are released.

  4. ... and lots of ppl don't want to come to help summon, they just sit and wait for others to summon them

  5. Let's see if I get this: I will NEVER be able to transfer my char from DW to this realm? I will have to level up on this realm if I want a char here?

  6. My question about RDF, is basically that it was used as a source of bonus emblems, with which gear progression is based around. The extra daily emblems from the first dungeon of the day do add up. In 3.3 the daily dungeon quest npc in dalaran was disabled, so that the rewards could be added directly onto RDF without he need to pick up a quest. With the removal of RDF, will we be seeing these daily quests back at the npc so that we can still maintain the same levels of bonus emblems each day?

  7. IF they want to create the most complete hardcore experience for US - the players , they should enable the basics that make this game playable ( RDF - being the most important , cause lets face it , no one wants to scoure the lands to get to some sum stone that will prolly cost some 40 + minutes in walking around azeroth) , and second YOU - warmane , you should enable lvl 70-to 80 progression .

  8. Let's see if I get this: I will NEVER be able to transfer my char from DW to this realm? I will have to level up on this realm if I want a char here?
    What kind of question is that? Yes you need to level up and start from scratch on Lordaeron. Staff already mentioned this before since transfers among many other things destroyed the old lordaeron.

  9. So can someone answer a few questions for me ? I'm new to this new realm stuff. How long does it take to level up now and will I have to wait for Outland or I won't even reach the required level until it launches. Same thing about Northrend. What's the max level on the realm now without those 2 continents ?

  10. any new info on when lordaeron will be working again for all? i still cannot log in. stuck saying connected, or logging into realm.

  11. wotlk content will start from naxx and 5 arena season gear or from 3.3.5 content?

  12. So can someone answer a few questions for me ? I'm new to this new realm stuff. How long does it take to level up now and will I have to wait for Outland or I won't even reach the required level until it launches. Same thing about Northrend. What's the max level on the realm now without those 2 continents ?
    How long it takes is up to you. Max level right now is 60.

  13. Dunno if anyone has suggested it before.
    Reactivate RDF BUT you can only queue up for dungeons you have killed the last boss, Or if you are 5+ levels above the last boss (so you don't get Xp in that dungeon) it get automaticly added to the RDF list.
    1. You try to use RDF, the list is empty. You finish whole The Deadmines, Now you have access to The Deadmines in RDF.
    2. You outlevel The Deadmines by (5 levels), The Deadmines is now availible in RDF.

    This way only people that are willing to go through or learn complete instances are joined with likeminded people.
    If you grief or is unwilling to play when using RDF you get a 2 day RDF suspension (you can still do dungeons but not through RDF)
    Edited: October 4, 2015

  14. Is there any problem with the server atm ? every time i log in after Success i go to You have been disconnected
    Try to change to logon.warmane.ru in realmlist

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