1. In BIS gear you are arp capped. Read a bit before you comment. Here Im talking about BIS gear, tho, not any gear, where situationally, bvb can be a better choice depending on what you lack.
    U are arp capped with out using a single arp gem???
    Just replace two arp gems with two strength gems and u wont be arp overcapped with BvB.
    Edited: December 17, 2015

  2. Do you have an ability to comprehend what you read? Ok, lets do it this way. Link me your warrior profile in prot pvp gear. ;) I linked mine. We compare stats, we see who has better. Simple as that. Waiting.

  3. Do you have an ability to comprehend what you read? Ok, lets do it this way. Link me your warrior profile in prot pvp gear. ;) I linked mine. We compare stats, we see who has better. Simple as that. Waiting.
    And where did u exactly link ur armory profile? I cant see it any where in this thread.

  4. Hm it didnt let me even tho i posted it, my bad.


    As I said, dont complain on my set and shoulders and legs, etc, just look at my stats and caps which i numbered. I dont need argument, I need proof. I tried searching Jakkre but didnt find anything. And you didnt link it in the above post where I asked you to, so I dont see a need to continue an argument before you post your profile, or of another warrior that has all the caps and better stats, hence, better damage than me. Talents excluded, Im always changing them to experiment.

    EDIT: Some stats on page are wrong, for example 4k AP, which is false, I got 6.200 ap. Parry is 18, and page says 10. Etc.

  5. U wont find my armory profile because since the moltdown I dont have a prot warr on Deathwing or Ragnaros. Only on Blackrock where some HC items arent available.
    Nevertheless I made a prot warr with RAWR which gives u anyway a better insight of ur stats than a armory profile can.

    In ur case, when u use BvB u still wouldnt reach the hit hard cap of 7%.
    Depending on ur current arp rating u can replace either one JC arp gem or two normal arp gems with the strength version so u arent Arp overcapped with BvB.
    I dont really see what stops u from using BvB with the current gear setup.

  6. Ok, at least we arent talking about the great benefits of the glorious stat of Parry, which deserves its statue in Dalaran, according to some people (lol). So it comes down to hit vs weapon damage. Hit from bvb would be useful for how many class/race combos? On the other hand, havoc damage increase is universal. And to repeat again, with BV nerfed, slam isnt your main attack - revenge, as other poster pointed is your hardest hitter, then come two most common ones which you will spam most of the time Devastate and HS. So increasing their damage is essential, for me at least. It isnt huge (TENS OF THOUSANDS!!!) damage increase, but it is solid and consistent damage from havoc. I dont ever notice missing too much (that unavoidable 1% chance is always there), but there is a limited number of class/race that you can miss, in return losing solid damage. Let those who calculate do the calcualtion if they want.

  7. Ok, at least we arent talking about the great benefits of the glorious stat of Parry, which deserves its statue in Dalaran, according to some people (lol). So it comes down to hit vs weapon damage. Hit from bvb would be useful for how many class/race combos? On the other hand, havoc damage increase is universal. And to repeat again, with BV nerfed, slam isnt your main attack - revenge, as other poster pointed is your hardest hitter, then come two most common ones which you will spam most of the time Devastate and HS. So increasing their damage is essential, for me at least. It isnt huge (TENS OF THOUSANDS!!!) damage increase, but it is solid and consistent damage from havoc. I dont ever notice missing too much (that unavoidable 1% chance is always there), but there is a limited number of class/race that you can miss, in return losing solid damage. Let those who calculate do the calcualtion if they want.
    ahahahahahah, u dont spam hs as prot warr on mol10, so that argument is invalid by 146%

    p.s. "limited number of class with -% miss chance" - every fcking ret, not so limited, i believe.

  8. p.s. "limited number of class with -% miss chance" - every fcking ret, not so limited, i believe.
    Also every ally druide is a nightelf and like 90% of the hunters...
    Im not sure which spec beside ret paly has a improved avoidance chance...

    When it comes to the improved weapon dmg of havoc. Im not sure how much strength is required to compensate the lower weapon dmg of BvB. Keep in mind that BvB makes u able to get 44 more strength. I might test the difference between the weapons with RAWR when I find the time.
    Edited: December 18, 2015

  9. Relax, imbecil. You spam devastate, and u use HS when you got plenty rage, and I tend to rush in and have plenty of it. "hahahahahahha". Plus, as other poster before posted the order and damage of spells, you see revenge around 6%, devastate, hs, slam, 3% each, meaning devastate and HS are 6% together, so again, go read before you post anything, or you will appear plain stupid, besides being stupid actually. We dont need you to show your stupidity, Dike.
    "Argument invalid" No, you are invalid considering the status of your brain. Every ****ing ret? So thats it, you won argument since 100% of people are ret? Please, either learn to argument or GTFO fkin ****.
    And to jakkre, i play alliance, and i play bgs mostly, so my enemies are hordes, so NE dont count. So sucks for that argument too.
    But ok, try more with some vague arguments, I am still waiting for any link. Go, dike, show anything of essence or gtfo.

