1. Thx, who are you? I'm new here
    just a random pleb,also best lordaeron leveler

  2. ok, as a complete outsider to the situation.. a few things.

    1: backpedaling isn't necessarily bad. it's just bad in 99% of situations :P also if u tend to lag, backpedaling may prevent u from an rof that strafing or mouse turning might have messed u up on. [note: i do not have backpedaling binded.. but perhaps i should, if i push a backpedal bind against a team that should otherwise target my partner, perhaps they'll target me :D]

    2: bosnian, sorry but ur binds are definitely fail :P not sure why exactly but if ya ever need any help [seriously, not **** talking or nada] with it, or anything, whisper, i <3 helping ppl :P but perhaps it's an old ss and u changed it, or it was intentional, or w/e. hell, i've made stupid binds and photoshopped them into screenshots before :P

    3: yea, all of your guilds have arena cheaters. just an unfortunate fact of warmane. and nothing bad really even if u know it. however, if the public knows u know it, should gkick them for reputation's sake :P

    Didn't know they went Horde, but now I see why...Alliance bunch of PvE guilds getting absolutely owned even premade vs premade by Horde :D
    4: So basically you're implying that people roll horde so they can have ezmode facing alliance pve players? lol i'm not 100% sure which faction you are, but assuming you're horde, you know you just insulted yourself? :D a skilled guild [not saying yours isnt, at this point i can't even remember which guild you were from lol] would likely roll on the losing faction, so that they and their members, can face actual players, not durotar boars under a slightly better AI.

    wait? what?

    this was planned for weeks and your gonna lie about it just like that?
    5: i'm sorry holy, but you got owned in this one lol. that ss is whoa lawl. i really don't mean to sound mean but c'mon holy, even u gotta know the thread got owned here lol. maybe a few of you are like me and can laugh at yourselves when you get owned. personally i like when someone is able to pwn me in an argument. happens very rarely, even less so now that the common trend is trolling, which is the most boring way of insulting ever.

    on a final note, c'mon ppl. the guild leaders shouldnt even be in this thread lol. though as a guild leader myself, i probably would be in this thread too if it was about me lol. oh and.. i've pwned all of your guilds in your lil premades as a solo q'r at least once :D and sadly.. gotten pwned even more so :( lol

    <Im So Cute> best guild ever.. join. we do solo q premades daily! u can do em too!

  3. Kaspi please stop talking you just can't accept that you lost Berzer is one pretty cool gm who do everything for his members.
    Arson you shut the **** up you are some forum hero 3k mage on retail and can't spread one combustion I know way better mages than you for example: Manyakz,Ignios,Blazingscrubs and Atossa.
    Devil death sqad did way WAY better than you did and they didn't needed gladiators.
    And also your no one to tell what team Berzer to make and who to invite.
    Common now show that you're grown people and leave that thread and just play the ****ing game.
    Just responding to the DDS comment, i'd just like to say that we had dc's both games. In one we had Atossa dc midway then the next Absorbius dc'd...I guess we need to get people with internet connections and skills huh lol?

  4. So first of all I'd like to say that my mind is blown by the amount of screenshots you guys have, I wouldnt be surprised if you take a screenshot of yourself taking a peepee even.

    Now regarding Berz's leadership and whatnot, honestly, I think he's a really chill dude, down to earth, and fun to have a conversation with, he knows when to take control of the situation and he knows when to let others step in when needed, for me thats the definition of a leader. Anyways, hes the only person from alliance who even tried to make friends on horde, and guess what, it worked out for him, the rest of you alliance guys didnt even bother to try (or did you? :p)

    #Bosnian is the biggest troll I ever met and played with since wotlk, if u think these are his real binds, haha :D

    Tdot, honestly, im a bit disappointed with wat u posted dude. You know people whisper for a reason, taking a screenshot of it and posting it publicly is one hell of a backstab that will only get people to dislike you more, I hope you realize what you just accomplished; kaspi aint gonna like you more than he does, and you basically showed to everyone that they shouldnt whisper you any of their personal opinions (trust issues?)

