1. Just stopped by to wish happy holidays to *****ic community and their families and ofcourse the molten staff for delivering nothing but the very best...

  2. I am so disapointed for real , its not even an event. Can we know i am asking 4 or 5 times now , Will be there some fix on the events in Icecrown or it was a 5 hours laging evenets instead of 2 weeks fixed and funny events ? Please finally someone answer my question the whole server have no idea whats going on and no one answer the questions, so I BEG YOU Warmane Staff answer this question with Yes or No.

  3. I am so disapointed for real , its not even an event. Can we know i am asking 4 or 5 times now , Will be there some fix on the events in Icecrown or it was a 5 hours laging evenets instead of 2 weeks fixed and funny events ? Please finally someone answer my question the whole server have no idea whats going on and no one answer the questions, so I BEG YOU Warmane Staff answer this question with Yes or No.
    Don't even bother man. You won't get an answer. I'm guessing they are still trying to fix the lag and delay problems but who knows. Lets just hope for the best.

  4. ok we tried it again today, actual state:
    we did it in 2 groups one got 12eofs 14eot and we got 2eofs 6eots.
    instance is still 5man and id stays for 12h.
    cow king appears after 30 cows has been killed.
    we pushed it to 60% to flight phase and we stayed spread. one cow touched somebody and everybody was oneshot.
    horde players will be "rezzed" at the graveyard in the barrens at The Crossroads. (actually we did it with the resurrection sickness because nobody wanted to walk the whole way back to dire maul, so we have no idea if you can enter properly)

    HP from normal cows has been dropped to 630k.
    HP from cow king has been dropped to 11.1m.
    Edited: December 23, 2016

  5. 1. My point was that after ICC gets released every boss in 5m instances, in 10m, in 25m raids, exept ICC ofc, will drop EoT, acording to blizz scripts it should, and on top of that u will get FOS POS HOR to help u gear ur alts faster anyway.
    2. EoF gear will only help u get best in slot items, so i dont see any problem in ppl having free gear that will help them clear ICC. ESPECIALY since u are going to have to do it without 30% buff increase. And on top of that, those who did /follow afk while collecting gems are ppl that actualy have mains that can clear cows without any problems with ppl afking arround them.
    3. Lets try and, ONCE AND FOR ALL, get this STUPID idea that more emblems = ****ed up economy. Lets take real life for comparison. If **** ton of ppl get a sertain trade good for free, what will happen to economy? Nothing. Only thing that will happen is THAT TRADE GOOD U GOT FOR FREE, aka primos, orbs, gems, w/e, costing LESS cos EVERYONE ALRDY HAVE IT and cos there are **** ton of them on the market. SO, free emblems = LOWER COST ON ITEMS U GOT FOR FREE. Printing more money, aka giving ppl free gold, will **** up the economy. Learn the diference.
    4. AND SO WHAT IF EVERYONE GETS GEARED? Why the **** do u care? Get in raids with those geared ppl and get free loot from bosses cos they alrdy have better... There are alrdy **** ton of donors on Icecrown and i think that the ONLY point ppl playing Lord is to do everything LEGIT. So ppl on Lord SHOULD NOT ABUSE the sistem if they care about the game and expirience. If they care only for loot, go ham on cows. That still doesnt effect ur LEGIT expirience, it will only help u get gear from normals faster since they alrdy have better items than u, if u have a guild with normal rules that is...
    5. THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG with the old point shop, i dont rly know whats the deal with all of u ppl but, old point shop from my point of view was 10 times better than this one. U couldve got only 1 264 item per MONTH. 30 DAYS = 1 free item. 1 whole ****ing year is NOT enough for u to gear a fully 264 itlvl char. It was PERFECT for both geared and non geared ppl to eather get items that will boost their dps and get them in raids faster, OR, let ppl finish their sets with 1-3 items they are missing and that they didnt see drop for ages.
    Like everyone, 90% of all forum posts wer like: STOP THEM FROM GETTING FREE EMBLEMS COS IM NOT GETTING ANY! Now we have: GIVE US EMBLEMS BACK. If u just held back a bit with ur greed, and tought for ONE SINGLE MOMENT, instead goin APE MAD on forums, u might have had a chance to get atleast 1 run done and have 500 emblems (both EoF and EoT) total on most of ur chars each.
    Just a reminder, last year u couldve done Cows only ONCE per 2 weeks on how long event lasted. MAYBE 2 times if u wer lucky.
    My suggestion would be that exact thing. Let ppl have 1 run on each char in which they get 100EoF 150EoT and NEVER EVER, EVEEER, host any kind of event such as this one. Cos no matter what they do, u will NEVER be happy.

