1. Auto reduction of Gold by 50% across account?

    Im sure Ill get some flames, but IMHO, this is NOT a solution. Not everyone has lots of disposable gold - taking half of what little I currently have is not a solution to high prices on AH and/or improving the economy.

    For example: 50% of an account with 100,000 Gold does not impact as hard as account with maybe 5,000 Gold. Yes, the former has a larger amount taken, BUT it can absorb 50% a bit easier than the later who is now reduced in this example to 2500 Gold. But heck, that as they say is just my opinion.

    Rather than discuss what I feel are alternative solutions, I think its time to just find another game to play during my free time. I appreciate all the work Warmane has done, although I wish more of Mists worked, but its hard to complain about a "free to play" game (even though I have made purchases when it use to work, and helped with funding in my own small way).

  2. while I agree in a big way about what you said, soak on this:

    for you at 5k gold, getting 2.5k more is doing a few dailies or farming an old dungeon a few times

    for guy with 100k getting 50k back is grinding or reselling stuff for a week

  3. The question is, how will this help the economy? When the hidden ninja is stealing gold from players as if they had to pay taxes?
    The AH prices will not change regardless of the taking of gold.

    Plus this is being done without warning, so that is kinda messed up, especially for those who broke their back to make gold, leaving behind their gold begging days to be worry about themselves, only to be cut short by 50%-75% of their earnings.

    This years Cow Event will be altered completely.

  4. So I don't get it:

    Are these gold reductions random or if you hit a certain amount?
    I make my money selling dru-, um I mean, Flasks, potions and elixirs, etc. with Living Steel being the bread of my earnings.
    And I just broke bank with 70k because some guy bought a stack of Living Steel from me for this amount, and I have never been this RICH!

    So will my gold go away even if I move them back and forth through alts via ally and horde side?

  5. So I don't get it:

    Are these gold reductions random or if you hit a certain amount?
    I make my money selling dru-, um I mean, Flasks, potions and elixirs, etc. with Living Steel being the bread of my earnings.
    And I just broke bank with 70k because some guy bought a stack of Living Steel from me for this amount, and I have never been this RICH!

    So will my gold go away even if I move them back and forth through alts via ally and horde side?
    ALL gold will be cut in half,all chars,no matter if it's 5k or 5 mil.

  6. Plus this is being done without warning
    Over four (FOUR) months of time before it happens and it's "being done without warning"?
    How would you handle someone asking you out some day next week?

  7. Over four (FOUR) months of time before it happens and it's "being done without warning"?
    How would you handle someone asking you out some day next week?
    Well I wouldn't know, I was told this today then I checked out forums. In-game I was told all characters, cross faction too will have their gold reduced, and that it was said as an announcement. :S

  8. They are doing this because they are lowering the gold rate to x3 and the gold won't be as easily obtainable as is today. Also by droping the profession rates to x1 will affect the economy a big deal. The prices won't drop in an instant but eventually they will and the economy will still be inflated but less inflated. The bad thing is they are doing this to all accounts across the bar. Maybe they should have made a limit of lets say 10-20k as minimum that you can have but then people would probably exploit this by dividing their gold across their alts. The good thing is you have enough time to prepare. The only logical thing to do is to convert your gold to goods/mats/products and try to win your money back on AH. As probably most the population will do the same the prices will start to slowly drop. At the moment daily quests in Pandaria yield something close to 200-300 gold per quest which is alot.

  9. Well I wouldn't know, I was told this today then I checked out forums. In-game I was told all characters, cross faction too will have their gold reduced, and that it was said as an announcement. :S
    If you don't know then try to find more information instead of writing these kind of threads.

    Greetings Warmane community,

    After long brainstorming sessions and internal review of the current realms' state we have come to a few conclusions that we would like to share with you. Feedback, as always, is very much welcome and appreciated and will always be put in consideration. The changes mostly reflect the economy on the realms, current state of realms' rates and the future realms hold.

    On October 1, 2016 we will be reducing some of the realm rates to further accommodate the concept of blizz-like and improve overall players' enjoyment. The changes will be mainly affecting profession skill ups, reputation rates and weapon skill ups whilst the gold rate will remain increased to be in sync with the players' progress due to higher experience rates.