    Kaspi, I understand that you guys had a deal with berz, but seriously? no DONORS? its pathetic man, you claim to be the top pvp guild on alliance with players at the top of arena brackets yada yada yada, yet you have the guts to ask something like that? how do you think that's gonna reflect on you, your guild, your guildies, and your future recruits?

    Anyways, I have so much respect for DDS for putting up an amazing fight on satuday (props to healmachine for his insane saves on me lol), they even queued twice and didnt have any arguments on whos playing and who's not, they got some really good players, they even tried to come up with creative ways to win (Hi Mental :p). You on the other hand, what exactly did you do other than ban DONORS members from playing against you, how are you even gonna progress as a pvp guild if you dont face a decent team and come up with new strats, or is your ego too huge to accept reality and do something about it.

    @Nasty, loved your analysis dude, I wish I can read more unbiased and non-negative comments like that! (who am I kidding right? :p)

    Much love boys <3

  5. hes the only person from alliance who even tried to make friends on horde, and guess what, it worked out for him, the rest of you alliance guys didnt even bother to try (or did you? :p)
    What do u mean with "only person on ally"? >_<

    (props to healmachine for his insane saves on me lol)
    Anytime mate :D

  6. wait? what?


    this was planned for weeks and your gonna lie about it just like that?
    hahahaahahahahh wot

  7. So first of all I'd like to say that my mind is blown by the amount of screenshots you guys have, I wouldnt be surprised if you take a screenshot of yourself taking a peepee even.
    omg ty lol. that was actually the very first thing i thought of but forgot to include it in my post lol, minus the peepee part :D

    Kaspi, I understand that you guys had a deal with berz, but seriously? no DONORS? its pathetic man, ............... or is your ego too huge to accept reality and do something about it.
    i don't necessarily agree here. from my understanding, it was originally intended to be a guild vs guild. be it for bragging rights or what not, no idea. a broken deal is still a broken deal. as for them seemingly intentionally avoiding donors members, it does appear so but i don't really know. i do agree that if they start fighting vs a better guild, they will [if willing] improve themselves. but i play for fun, so idc about ego. was high on retail, here, etc. dont care about epeen contests so i don't share much and understandably get called a liar :P no worries. but even if i was nab, it's plain to see that challenging urself is what gets results. if donors is indeed better then yall, suck it up. it won't hurt to admit it, at least to urself. to us, go ahead with the "im best. even if i lose, ur nab, i win". i've done it too lol, and will do it again at some point. but i know who's outplayed me, but i won't avoid them, i'll play them more.. unless ofc it's not a skill issue but a bug issue or somethin, but even then i'll give it my best to try n outplay both them and the bug... if not..................... i'll queue dodge <3 lawl

    oh n as for the comment about opposing faction friends :p my shaman whoa exists cuz of that very reason. i came to aid some guildy in hellfire, ending up in a large brawl of like 7v7 or 5v5 or somethin. logged horde, chatted with them, made friends lol.

  8. Tdot, honestly, im a bit disappointed with wat u posted dude. You know people whisper for a reason, taking a screenshot of it and posting it publicly is one hell of a backstab that will only get people to dislike you more, I hope you realize what you just accomplished; kaspi aint gonna like you more than he does, and you basically showed to everyone that they shouldnt whisper you any of their personal opinions (trust issues?)
    You make it seem like people already didn't dislike me :^), do I care? No.

    A few weeks before Christmas twoeasy came to me and asked if I wanted to help them "snipe" infected in RBG, I said yes but shortly after I changed my mind because had I gone through with it he probably wouldn't have talked to me again, and losing "friendships" over a 20 minute game dosent seem worth it. Maybe someone like Berzer thinks it is but when your personally lied to for weeks you'd feel a certain was just as well

    And also I did show something, we have Berzer flexing with the help of donors. His reason for even bringing donors is because Kenny called herg a "virgin nerd" and who f*cking cares if he is? Is it a big deal? No. Hergs attitude shows based off how upset he was that maybe he is a "virgin nerd" but I don't care really. Also holylightz was lying to every single person in this entire thread. He wanted it to seem this was some last minute thing ... But it wasent, this snipe and team itself was planned for weeks to take out infected. Agreements were broken, and that's that. There is no putting it "nicely" here

