1. May 11, 2016  
    I would just say to poster of this thread....just watch "Funky's" stream when Aurora is raiding, hope this helps, saving your dignity here, you will otherwise get bashed, there's plenty of other friendly guilds, good luck mate :)

  2. May 11, 2016  

  3. May 11, 2016  
    We are more than friendly, and such attacks are not appreciated when they come from the outside.
    The fact that we exist as long as we do and don't disband and try to make a new community every time says more then enough.
    Our history speaks for itself.
    You can love us or hate us, want to be with us or not. That won't change the fact what we have and what we are.
    Each guild has their own way of leading things and dealing with things, so why should it be discussed from the outside where people don't know what's going on?
    If you don't like us, walk around us. If you have issues with any of the members - pm an officer and we will deal with it.
    Let's all just have fun here and respect since we are all more than old enough ?

    Cheers bois. :)

  4. May 11, 2016  
    Because, in my experience, people joining your guild changes the person. For the worse. And I don't ever see you, nor any of your other officers trying to do anything about that.
    I don't believe this. Many people have joined the guild and still are ever since 2012. Some players might not be friendly sure but it's not a good idea to label the whole guild in its entirety as non-friendly. Furthermore, almost every guild will have players that are not friendly and players that are. There's no escaping it unless you want to limit the guild heavily and that's something we won't do.

    what do you do about your members who try so hard to talk **** to other people outside the guild? As a leader in said guild, do you not care about the image their behavior projects? Because from what I've seen, you don't. I've never once addressed a specific individual. What I've said is about the guild. I'm not condemning any specific person, because I know that it may or may not include that person.
    That's the thing though. You can't address the whole guild. It's not appropriate. I think it's better to report X player(s) for whatever they have done. For example, if I notice 3-4 players misbehaving in a pug raid and all are from X guild, should I go ahead and say X guild is not friendly? If X guild has over 100 members...does X guild really deserve to be labelled as such?

    It's mentioned in our recruitment thread. If there is a problem with a member(s) in the guild, report them via in-game or PM with evidence. If that is done, then it will be looked into. How are we supposed to know what our members are doing outside of our scheduled guild runs?

    Not only is your guild not friendly at all, but it also makes the community as a whole more hostile, which ruins a bunch of the fun people are supposed to have playing the game.
    I've received both positive and negative feedback about the guild from players outside of the guild(the community). It depends on who you meet and happen to play with from the guild. Again, you can't say it's not friendly based on a few incidents that occurred with a few members. Who knows...those members might not even be playing anymore.

    As for your second line, yes you most certainly can. The fact that these behaviors are so rampant, and even come from leadership within your guild, tells me that you don't even try. You don't even try.
    We don't know what our members do and how they behave outside of scheduled guild runs. If X member from the guild is, for example, trash talking in a pug run, then how are we supposed to know about this if the player isn't reported to us?

  5. May 11, 2016  
    That's the thing though. You can't address the whole guild. It's not appropriate. I think it's better to report X player(s) for whatever they have done. For example, if I notice 3-4 players misbehaving in a pug raid and all are from X guild, should I go ahead and say X guild is not friendly? If X guild has over 100 members...does X guild really deserve to be labelled as such?

    It's mentioned in our recruitment thread. If there is a problem with a member(s) in the guild, report them via in-game or PM with evidence. If that is done, then it will be looked into. How are we supposed to know what our members are doing outside of our scheduled guild runs?
    Personally, I stopped reading here 'cause a giant question pops in my head and I have to address it.

    You state that people can't generalize and I do fully agree. Specific individuals should be pointed out and called out as an individual and not as a "pack" if I'm allowed to say it. But here's the funny joke about this particular situation;

    I recall MULTIPLE SITUATIONS, WHERE MULTIPLE AURORA MEMBERS called out guilds and called the same members of those guilds hackers or exploiters, through a curious generalization that you don't like to see.

