1. I also believe that the player's perception of balance is just as important as the actual balance of the game. If someone thinks something is OP, they will likely react and treat it accordingly, whether the thing being spoken about is actually OP or not. That can skew how we see things with statistical data. As we all know, the players who like to min/max their characters to the absolute most, whenever making a choice that even may result in a 1% difference, they are going to go with the more powerful choice. The top-end and better skilled players tend to do this (most of the time, not all of the time), which can result in the numbers we see on Warmane's ladders right now. That's not to say the Human racial in particular isn't very powerful, because it is. I'm just saying there are more factors in place here than just power of racials.

    Take the Legion PvP system and the Legion Human racial as an example. The Human racial only breaks stuns and shares a small CD with the PvP trinket ability. The PvP trinket ability is also provided baseline to all players as a PvP talent. So essentially the Human racial doesn't translate to an increase in raw power even in world PvP where the Legion PvP stat templates are not in place. As a result, many many players who absolutely want a racial advantage in PvP have moved over to Blood Elf characters for the blanket silence on a 2 min CD. Now Blood Elves in Legion are so common in PvP that it is actually quite obnoxious and especially annoying to deal with for Alliance casters in BGs, or everyone as a whole in arenas or rated BGs. In fact, Blood Elves are so numerous to the point that Blizzard has increased Alliance honor gain by 50% in BGs to try and reinforce Alliance participation, and that playing a non-Blood Elf for a class that can be a Blood Elf is considered non-viable or not competitive in the rated aspects of PvP.
    Makes sense they'll pick Belf. Even in wrath with the human racial, Belf is still pretty strong and the best horde racial for DKs etc.
    A human technically translates to stronger burst, because of the trinket proc. Orc supposedly does that aswell, humans just have it way stronger. But thats pure damage boost. A belf silence is another story. A silence is a silence, and can turn the things in a game. It's a great cc.

  2. I'm just gonna reply one last time because I think this conversation has brought us some really good viewpoints so far. The reason why I thought @DamnOriginals statistics was very basic is because most people on Icecrown likes to do battlegrounds, alliance is the majority of everyone who plays there and human is also a very fun class to play because you can double trink and just destroy people. However that wasn't really the point of what I was stating earlier in my posts, I always came out of the perspective of being situational, I have always strugged with CC comps a lot and I know that most warriors do that hence to why they usually lose against RMP or God Comp. I don't need to explain further in to detail but you can't state that one racial "is the best" if there are other racials that can be better for other purposes in arena. Human is overall the best racial against other comps that requires more counter pressure instead of more team control, that is why I at this point don't even have to argue any further to prove my point. I argumented for why I think orc is the better option towards some comps and because of the additional reason that you can play with some other unique racials while playing horde. Respectively you also don't need insult people to prove a point because that usually makes people think less of you.
    Edited: November 5, 2017

  3. Human is overall the best racial
    Theeeeere we go! See? That wasn't so hard :D Only 3 pages.

    Personally, I consider Belf to be the best Retadin race in the game. However, TBC-wise and Holy-wise, the dwarf racial dwarfs (heh) all other racials. However, "personally" and "situationally" are the two words that we do not talk about here. We're talking about the best racial overall. And we've come to an agreement that it's the human racial.
    Edited: November 5, 2017

  4. Theeeeere we go! See? That wasn't so hard :D Only 3 pages.

    Personally, I consider Belf to be the best Retadin race in the game. However, TBC-wise and Holy-wise, the dwarf racial dwarfs (heh) all other racials. However, "personally" and "situationally" are the two words that we do not talk about here. We're talking about the best racial overall. And we've come to an agreement that it's the human racial.
    On that specific point, I would have to agree. Diplomacy is easily the most OP racial in the game.

  5. Theeeeere we go! See? That wasn't so hard :D Only 3 pages.
    Same as jevelcrafting OVERALL is the best profession - every pvp guide says about it.
    Thus does not mean it provides outstanding advantage.

