1. You might want to turn down graphic detail and your resolution a little bit.
    It makes me wonder which kind of hardware you have as Wotlk has been released 8 (eight) years ago. It's not exactly a very demanding game to today's standards.
    Could you please tell me what's inside your computer?
    I have no problems at all to say that my computer isn't that an amazing machine. And don't think that everyone else has xpto computer to handle 100 totems on the ground without problems either. Thousand of players may have still. Same as me, or worse even
    So all in all, that doesn't really matter. Even if it does, my point stands

  2. I don't agree. I have played multiple WG battles and from my perspective, my experience and the screenshots and complaints in this thread, the mutliboxing is the cause of the lag.
    Anyone who is familiar with Wintergrasp in the long-term knows very good and well that Wintergrasp's very nature will cause lag for the players involved, due to the large scale of players. Whether or not those characters are played by one person or by many people is irrelevant.
    You do really care? It doesn't look like honestly, no offense
    "no offense" doesn't make the accusation 'ok'. If I didn't care, would I be posting here? My posting here looks like I don't care? Well then... I guess I'm doomed if I post, and I'm doomed if I don't. Yes?
    So you're saying that you devs delete topics / posts "regularly", don't you think then there's something off about that?
    Considering that our developers rarely post on the forum and never delete topics or posts, I would assume you're making wild accusations. Or that you meant moderators, in which case, we only delete things that violate the forum rules and/or qualifies as spam (such as when multiple topics already exist for a certain subject).
    Obviously it's pratically impossible to make everyone happy, hell, GOD knows how though it is to make everyone happy, but don't you think it's time to listen to the crowd for once and perhaps make some changes?
    To which crowd would you be referring? The loud few posting here, or ranting in general/raid chat in Wintergrasp? The vast majority of the community is unaffected, and those who are, are affected very briefly. Even so, why should that warrant a change? This crowd is essentially crying out for a change, or even removal, of the playstyle of others. There is an even larger crowd that cries out against ganking, for example. Should we start banning anyone who kills a player more than, say, 5 or 10 levels above their victim?
    You said several times that mboxing is allowed here because it is on retail. I fought really hard to try to understand what's that logic about "we have to be the same as retail!", but I really can't... you do realise that the impact things cause on retail has nothing to do with the impact boxing cause here, right? This is a private server still, meaning that costume changes are required, otherwise it's just a mess. On retail boxers were easly doable, meanwhile in here they are impossible to be killed no matter what and 1- shot 5 ppl at same time.
    I don't believe I mentioned in my post, or any of my previous posts, that multiboxing is allowed on Warmane "because it was allowed on retail". As far as custom changes are concerned, you do know that there are people who get outraged at custom changes, yes?
    Also, how do you mean that on retail multiboxers were "easily doable", but are "impossible to be killed" here on Warmane? What is the basis for this distinction? What difference is there between here and there that makes them killable vs. unkillable?
    Team with mboxers around turn the battleground a 99.9% chance to win it, instead of 50-50 as it should, so you just let them wreck everyone around, let him do whatever he wants, ruining the PvP experience for everyone, and you gonna pretend it's all good?
    I disagree. Let's say that one side of a 50vs.50 has multiboxers (humoring your example). 20 slots on the multiboxer's team is taken up by that multiboxer. How do you beat that multiboxer? The answer is fairly simple, you avoid them. If your team just avoids the multiboxer, they become far less effective, since 20 units out of that team of 50 is stuck in one, tight-knit, location. However, tactical analysis is rarely executed by random teams, and most people are, for whatever reason, compelled to just run into the opposition and attempt to overcome it with their own singular brute force. This means you should re-think the situation and change how you play. That means its a challenge. So, for what reason do you play a video game? To have fun, yes? What parts of a video game do you consider fun? The parts where you destroy your enemy, stomp them, spam your sit-down keybind on their corpe(s)? How about the part of video games that require a bit of skill, thought, and provoke a challenge?
    Lots of people said that you do allow mboxing because with it you win lots of cash that helps the server, but some of you (don't remember who said exactly) told that it was not the reason, by that answer, if you really gonna disable mboxing, I bet you have absolutely nothing to lose then right? ;)
    Technically speaking, while a single multiboxer is far more likely to donate, they are still just a single person. Therefore, the income they would be valued at is still based on their own income and willingness to donate as a single person. Which means, effectively, while they may have a greater incentive to donate, a multiboxer is still one person.

    With that said, no, the financial aspect of the situation has very little to do with why we allow it. The complains, to us, are much on the level of ganking and the prospect of a PvE server. We do hear the complaints and recognize the concers; we do listen. If we do not take action on those concerns, that does not mean we are not listening to them.