    If you don't want to see the same methods being applied to your guild you shouldn't allow your members to do the same thing when they have the chance. Will I be asked again for proof about this or can you all be honest and admit your own mistakes as a guild? Quite honestly, I find it ironic how you guys call the common sense to the conversation and then you present so many flaws in your theory. Hypocrisy is a thing that DOES NOT fit in a friendly guild. You should know better before exposing yourself to this situations.
    Edited: May 11, 2016

  6. May 11, 2016  
    If you have issues with any of the members - pm an officer and we will deal with it.
    Do you know what this translates to when people read it?
    "We won't do jack unless you report the person to us. Even then, there's no guarantee anything will happen, unless we need to take steps to save our *** from a ban."
    Funny thing, because that's usually exactly what happens. If you guys did, in fact, put effort into controlling the BS your members commit, they wouldn't be behaving the way the do, in the frequency in which they do.
    Also, would I need to report Matt to one of you before you decided it was necessary to slap him for the content he's posting? He's not exactly helping your image here.
    And what if the complaint is about one of your officers or your leader? Obviously nothing will be done there, except more raging from their parts, right?

    As we speak right now, there are PMs being sent, talking trash about me specifically. I know it. You know it. We both know who is sending them, and to whom, and for what reason. And it's not just one of your members.

    Additionally, I don't know how much you guys know about this, since you've been stuck in the same atmosphere for so many years - but you do realize that the behavior of the officers, the image they project, and the general behavior of what is and is not allowed in the guild does have an effect on the general behavior of that guild's members, right?
    Anyone who's been in enough guilds can make this observation. This observation also indicates the sort of behavior you witness from that guild's members generally reflects the atmosphere in said guild.

    So, with that said, let's talk about my guild just for a moment.
    My members have been in trouble with other people and the forum staff a few times. The reason for that is because they call out people who cheat, and people who are incredibly rude. They've done so in varying degrees of their own rudeness, but mostly not (feel free to prove otherwise, I will discipline people if necessary). What does that say about the atmosphere in my own guild? That they are xenophobic and like to cause drama? No. What it projects is that they are outspoken and care greatly about specific things and ideals.
    In the words of Donald Trump, I want to make our community great again. And I can't do that so long as there are so many people that insist on creating grudges between guilds based on personal vendettas, blatant elitism and disrespect of other people that are not a part of their own guild, and attempts to cause trouble (or even get people banned) because of their concern with other people's progression within the content available.
    And it's impossible to make the community great again so long as there are groups of people that propagate this sort of behavior, and so long as the people at fault do not care about the issues at hand, or how it affects the community.

    This is why I went to Horde, because it's the best I can do to rid myself of what prevents me from making the community great again - move myself to the other side of the community. If anyone actually feels it's an issue of a grudge or a personal vendetta on my part, then I feel sorry for them I guess, but knowing the amount of lies and propaganda that have been said/spouted about me by certain individuals within your own community, I don't doubt that I'm hated regardless of how well know or not I am by the individuals in question.

    So, to put it plainly, this "report the person and we'll deal with it then" is a lazy approach even if you are sincere about it, and it helps nobody in this community except maybe yourselves (which is probably the only reason it has been said in the first place).

    I don't believe this. Many people have joined the guild and still are ever since 2012. Some players might not be friendly sure but it's not a good idea to label the whole guild in its entirety as non-friendly. Furthermore, almost every guild will have players that are not friendly and players that are. There's no escaping it unless you want to limit the guild heavily and that's something we won't do.
    Why isn't it a good idea? The majority of your membership are not friendly to the community around them, and your leadership does absolutely nothing to rectify that. Hell, even some of the leadership mentioned are part of the issue themselves, and add to it. If that doesn't say anything about the guild as a whole, I don't know what does. You are a cool guy, Joe, I know that - but you are not the sole representative of your guild. In fact, you're more of a representative of the minority within your guild. I don't know why you can't see that. Perhaps it's because you refuse to believe in the possibility of these "friends" that you made could actually be really terrible people.

