1. I rly dont get why ppl cry, i got over 4 mil. Gold on my 8 chars. And i am fine whit cut..
    It was allways easy to make money, if your not lazy, and lvl up few professions,
    There is so much time to spend your money smart, get mats from ah, lvl a profession while its x7, and you will get your money back in no time..
    And for dude who was crying about how he will have hard time getting 2.5k back, just do 10 dayli quests, it takes like 7min..
    I'm fine with the gold rate cut, but when they mentioned rep and prof rate cut I got really confused. How would reducing prof rate promote a healthy economy. If anything it just makes old players richer, while new players leave the server.

  2. I'm fine with the gold rate cut, but when they mentioned rep and prof rate cut I got really confused. How would reducing prof rate promote a healthy economy. If anything it just makes old players richer, while new players leave the server.
    It will create more demand, smart sellers will ask for higher prices, and new players will have a painful time while trying to level professions.

  3. I'm fine with the gold rate cut, but when they mentioned rep and prof rate cut I got really confused. How would reducing prof rate promote a healthy economy. If anything it just makes old players richer, while new players leave the server.
    while new players leave the server.

    Thats the whole point. So they can maybe delete this trash realm that they cant/don't want to fix, and focus on that ancient PvE one shot fest game named Wrath of the **** king , or World of Skillmourne. ( for wotlk lovers, yeah, screw you too, i dont want to donate for that crap)
    Better fix that locust critter , its untargetable on wotlk. Or the grass dimension, in some area theres 1 place in the whole map where the grass reaches 50000feet long. Gotta fix the visuals right ? who gives a **** about :
    MoP's BGS, arena maps , ,PvE , major bugs , no content , broken spells , PvE trinkets in arenas, atrocious 85-90 leveling( worse than it was on MoP's release 2 years ago?) , etc
    Edited: September 3, 2016

  4. rofl glad i left when i did then, was thinking bout coming back but i think ill pass, maybe ill come back in a yr or so and everything will work as intended....

  5. If I was a new player and saw that the reputation and profession rates were x1, I would not come to warmane

  6. Well i personally got every rep i can get , i don't need gold since i just do pvp most of the time i have professions on 5 alts to max , so in my eyes this change will only hurt new players doe gold cap is fine i keep seeing on black auction house someone posting 999999 gold bids for some random stuff , do some reputations are not possible to do with x1 rate they ether needs to set it to x3 or to fix all the quests , i played Frostwolf before moltdown on cata and x3 was never a problem.

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