    But does that mean we have nothing to lose by "disabling" multiboxing? Of course we do. The staff rarely looks at the situation purely based on what the staff can get out of it, if at all or ever. There are parts of the community that has a lot to lose. There are members of this community that would lose an enitre play-style. We can't be anymore deaf to these players than we can be to the players that complain about them. It's important to see both sides of it. So, how would we go about "disabling" multiboxing then? Start banning players who play on multiple characters at once? If so, how far should it go? Should we ban someone for multiboxing 5 characters? Should we ban someone for multiboxing 2 characters? How about multiboxing 2 characters in separate areas, one in dalaran and one in the dungeon finder? Should we ban someone for logging an alt account to transfer some item or gold from a bank to a character on their 2nd account? How would we differentiate these situations and how would we handle the reports? You may find only 20+ characters unfair. There may be other players who find 2 characters unfair, and if we concede to you, the other person will feel entitled to have us concede to them as well.

    It's not nearly as simple as "just that".

    We even opened a poll about this very specific issue, limiting multiboxing and seeing how many multiboxed characters the community would allow. It was on the Lordaeron section of the forum, and we got quite a lot of feedback, amongst the arguments between members of the community. You might consider those for multiboxing to be very a minor part of the community, but there are much more members of the community that don't think it should be disabled at all than you might think. On the thread I mention, nearly 30 percent of the votes on the thread were cast for keeping multiboxing allowed. You might say "Clearly the majority vote is against multiboxing, that's reason enough to not allow it", but we disagree. Even if we made the assumption that poll represented the entire community (which it doesn't), we would be denying that 30% of the community. It'd be more reasonable if the percentage cast was more like 5 percent, but it's not. It was a whopping 28+%, and that's a bigger chunk of the community than what we're willing to act against.
    Link to the mentioned thread: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=308986

    No, I'm not directly asking to dibable it, but I could suggest that you could at least keep them away from battlegrounds and wingergrasp (still allow world PvP / capital cities etc), for me personally that would make a lil bit more sense. I'm positively convinced that if we had a poll to vote, 80%-90% of players would vote against boxing
    This only extends my prior concern. Why should we deny certain players the ability to play a specific part of the game? What makes camping a capital city, or a quest hub (even ganking leveling players there) OK, but not battlegrounds or Wintergrasp, which would be more suitable for these players if they chose to invest themselves into PvP?
    Also, as for a poll, I just linked you one that we had about 9 months ago. And as you can see from it, the numbers are a bit different from what you expected.
    Oh and a last thing, don't be so sure that 80 totems on the ground don't cause lag or fps drop. To be specific, for me, it cause a mass fps drop (60 down to 5-10) - another reason why something should be done
    I'm well aware of the issues Wintergrasp (read: Wintergrasp, not multiboxers) can cause, as having been an active player who played Wintergrasp with some frequency back on retail. It was very well known for the "lag" it would cause, and let me tell you, it is far more stable and acceptable here on Warmane than it was on there - especially if you consider the better computers all of us have at our disposal than what we did 6-8 years ago.

    So, back to your first point - If I, or we, did not care, I would not be posting here. We would not have held the poll that I linked to you up above. We would have completely ignored this thread if we did not care.

  3. Mfw people don't know the difference between their potato powered toaster lagging or their Walmart internet having issues and the realm itself.

  4. Mercy are you one of those 30 char multiboxers?
    You are defending them so hard for years.

    The answer is fairly simple, you avoid them.
    Yeah you clearly are. Only Multiboxer or PVE guy could write that.
    Avoid attacking multiboxer and leave fortress in peril.
    Avoid defending multiboxer and leave +10 minutes to opposite team as a gift.
    Avoid bunkers defense and lose reinforcements.
    Are you aware there are million game objects you can not ignore if you want to win ?

    The one BG you rarely see MBer in is Arathi Basin, because it's only the one part of the game where Multiboxer is absolute garbage and you can use your "avoid him" tactic easy.
    Even if we made the assumption that poll represented the entire community (which it doesn't), we would be denying that 30% of the community.
    There are only 3 guys constantly multiboxing 30 shamans for years.
    Thats clearly 30% of the community, yes.
    Edited: June 10, 2016

  5. [ .. ]
    It makes me wonder which kind of hardware you have as Wotlk has been released 8 (eight) years ago [ .. ]
    That`s actually quite double-edged here because eight years old also means rather badly optimised code for modern specs and usually performing worse than a well-optimised 2015 game on a modern 2016 rig on super ultra graphics.
    However, turning down the graphics is always a good idea

  6. I can only imagine how enjoyable it is to be a multiboxer after reading all this QQ.
    It has been for many years now.