  9. Flexing? No....Some people had to be punished and it is what happened.Nobody messes with my guildies.
    Im not Kaspi to call my owm members Trash or useless like he did today after the Random bg we won em 3v6 today
    6m premade with a useless healer against 2healer, good game.
    I delivered Justice and thats about it.You changed your mind Tdot because your scared to take a decision and act and accepted the spanking they did to you in the past ,no wonder Fatality wont progress and is mainly because of you taking care of it and befriend Guild leaders liek Kaspi.Youve become one wonderful TDog to Kaspi.Congratz

    Edited: January 26, 2016

  10. Kaspi, I understand that you guys had a deal with berz, but seriously? no DONORS? its pathetic man, you claim to be the top pvp guild on alliance with players at the top of arena brackets yada yada yada, yet you have the guts to ask something like that? how do you think that's gonna reflect on you, your guild, your guildies, and your future recruits?
    I am sorry, but I think you understood it wrong there. The agreement was to not fight Twoeasy and Abbi, I didn`t mind about other Donors members. That is also what the skype screenshot shows.
    I even spoke to Neurotech and a few other people and told them, that I don`t have any problem with Donors, just 2 members of theirs. I don`t generalize a guild because of 2 persons....

    hes the only person from alliance who even tried to make friends on horde, and guess what, it worked out for him, the rest of you alliance guys didnt even bother to try (or did you? :p)
    That statment is just nonsense. If you really think, that he is the only alliance player having friends on the horde side then you clearly are blind.

    @Nasty, I like the competition, but due to happenings in the past there are several people I can and maybe will never trust. I thought Berzer was a nice guy until yesterday. I could write a book about "how to destroy all in 20minutes".
    Also, I never forbid him to bring members of Donors, just 2 specific members, and he agreed + broke it.

    Flexing? No....Some people had to be punished and it is what happened.Nobody messes with my guildies.
    Im not Kaspi to call my owm members Trash or useless like he did today after the Random bg we won em 3v6 today

    I delivered Justice and thats about it.You changed your mind Tdot because your scared to take a decision and act and accepted the spanking they did to you in the past ,no wonder Fatality wont progress and is mainly because of you taking care of it and befriend Guild leaders liek Kaspi.Youve become one wonderful TDog to Kaspi.Congratz

    Somebody had to be punished because 1 of my guildies said something about your buddy Bgherg, really? That was not a punishment, that was a shot in your own feet with destroying relationships forever + alot of Donors members are not happy about it either, yes I spoke to some.

    Good job for winning 4 vs 6, because you queued as 4m with Holylightz, he was just not in your guild, but part of you group so it does not matter.
    I normally don´t do this, but I still state some facts about that BG even it`s just a random BG, but it seems like you are so proud of it.
    First of all Ahzriel should have been healer, I told him. He forgot to change spec.
    Second of all, Arson played arcane in PvP, which he normally never playes. Due to that, less survivabilty + CC.
    Third of all, Kenny is playing rogue. He is playing rogue for 2days now in PvP. I personally helped him out abit.
    Fourth of all Dupiciel the shadow priest was 388 itemlvl, so he can`t really do much.
    Fifth of all the priest healer we had was completly way off, never went with our FC when we tried to cap and simply died way too easy because he was in holy spec.

    You got a lucky cap after we capped the first flag because we were stuck in combat and the feral could nearly freecap, although I spammed the BG chat to stop the EFC.
    And then you did tunnel in your flagroom with your 2healer and 3ret paladins oneshotting all, because our priest healer was useless.
    As I said, GG for that fight.