    Im not saying cow event is perfect as it is. Its bad. U cant do it if u dont have gear. U get nothing. U cant even do the final boss... Its completely not worth doin at all. BUT. U get what u asked for, and u get what u deserve.
    Next time, it doesnt matter if the event is COWS, SNOWMEN, BANANADUCKS, W/E, just STOP, for ONE ****ING SECOND, and THINK WITH UR HEAD. Tell urself: It can be worse, it can be worse like Cows 2016 event. Lets maybe give some SMART suggestions instead of bashing the forums with our brainless endless QQ, maybe that will work. Maybe staff will listen to use cos we are not ungratefull bunch of chimps.
    I literaly feel like readin a diary of a woman thats on PMS. TOO MANY EMBLEMS! NOT ENOUGH EMBLEMS! And so on...
    One more time, they are not OBLIGATED to give u anything. They couldve gave us milk and cookies and said, thats it folks, cya next year. U are all just bunch of spoiled brats asking for free stuff. Like, couple of days before the events Mercy even trolled u with posts such as, there wont be events cos we are not molten anymore and they are not blizzlike. And after that u get events and u still cry???
    Suggestions like: Snowmen/Cows are not doable for ppl that have no gear, could u do anything about it? Cows drop a bit too much emblems and have no save on them, could u add a weekly save to them? Bad Santa only gives loot to a person that hits him first, could u maybe make it give some kind of random reward to everyone arround him? Something like that COULD have worked. Or maybe it still wouldnt but u could say that u tryed ur best as a sane normal person and just say to them that they are cheap and leave it there.
    I like free stuff aswell dont get me wrong, i just dont QQ like a 5 year old kid. IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE. U CAN ALWAYS GET NOTHING. Use what u get the best u can and shut the **** up alrdy.
    So,can you tell me what happens to rare item prices when "rare" items are not rare anymore?If 1k of the players undercuts the price by 1g just to sell the item asap,the price drops by 1k.I don't care ppl being geared,but getting gear while being afk is just plain wrong.The 200 EoFs & 200 EoTs came from my own experience,so it's wasn't the case of "I CAN'T GET EMBLEMS",also,half my toons doesn't need the emblems anyways,so it's not the case of "I CAN'T GET ANY EMBLEMS" either.BTW i support the cow event,with some tweaking it should be a good balance between ACTIVITY&rewards.

  6. Items become unrare if they can be farmed, primos cannont farmed they drop only in icc, and you need 5 of them at least to make epic boot, add to that all icc raids reserve primos, and 5 primos =115 EoF, noone is insane enough to waste 115 EoF on primos when he needs it, again Primos cannot be farmed, they cant become "unrare", infact there will never be enough primos. So don't confuse "rare" items with "epic" items that has a drop chance of 100% in ICC only but all are reserved and at best u have 1/25 chance of winning it, and you need lots of it to make it beneficial to you.

    Another thing is that you generalize too much comparing rare items to primos to prove your point.

  7. Guys... Its one week out of the year you can do this, bunch of complaining crybabies ruin it for everyone. Who cares now. it's not worth doing, you got your way, now please just take it all out and lets get back to the normal complaints.

  8. Hello warmane staff i was told that 2 days ago horde could do the snowman event from 8pm til 11pm england time, was this guy trolling me and still trolling me cos now he says that it probably has been canceled after i flew around all of northrend on an alliance looking for snowmen at 8pm today and found none. Will you please tell me did u enable it again without warning us it was enabled or is this guy a super troll and got my hopes up? please actually answer staff is the only people i'll believe at this point.

  9. That wont hurt the economy, that will hurt ur own pocket.
    And again, why do u care if anyone gets free gear? It doesnt effect u by any way. If ppl want to get gear that way, so be it.
    Im not promoting the idea of 40 ppl getting 500 emblems per 2 hours, im just saying, dont QQ and dont post stuff like emblems will hurt the economy of a whole server and **** like that...