  7. vieiraj, Brinley, Skyplus and all the other ppl in this thread that are against multiboxing, I bet u are all playing on Alliance side arent u?

    How it comes that hardly any horde player are complaining about multiboxing but only alliance who lost against them?
    To me it seems like u just cant deal with the fact that u lost against a multiboxer and now u come here crying and complaining and do everything to harm the boxer.
    What if these multiboxers were green geared and u could easily defeat them? I bet in this case not a single one of u would complain here.

    This leads us to the fundamental problem here: Not multiboxer are the problem but certain individuals who cant deal with a lose.

    P.S. The multiboxer Purplebeer and Borug (me) are in fact defeatable. We lose the WG battle quite often and we also wipe from time to time.
    We are not such almighty killing machines as some ppl here make us look.
    Edited: June 10, 2016

  8. Mfw people don't know the difference between their potato powered toaster lagging or their Walmart internet having issues and the realm itself.
    Wtf are you on about? I've seen Swifty's video where his fps is like 15 (if that) when he fights multiboxer and he has like 10k dollars PC.

  9. vieiraj, Brinley, Skyplus and all the other ppl in this thread that are against multiboxing, I bet u are all playing on Alliance side arent u?
    No **** we're playing on alliancec side, captain, since it's only horde who go wg + bgs as boxer, duh?

    Yeah, it's so easy to say that the others are crying or complaining after bashing with 1 button players that simply want to have fun in PvP, or grab warsong gulch flag and go around killing everyone who tries to return flag, making the 25m to run out and ruining the PvP for everyone? Or assault bases / bunkers in AV for example, being impossible to recap back, unless the entire ally team goes there to rescue it? Or simply camp and frostwolf base, making it impossible to pass through? (check AV screen shots in case you didn't). Do you really expect that single char players like to PvP in this way, have to deal with it and act like everything is fine and normal? Stop saying it doesn't make any difference, because it clearly does. Only those who playing boxing will deny it.

    And fyi none of the boxers are green gear. Sadly they are all (including you, since you said ur Borug or whatever) wrathful gear with 30k + hp

    Now see if you get some balls and come PvP with 1 char if you dare

    PS - Ah nevermind, look - http://imgur.com/CgOQJXs / http://imgur.com/LvmksAh / http://imgur.com/1QID1Dk
    Everything good, just people crying, eh, wow...

    Kill me now pls
    Edited: June 11, 2016

  10. Not multiboxer are the problem but certain individuals
    "certain individuals"

    Whole faction does not like multiboxers + whole blizzard forum section.
    Google "disable multiboxers in pvp" and you will see.

    The reason why only 7-8 players are talking here about that issue is simple - Warmane does not really care cuz moneys income.
    Let Warmane make an oficcial poll "Okay, guys, we are asking you serious: vote for or against multiboxers, and we will remove them from our realms if you vote against" i tell you the poll will be lost for multiboxers not even 80%-20% but more, doesnt matter how many times u will log fake accounts to vote.
    Previous poll was not official and people were voting for fun, personally i voted for multiboxers because it was clear that administration won't take that serious. But even there you have gathered 30% only.

    Multibox limitation to 15-20 characters will allow pugs to deal with them, tho it requires sick coordination, bis gear and people who listen. But who cares about balance when there is everything about moneys.

    who cant deal with a lose
    I can't deal with a lose when i'am forced to que as pug and fight with 1.8gs balkans against constant horde premades packed with 20 healers, but i'am not asking to disable horde premades or forbid em -> it's game mechanic & i've chosen allianec on my own.
    Mercy always loves to compare Multiboxers with Premades, menwhile fighting against premade as pug is way easier than fighting against multiboxer, if its not Arathi Basin, where u rarelly can find MBoxers.
    Edited: June 11, 2016

  11. i cant believe im going to let myself get drawn into this debate.
    i should stop.
    i really should.....

    for the record i dont multibox.

    but, im an ******* and 99% of the forum is full of ignorant people who dont have the intellect nor the actual skill to be good at anything in this game. Yet you come here posting moronic things... i cannot allow this to continue.

    lets begin.

    please actually take the time to read those other stupid QQ threads.

    Its the exact same nonsense most of you are trying to spew here and has already been covered. So do us all a favor and shut the hell up or post in those threads and revive them.

    "certain individuals"

    Whole faction does not like multiboxers + whole blizzard forum section.
    Google "disable multiboxers in pvp" and you will see.
    oh no u dint girlfriend. you brought up google. omg latisha!

    listen. this is not retail. stop bringing up retail and comparing it to here as far as how its hated. its allowed there so its allowed here. that should pretty much put an end to this dumb argument.