    That's the thing though. You can't address the whole guild. It's not appropriate. I think it's better to report X player(s) for whatever they have done. For example, if I notice 3-4 players misbehaving in a pug raid and all are from X guild, should I go ahead and say X guild is not friendly? If X guild has over 100 members...does X guild really deserve to be labelled as such?
    See above. Why can't I address the whole guild? If there are a few individuals that don't personally cause such problems, they are certainly guilty by association - they continue to be a part of the group, which is an indication that they don't believe it's worth changing, or worth leaving.
    It's mentioned in our recruitment thread. If there is a problem with a member(s) in the guild, report them via in-game or PM with evidence. If that is done, then it will be looked into. How are we supposed to know what our members are doing outside of our scheduled guild runs?
    If that were truly the case, then either A) the leadership condones the problems with the membership, or B) you just don't care. If you actually would discipline these people or gkick them, A) your members wouldn't be behaving like they do (there are already examples of their behavior in this thread), or B) your guild probably wouldn't have enough members to do a 10m raid, much less bother with top-end 25-man heroic content.
    I've received both positive and negative feedback about the guild from players outside of the guild(the community). It depends on who you meet and happen to play with from the guild. Again, you can't say it's not friendly based on a few incidents that occurred with a few members. Who knows...those members might not even be playing anymore.
    Yes, it depends on if I chill with you or Loli in the Dalaran bank vs. reading Matt telling people that Rogues don't need expertise on the new core and insulting anyone who disagrees with him. Thing is, the hostilities are far more visible by the public, and this has been an ongoing issue for years. If I were to speak personally, about what's just happened to me, I already know that if you were to gkick those involved, you'd be missing half of your core raiders and officers. Thing is, though, unlike a lot of people, I let that stuff stay in the past. Yet, at the same time, I know there's an officer of your guild trying to push personal issues in PM with Palutena to get me "in trouble", because he takes personal issue with me speaking up.
    We don't know what our members do and how they behave outside of scheduled guild runs. If X member from the guild is, for example, trash talking in a pug run, then how are we supposed to know about this if the player isn't reported to us?
    That's a problem. As advice from a fellow player with lots of officer and guild master experience, I highly advise you to get on top of that issue and learn about your membership. If the only thing you care about is raids, that's great. But you can't promote yourself as a "friendly guild" when you openly admit you don't know what your members do outside of raid - because, for the most part, what they do outside of raid is usually fairly terrible.
    And even with that excuse, I already know that a lot of the terrible things that go on, you are openly aware of -- you have to be, unless you're unaware of what your other officers are doing as well. Which, in one particular case, I do know with certainty that you are absolutely aware of some terrible things that go on. Like gkicking members for posting on another guild's thread in a friendly manner --- which tells us you are openly against being friendly with other guilds. And it's not the first time this has happened. Your guild's leadership has threatened to gkick the bulk of your core raiders in the past due to people having alts in another guild. Again, this delivers the message that you are not a friendly guild, and you have no interest in friendly relations with the other guilds around you. Instead, your guild sees all other guilds who are capable of being a "rival guild" an enemy. This is not the type of community I want. I don't want people to be enemies. Instead, I'd rather have people change for the better.

    <Insert "I Have A Dream" Speech here>
    Imagine the things we could accomplish together.

  7. May 11, 2016  
    Something else I'd like to add, since this has actually been a rather enlightening and interesting debate: This has nothing to do with progression or jealousy. Most of our guild members have done and farmed LoD before in various guilds.

    Using progression as a means of bashing others (or guilds) doesn't really say much about what makes your own guild better.
    Consider that there really are no guilds that are a threat to you, the content is locked in place and has been cleared for over 4 years now (6 in total if you count how old the content is). You all have the server firsts so in terms of progression races, those ended a long time ago.

    The server was a much better place to be and play on back in 2012. Personally, I'm not a fan of elitism or using progression as a means of justifying how good I am or how big my epeen is. What's changed between 2012 and now is the number of people who've caught up in "progression" and managed to clear content. The attitudes and egos that came of it has been what's turned the community so toxic and hostile.

    Wouldn't it be better for top guilds to set the example rather than be part of the problem? I personally have nothing against individual Aurora members and for the most part I've been respectful to your members who make bashing posts. I don't know them and they don't know me so I can't comment on what they may or may not have done.