  10. We just did cows... Had fun. 2 emblems of frost and 2 emblems of triumph.
    11000k HP on Cow King is not doable with a normal grp. 400k HP on small Cows that are spawning like crazy is also not doable.
    Suggestion for staff: Reduce the HP of both Cow King and adds he spawns so ppl can actualy kill this boss.

  11. That wont hurt the economy, that will hurt ur own pocket.
    And again, why do u care if anyone gets free gear? It doesnt effect u by any way. If ppl want to get gear that way, so be it.
    Im not promoting the idea of 40 ppl getting 500 emblems per 2 hours, im just saying, dont QQ and dont post stuff like emblems will hurt the economy of a whole server and **** like that...
    The funny part is that most people on the server got geared by extreme exploiting and hacking in raids or arenas...and those same people cry that others could finally get a little bit of gear without having to first donate for 6k gs in order to do Ulduar, Naxx, EoE, ToC, ICC and RS.

  12. That wont hurt the economy, that will hurt ur own pocket.
    And again, why do u care if anyone gets free gear? It doesnt effect u by any way. If ppl want to get gear that way, so be it.
    Im not promoting the idea of 40 ppl getting 500 emblems per 2 hours, im just saying, dont QQ and dont post stuff like emblems will hurt the economy of a whole server and **** like that...
    The ones crying are those who are unqualified for raiding or lazy af to get emblems(ofc many ppl supports that rate which was nerfed,you can do a survey about getting 100k in your local currency for 2 hours of doing nothing,or working hard for a month for 10k - guess what,most people would do the former).And if you could read through the tears in your eyes,i never said things such as removing the events,my main concern is the rates of the emblems,which was totally insane.Insane enough,to get the whole server contcentrate on nothing else(ofc,who wants to do raids or dungeons when you can get a hundred times better results for gearing,not even requiring a brain(in my farm,for every member that joined i spammed in rw "NO FROST SPELLS&MIRROR IMAGE" guess what - there were *****s who didn't understand) and cause massive lags in all areas and server crashes).You need gearing up?If it was my choice,i'd have them drop eot,you can get t9 from them,ready for 10m normals.And yes,primordials are hurting my(many players) pocket - same with gems and orbs.Thats a profession directly and all the armorcrafting professions through primordials&orbs.And guess what,10.000 primordials would have hurt the market very much,especially that gold squish can be easily dodged,if you can't wait one week to sell something you are better off the ah.The events should be tweaked,or a limit should be on the drops/character or account,so it won't get out of hands.And about enjoying the events,guess what - after lower drop chances ppl suddenly aren't enjoying the events - they enjoyed the incredible amount of free **** that was given to them for doing nothing,not the special activities thus the dev team could've just come up with a special bonus drop from raids,such as 3 loots from bosses instead of 2 or bonus emblem drops - for you and all the others crying,that would have been the same results as holiday themed activities.

  13. The funny part is that most people on the server got geared by extreme exploiting and hacking in raids or arenas...and those same people cry that others could finally get a little bit of gear without having to first donate for 6k gs in order to do Ulduar, Naxx, EoE, ToC, ICC and RS.
    Or by running 5man heroics,then toc 10/25,then icc 10/25.Also,if you find 6k too much(for mostly achievment runs ofc,like Undying/Immortal etc),you can always make your own raids.Haven't donated a single cent(sadly,but i will do so when i have free money to spend),yet all my toons are invited say for most guild runs despite the lower gear i have - they know i know the tactics,they know i won't **** up whatever they want me to do.

  14. Items become unrare if they can be farmed, primos cannont farmed they drop only in icc, and you need 5 of them at least to make epic boot, add to that all icc raids reserve primos, and 5 primos =115 EoF, noone is insane enough to waste 115 EoF on primos when he needs it, again Primos cannot be farmed, they cant become "unrare", infact there will never be enough primos. So don't confuse "rare" items with "epic" items that has a drop chance of 100% in ICC only but all are reserved and at best u have 1/25 chance of winning it, and you need lots of it to make it beneficial to you.

    Another thing is that you generalize too much comparing rare items to primos to prove your point.
    23 EoF =1 Primordial fyi.

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