    The reason why only 7-8 players are talking here about that issue is simple - Warmane does not really care cuz moneys income.
    everyone knows im not a fanboy of molten in the slightest. sorry staff. i hate half of u and im ok with the rest.

    however. that is the absolute dumbest thing i have seen someone say in a while. I literally have nothing more to add to that but just pure laughter at such an *****ic comment.

    but wait it gets worse....

    u will log fake accounts to vote.
    .................................................. .................................................. ...............................................

    the actual F did i just read? i know ive said some dumb crap over the years but damn girl. you are making the most wild accusations i have ever seen. I mean how many tubes of lube are you going through to soothe this butt hurt? ill send you a case to help if you need it. where is that internet butt hurt form at when i need it? LEO! post that here please!

    Previous poll was not official and people were voting for fun
    do you just pull random crap out your rear without having a shred of any evidence at all like all the time or is this just normal? if so im concerned. you can sit on my lap and tell me all about it. i have a beard, pretend im santa.

    SIDE NOTE: voting stuff means nothing. honestly. we voted no for lord server too if people remember. guess what? lord server still came back.

    Multibox limitation to 15-20 characters will allow pugs to deal with them
    pugs? what?

    tho it requires sick coordination, bis gear and people who listen

    see https://www.twitch.tv/funkysday/v/48971134?t=4m50s and tell me how much coordination i needed. i pretty much just ran around like an ***** singing to myself and just having fun with the multiboxer on me.

    But who cares about balance when there is everything about moneys.
    pop goes the lube cap.

    I can't deal with a lose when i'am forced to que as pug and fight with 1.8gs balkans against constant horde premades packed with 20 healers
    20 healers in premades? thats like AV and IoC only mate. there are tons of other BGs. There are tons of ways to get around the strategy of a multiboxer which have already been said here which i wont repeat. read them. use those strats and you might actually poop a little when it works.

    menwhile fighting against premade as pug is way easier than fighting against multiboxer
    id rather fight multiboxers all day vs a good premade. notice i said GOOD. there are some terrible ones no doubt.

    Mercy always loves to compare Multiboxers with Premades
    even i have to swallow this pill dont i? shes right. again when its a GOOD premade. same can be said for multiboxers. there are some terrible ones (see my twitch link) and others who actually are decent. anyways, send me your address and ill ship u a double box of diapers and baby powder for that rash and if it lasts for more than 4 hours, contact your doctor.
    Edited: June 11, 2016

  12. ROFL

    see https://www.twitch.tv/funkysday/v/48971134?t=4m50s and tell me how much coordination i needed. i pretty much just ran around like an ***** singing to myself and just having fun with the multiboxer on me.
    Try this vs 25 elemental shamans and post the video here(you will die from flame shock alone).Let us see how good you are.

    Now about this topic:To be honest multyboxing should be allowed,but there should be a limit(let say 5 chars at the same time) for PVP(battlegrounds/arenas).For PVE and world pvp i dont see the problem.Can someone explain to me what is the fun to play a battleground where you are grouped with medium/random geared/skilled players vs 1 person that is bis geared.We all know that he will 1 shot with 1 button everything that move without any chance of retaliation and dont say to us that we can fight him as equals if we fight him as a team.Yes,we all know that in theory this is possible with good timing(cc and aoe),but when you play with random group(usually im playing solo) the chance for this to happen is close to 0.Someone told us that we should run from him all the time and do objectives - OK,can you explain to us how is this called pvp?Where is the pvp in running 30 minutes from someone?I dont see the fun in this and i believe that no1 will like it.Im sure that this will cause some players to stop pvping if the things raim the same.

  13. funky still bad at trolling, what a waste))

    p.s. 20 ele bis ele shamans + 5 bis resto druids with 5-6 tenacity stacks isnt gamebreaking at all, ok ?

  14. Funky you are the biggest ****** that has ever written on this forum. For AGES you've been linking that stupid VoD where you "survive" multiboxer. First of all, its an affliction warlock boxer who doesn't have burst. Secondly, he is CLEARLY furious geared at best. Third, he has 5 characters, not 30. Decently geared arms warrior would wipe the floor with him with just reckstorm. Link us a VoD where you survive Borug or Purplebeer. Oh wait you don't have any.

    PS: If you're going to answer to posts on forums, say something that has any sense whatsoever and not "POP GOES THE LUBE CAP". You really are the epitomy of everything that's wrong with this forum. No wonder you got banned, too bad it wasn't perma.
    Edited: June 11, 2016

  15. For those who don't whant to open eyes or simply don't know what it is. I take that just after a wg yesterday. I died and come to the fortress to see how far we were going.
    Edited: June 11, 2016 Reason: precisions.

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