    "a wonderful TDog"... you don`t understand the difference between having a good relationship and pretending to have a good relationship just to break promises. Atleast he does not lie unlike you.
    It was all proven, that this was planned for a while, that you lied to me on purpose. Don´t make me look like the bad guy, when all here already know, that you Berzer, yes you. You are the bad guy.
    With all your sayings here you already destroyed your relationship with atleast 1 guy who was helping you, and that is not me.
    Edited: January 26, 2016

  11. I am sorry, but I think you understood it wrong there. The agreement was to not fight Twoeasy and Abbi, I didn`t mind about other Donors members. That is also what the skype screenshot shows.
    I even spoke to Neurotech and a few other people and told them, that I don`t have any problem with Donors, just 2 members of theirs. I don`t generalize a guild because of 2 persons....

    @Nasty, I like the competition, but due to happenings in the past there are several people I can and maybe will never trust. I thought Berzer was a nice guy until yesterday. I could write a book about "how to destroy all in 20minutes".
    Also, I never forbid him to bring members of Donors, just 2 specific members, and he agreed + broke it.

    Somebody had to be punished because 1 of my guildies said something about your buddy Bgherg, really? That was not a punishment, that was a shot in your own feet with destroying relationships forever + alot of Donors members are not happy about it either, yes I spoke to some.

    Good job for winning 4 vs 6, because you queued as 4m with Holylightz, he was just not in your guild, but part of you group so it does not matter.
    I normally don´t do this, but I still state some facts about that BG even it`s just a random BG, but it seems like you are so proud of it.
    First of all Ahzriel should have been healer, I told him. He forgot to change spec.
    Second of all, Arson played arcane in PvP, which he normally never playes. Due to that, less survivabilty + CC.
    Third of all, Kenny is playing rogue. He is playing rogue for 2days now in PvP. I personally helped him out abit.
    Fourth of all Dupiciel the shadow priest was 388 itemlvl, so he can`t really do much.
    Fifth of all the priest healer we had was completly way off, never went with our FC when we tried to cap and simply died way too easy because he was in holy spec.

    You got a lucky cap after we capped the first flag because we were stuck in combat and the feral could nearly freecap, although I spammed the BG chat to stop the EFC.
    And then you did tunnel in your flagroom with your 2healer and 3ret paladins oneshotting all, because our priest healer was useless.
    As I said, GG for that fight.

    "a wonderful TDog"... you don`t understand the difference between having a good relationship and pretending to have a good relationship just to break promises. Atleast he does not lie unlike you.
    It was all proven, that this was planned for a while, that you lied to me on purpose. Don´t make me look like the bad guy, when all here already know, that you Berzer, yes you. You are the bad guy.
    With all your sayings here you already destroyed your relationship with 1 guy who was helping you, and that is not me.
    You never helped me in anyway and we were 3 man premade... Me lights as ret and jorata as first time heal. Quit excusing youtself while you lost.
    Sounds pathetic and i never really had a good relationship with you.And the only person who was helping me? Give me a break! Ive been leading clans and guilds for 10 years now and the only help i`ve ever gotten are from no others than those behind me and believe me they are a lot!

  12. You never helped me in anyway and we were 3 man premade... Me lights as ret and jorata as first time heal. Quit excusing youtself while you lost.
    Sounds pathetic and i never really had a good relationship with you.And the only person who was helping me? Give me a break! Ive been leading clans and guilds for 10 years now and the only help i`ve ever gotten are from no others than those behind me and believe me they are a lot!
    How can I have a good relationship with you, when you said, that I trick you into subwars... WTF.
    How can I have a good relationship with you, when you get so upset via game? Instead of being a leader, whispering me about a problem and telling me, that you strongle dislike it.
    I had no idea how hurt your feelings were in that BG over nothing, over just making fun. If you are really that emotionally, then I excuse Kenny for doing that and tell him to not do it again.

    And the only person who was helping me?
    I said, that atleast 1 person who helped you does not support you anymore for what you did.