    What I do have issues with is the way they carry themselves in terms of measuring out what makes them right and someone else wrong. Assuming most of your members are in their mid-late 20's, I'd say lets stop acting like we're all still in high school and conduct ourselves accordingly moving forward.
    Edited: May 11, 2016

  8. May 11, 2016  
    After a quick catch up, I guess it's safe to say the OP will not be joining any of our guilds.

    Many people have joined the guild and still are ever since 2012.
    From what I remember of 2012 the community as a whole was much different. There was considerably much less guild drama happening, a lot of guilds were actually allied, about everyone I came in contact with was interested in helping people out, and above all else, people were much more loyal to their guilds. I definitely miss those days and there's no doubt in my mind that your old members stick around, mostly because they're from that era.
    Edited: May 11, 2016

  9. May 11, 2016  
    old members stick around, mostly because they're from that era.
    I'm from that era, if EoA hadn't died off I'd probably still be there today.

  10. May 11, 2016  
    I'm from the era when Crysis was the best damn Alliance guild EU. And Guerrilla Warfare deh best Horde guild mon'

  11. May 11, 2016  
    Hey guys, I just got to 80 on my Human Paladin. And now I'm looking for a way to gear up. Since RDF is behaving really weird, I want to find a friendly guild with Gungeon/Raid runs.

    I'm 23 years old. Friendly player from Norway. My In-game character is Elytheus (Human Paladin) on Ragnaros. /w me in-game guys.
    Ignoring the (very entertaining) **** storm currently taking place, I recommend waiting till Icecrown as all the guilds have to be remade there anyways. You will also get a larger choice in the number of guilds. Quite clearly your choice for a "friendly" guild currently on Alliance is quite limited...

  12. May 11, 2016  
    I'm from the era when Crysis was the best damn Alliance guild EU. And Guerrilla Warfare deh best Horde guild mon'

    Do you remember OF DOOM? Man, those were the times...

  13. May 11, 2016  
    Do you remember OF DOOM? Man, those were the times...
    Don't mind me, just sitting here like who the heck is that. All you oldies, making me feel like a newbie.
    But I know who Crysis was!

  14. May 11, 2016  
    I have played Molten and then Warmane from the early days, always sticking to my small guild which even had some small achievements but they were never shared with anyone here on the forums or in-game. Elenthir, a guild of friends is like a family. That is what you should seek in a guild. All of the guilds here are purely machines that take people, process them and take out the loot. And for some reason that makes them feel like they're great or even majestic, thinking that they have the right to talk down to others.

    Some people feel they're important. Some people feel like their importance gives them the right to be superior. Some feel ancient and feel like their age matters. What truly matters is the memories, the people you find and have fun with and for that you don't need a guild, just grab the first player you see and say hey, magic will happen and raids/dungeons will come after. Your circle is what determines where you go and what you do.

    As for all the guilds here, it's sad to see what level of you've all sunk to. Let me just remind of you of a smart thing one guy said: All problems that start with the mouth are solved when the mouth closes.

    So shut your traps.

  15. May 11, 2016  
    I have played Molten and then Warmane from the early days, always sticking to my small guild which even had some small achievements but they were never shared with anyone here on the forums or in-game. Elenthir, a guild of friends is like a family. That is what you should seek in a guild. All of the guilds here are purely machines that take people, process them and take out the loot. And for some reason that makes them feel like they're great or even majestic, thinking that they have the right to talk down to others.

    Some people feel they're important. Some people feel like their importance gives them the right to be superior. Some feel ancient and feel like their age matters. What truly matters is the memories, the people you find and have fun with and for that you don't need a guild, just grab the first player you see and say hey, magic will happen and raids/dungeons will come after. Your circle is what determines where you go and what you do.

    As for all the guilds here, it's sad to see what level of you've all sunk to. Let me just remind of you of a smart thing one guy said: All problems that start with the mouth are solved when the mouth closes.

    So shut your traps.
    Psssh, go stand in more crap you scrub.
    I'm jk, I wish I had AMS to stand in stuff too :/

    On a serious note, I do agree.

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