  10. Funny how u twist my words. In fact I was the one who defended BvB since the start of this thread.
    I'm not twisting any words. Simply pointing out that there are other stats that make a difference in the distinction, and the distinction isn't as "minor" as you made it out to be.
    In BIS gear you are arp capped. Read a bit before you comment. Here Im talking about BIS gear, tho, not any gear, where situationally, bvb can be a better choice depending on what you lack. Also, havoc weapon damage increases attacksyou use most commonly use - devastate, hs, and all weapon damage abilities by 300ish damage per hit at least (in my BIS gear) compared to BVB.
    So, difference is HUGE? XD No, but even if it was, it would be for havocs sake, not for BVB. Arp is capped so your argument is invalid. Haste is useless, true, but that isnt argued there. Only thing can be argued haste vs parry, which are both same ****, but havoc has wep dmg which ISNT insignificant. Or it can be, but then whole debate is since differences are MINOR. You arent comparing shadowmourne and BVB, that would be huge. You are discussing 1 hands weps. So again, read a bit.
    Do you rely on Heroic Strike and Devastate to kill people? I mean, really? And you don't consider the options using that weapon would create, to be any sort of valuable?

  11. Relax, imbecil. You spam devastate, and u use HS when you got plenty rage, and I tend to rush in and have plenty of it. "hahahahahahha". Plus, as other poster before posted the order and damage of spells, you see revenge around 6%, devastate, hs, slam, 3% each, meaning devastate and HS are 6% together, so again, go read before you post anything, or you will appear plain stupid, besides being stupid actually. We dont need you to show your stupidity, Dike.
    "Argument invalid" No, you are invalid considering the status of your brain. Every ****ing ret? So thats it, you won argument since 100% of people are ret? Please, either learn to argument or GTFO fkin ****.
    And to jakkre, i play alliance, and i play bgs mostly, so my enemies are hordes, so NE dont count. So sucks for that argument too.
    But ok, try more with some vague arguments, I am still waiting for any link. Go, dike, show anything of essence or gtfo.
    armory links were provided some pages before dickhead, go continue ur yolo hs spam as prot warr narco

  12. Eh, as Prot PvP you don't pick the weapon for the weapon itself... As Lynea said, Devastate and HS are by far NOT your kill moves in PvP, and these are pretty much the only abilities which actually scale off weapon damage. So in short, you should pick your weapon according to the combat stats it gives - not its damage. And since haste only affects auto-attacks, it's automatically out of the argument. Haste will only help you in two ways - faster Heroic Strikes, a very minor rage-per-minute increase due to faster autos. When it comes to PvP you don't care about the first, and the second one hardly matters at all.

    In my opinion BVB is the winner.
    Edited: December 18, 2015

  13. Eh, as Prot PvP you don't pick the weapon for the weapon itself... As Lynea said, Devastate and HS are by far NOT your kill moves in PvP, and these are pretty much the only abilities which actually scale off weapon damage. So in short, you should pick your weapon according to the combat stats it gives - not its damage. And since haste only affects auto-attacks, it's automatically out of the argument. Haste will only help you in two ways - faster Heroic Strikes, a very minor rage-per-minute increase due to faster autos. When it comes to PvP you don't care about the first, and the second one hardly matters at all.
    meh, those guys are so dumb, that they expect to sit on some random scrub 24/7 to actually have any benefit from haste and wep dmg.

  14. Every time I saw somebody with wrong gear I was wondering how hard is it to copy from the best players.

    After reading this thread I am actually happy that re.tarded people are playing with BVB.

    You are re.tarded, you cant do math or (YOU NEED A HARD PVP HITCAP AAHHAHAHAA, look at me new meta 7% hit cap and gem expertise ahahahah)
    you can play with BVB i dont care anymore.

    Just play with BVB, do less damage, you are terrible anyway. Probably have 5 binds outside of 12345. You probably dont have a clue about prot pvp anyway. Dont forget the expertise tho, dont want to get parried by priest jajajaja

    peace out

  15. Every time I saw somebody with wrong gear I was wondering how hard is it to copy from the best players.

    After reading this thread I am actually happy that re.tarded people are playing with BVB.

    You are re.tarded, you cant do math or (YOU NEED A HARD PVP HITCAP AAHHAHAHAA, look at me new meta 7% hit cap and gem expertise ahahahah)
    you can play with BVB i dont care anymore.

    Just play with BVB, do less damage, you are terrible anyway. Probably have 5 binds outside of 12345. You probably dont have a clue about prot pvp anyway. Dont forget the expertise tho, dont want to get parried by priest jajajaja

    peace out
    meh, so fat bro

    p.s. i just found this ****
    as prot resil has no value, therefore wf sword is out of the question.
    so, basically, dogfart, u telling that u go full pve even in 3v3? ahahahahahahaahah, meh so ****ing wasted
    Edited: December 19, 2015

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