    What do you want to tell me with your almighty 10years experience? Sucessful? I think you are sucessful with getting other people to carry you, yes! You`ve gotten help, hell they even lead the rated BG for you. What kind of a leader are you, when you don`t even lead your own events and let other people do it. What kind of a leader are you to trick others, agree with a deal and then break it.
    Think about it.
    Peace out!
    Edited: January 26, 2016

  13. The thread and video should be called Donors + friends, not otherwise. Anyways GG. Peace out.
    No, the thread and the video should be named just the way they are.
    1It was "your group" when you cry like a baby not knowing how to beat us... oh well ask your horde "friends" for 7/10 people LOL`d.
    This was Berzerinas group with 3 people from Donors, Abbi, Murk, Me.
    I get that you see Neurotech as a part of Donors but he's neutral and has always been. He will jump in wherever that may be.
    Twohard has been a part of Anarchy Inc for a very long time. He has a paladin in Anarchy on Alliance with the same gear and same skill. It doesn't really matter if the name happened to be Twohard and inside the guild Donors this time. Same goes obviously for your friend Gospel who was not in the guild when this RBG took place. To be completely honest with you this doesn't really matter, does it?

    You already told Berzerina the following;
    "You can bring anyone you'd like from Donors, just not Twoeasy and Abbi because they're the ones that I dont like"
    So lets not bring up the "7/10" when you were clearly fine with it.

    The fact that you wont willingly do RBG against anyone if Me and Abbi were to be on the enemy team blows my mind. I've spoken with a select few people in your guild and they would like to queue against us. Latest one was Kenny, I never thought I would have a friendly conversation with this person but I guess I was wrong.
    Wouldn't it feel good to just smash our heads in a little? You and your god damn pride.
    We all already know that you dislike me and Abbi for being so called "toxic" and "disrespectful" but is this really the case? Why is that? Seriously?
    I have yet to see a single good reason for you to act like you do against us. I've had people trying to ask you about it, because we would all like to know why you have such hatred against us but you just wont explain it.

    Spoiler: Show

    You won't even tell your own guild about it, I don't know really but I can imagine that atleast someone did ask about it.
    Spoiler: Show

    Are we really toxic and disrespectful for using emotes that are meant to be used? - No
    Are we really toxic and disrespectful for using the flag that is meant to be used? - No
    Are we really toxic and disrespectful for using weird numbers&letters that turn out as text for Alliance? - No
    Are we using them a little bit too much? Perhaps... I'll agree to that.

    Why? Your guild is doing this aswell. Ofcourse we'll do it.
    Just take a look at Dizzyrelicx for example. Is this player a toxic and disrespectful person aswell?
    What about this young fella? I take it he's toxic aswell. (Why would this guy even spam that)

    1 week ago in another thread you wrote me this, remember?

    No, Kaspi. We didn't get this addon just because we lost a BG similair to the 3v9 (see spoiler 3) but because members from your guild become so unbelievably happy because you finally manage to win a bg once a month. This is what happens, you'll get 2 people from Infected most likely there to trashtalk you. That was right after the 3v9 camp.

    @Nasty, I like the competition, but due to happenings in the past there are several people I can and maybe will never trust. I thought Berzer was a nice guy until yesterday. I could write a book about "how to destroy all in 20minutes".
    Don't forget to mention the time you threatened to get us banned for wintrading, I'm sure you'll shine up in his eyes and that will most likely make you look like a better leader too.

    This one is for you Nasty, whoever you may be.
    Go ahead and write your book Kaspi but don't you forget about the "My attempt of getting DONORS banned for wintrading"-chapter
    The GM of the biggest PvP guild willingly dodges 2 rbg's in order for him to attempt and get us all banned for "wintrading". Pfft, get outta here. And you wonder why we dislike your guild? WE should be the one's not wanting to play against You.

    I can't believe you talk about crybabies when you yourself can't seem to take a few emotes/flags. It makes me sick to my stomach that you even tell us all "it`s a game, get over it"

    So now, drop the pride, tell us the real reasons to why this hatred against us exists + queue rbg pls
    Edited: January 26, 2016

  14. Spoiler: Show
    Edited: January 26, 2016

  15. Loyal?:D Wtf wake up its a game he dont need to be loyal to anyone.
    Flexing? No....Some people had to be punished and it is what happened...

    I delivered Justice and thats about it...

    I don't know man. This seems like a mother_ucking judicial system here. Justice and dishing out punishments. This has left the "its a game" boundary eons ago.

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