    The realms that will be affected are Icecrown, Neltharion and Frostwolf and the rates that will be set are the following:

    Experience: x7
    Gold rate from x7 to x3
    Weapon skills from x5 to x3
    Profession rate from x5 to x1
    Reputation rate from x7 to x1

    To further improve the economies on our realms, as previously announced in the Lordaeron information thread, based on community suggestions and wishes we noted introducing a gold squish mechanic to maintain competitive auction house pricing and a healthy realm economy over the long term, as Warmane does not introduce gold into the economy through any means.

    With that information, we have concluded that all realms will receive a gold squish of 50% on January 1, 2017 giving players plenty of time to use up their reserves before we commence the first gold squish.

    What this means is every piece of gold that exists in circulation, be it in the character's inventory, mailbox, guild bank, website trading system or otherwise, will be simply halved.

    Kind regards

  10. If you don't know then try to find more information instead of writing these kind of threads.
    I just quickly go to frostwolf section to read things with the small amount of time I make use of on forums.

  11. Personally, I'm not worried about this gold cut, but the crazy grinding way far from being 'blizzlike' of some mats and reputation.

    More of what I'm talking about:

    I am pretty ok with economy adjustments. But i dont understand how the reputations and weapon skill affect economy and why does it need to lower it.. And if they lower the proffesions rate... But if they to this they also need to fix the outland and northend ores and herbs and the drop rate in northend for frostwolf cloth is miserable... Because leveling a proffesion with 1x will be a pain..
    Exactly this, especially with Northrend ores and herbs. Good luck trying leveling Blacksmithing with so few Cobalt ores. IF you want to lower professions rates, then you FIRST HAVE TO check the previous issue (and maybe all related to this).

    And regarding of Reputation rates, as previous comments have said... are you kidding? How can you even think about that when many quests are still bugged. Besides, you still haven't even fixed the crash bug https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/25091 for example, which in order to earn more Golden Lotus reputation, you have to deal with it.

    If you really want to make some improvements, do it properly.

    Btw, if you fix the mats issue, it would help with the economy as Staff wants since it won't be so ridiculous scarce in some cases, so the prices won't be that high.
    Edited: September 2, 2016

  12. I rly dont get why ppl cry, i got over 4 mil. Gold on my 8 chars. And i am fine whit cut..
    It was allways easy to make money, if your not lazy, and lvl up few professions,
    There is so much time to spend your money smart, get mats from ah, lvl a profession while its x7, and you will get your money back in no time..
    And for dude who was crying about how he will have hard time getting 2.5k back, just do 10 dayli quests, it takes like 7min..

  13. I rly dont get why ppl cry, i got over 4 mil. Gold on my 8 chars. And i am fine whit cut..
    It was allways easy to make money, if your not lazy, and lvl up few professions,
    There is so much time to spend your money smart, get mats from ah, lvl a profession while its x7, and you will get your money back in no time..
    And for dude who was crying about how he will have hard time getting 2.5k back, just do 10 dayli quests, it takes like 7min..
    The problem is not in getting gold but the changes they are implementing along with the cut. The x1 profession will make the mats/goods harder to get and the prices will jump. I think they are trying to prevent the prices from jumping to high with cutting the gold. But that will only leave those with alot of gold still rich and those with a small amount poor. If they fix the mats problem and old content (imagine leveling ecnhanting on x1 without the old dungeons and instances open) the it will be ok.

  14. If they fix the mats problem and old content (imagine leveling ecnhanting on x1 without the old dungeons and instances open) the it will be ok.
    The mats problem definitely needs fixing. The Northrend herb situation is just a joke, and 0 Thorium spawning in Un'goro and Silithus?... NOT "Blizzlike", and those are just 2 examples that have never been addressed and I have no idea why...
    As far as x1 prof and rep goes, well those are never going to be "ok" as you say to anyone looking for a high rate realm. These potential players will just avoid Warmane altogether. I don't think the staff realizes what an issue x1 prof and rep is to most people looking to play older content like this. Those are 2 HUGE deterrents to someone looking for a private server to play on. A lot of people are going to see this about Warmane and just keep on looking for somewhere else to play, not to mention existing players sticking around leveling up alts knowing they will have to deal with this.

  15. I will lose 600k so don't be sad.

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