    Nowadays PVP players are always minmaxing - that explains the amount of humans.
    Human racial is obviously above other ones, but not so game breaking as you narrow minded kreeps are weeping here..

    Diplomacy is easily the most OP racial in the game.
    Perception is - as human rogue you are granted with free opener.

    Famous leeroy video:
    calculate humans.

    In additional i could have linked any old naxx raid with 70% humans in, but i bet you will backpedle that with "pff just one raid, overall situation wasn't like this".
    Edited: November 5, 2017

  6. The way I remember it, but don't quote me on that, humans were very predominant during vanilla on Alliance side. The reason being that they were the most common-looking race and most reminiscent of the Alliance which players know. Alliance players usually go for comfort (you can get mad all you want - I don't care, it's psychology). Horde players, on the other hand, go for the "shunned", "rejected" stereotype (again - I don't care, psychology). Now, if you're Blizzard, you'd think "yeah, this fits the orcs perfectly". But wait - "uhm, didn't we just single out an entire sub-faction, naming it "Forsaken" and putting a former elven ranger general banshee as their leader?" - "Oh, sh*t..."

    Horde were meant to be predominantly orcs (duuuh), but due to Forsaken just looking "so damn cool" it ended up being dominated by them. What's the coolest looking Horde mage on vanilla? Forsaken. What's the coolest looking Horde rogue? Forsaken. What's the coolest looking Horde (shadow) priest? Forsaken. What's the coolest looking Horde warlock? Forsaken. The OP WotF racial only made things worse. The orc racial only gave attack power back then and reduced healing received. You actually felt pretty ****ed by Blizzard just by playing orc, which was only justified by your character looking like Dwayne Johnson but green instead of black.

  7. The orc racial only gave attack power back then and reduced healing received.
    You actually felt pretty ****ed by Blizzard just by playing orc
    Because 25% stun resist is so bad, so bad.
    It's so bad when you resist cheap shot, kidney shot and iron grenade in the same time.

    The way I remember it
    And according to your messages, you remember ****.
    Edited: November 5, 2017

  8. Going to sleep kinda sucks when so many people speak :<
    Spoiler: Show

    And sometimes you'll want to understand basic math. There's nothing situational about this choice in Wotlk, we've seen this reflected in the choice of top PvPers back in retail days and we see it even more pronounced today on Warmane with the heavy access to PvE gear. Every top rated warrior when given the choice between 10% stun reduction meta and 3% crit always goes for the crit and that 3% crit damage is nothing compared to the DPS of an extra PvE trinket. You can argue all you want about how much impact you think 10.8% stun reduction makes but it's all meaningless anecdotes at odds with actual facts and opinions of people who are better at this game than you are.
    Basic math would be to understand that the human racial is better in nearly all casses, besides some hand picked match ups, hence why people mostly played human. Doesn't remove the fact it's better in those exact situations, where usually you'd die, but as I said, the setup for that is very specific. If you wanna learn more about it, look up Joefernades VoDs from like 2-3 weeks ago, there was a big discussion about current racials in Legion and it went all the way back to wotlk even, since racial imbalance is a reoccurring theme. So if you wanna talk about people better then me, one of the best warriors around is probably a good start. If I had acccess to my browser history I could find it for you, but rip.

    Yes, "Only". It is now a copy of Will of the Forsaken for a different type of CC. Next you'll try and argue that stuns are a bigger problem in PvP than fears and charms.
    I can tell you aren't pvping, purely based on this.

    Maybe if you're a Rogue that can blow someone up with your legendary shoulders in 2 seconds it is a wasted GCD.
    Ahh, i love doing that, but no. I'm talking about demon hunters, it's literally wasted resources.

    In instanced, if it is 2nd best, then it is at the very least tied with WotF.
    It's actually very very far from WotF in the current meta. Everyone is working around stuns in this Meta for the reason that it's by far the most common way to die. The type of CC being broken is incredibly important here, since fear and charm effects aren't even remotely as common, nor deadly.

    It's also interesting how all that you say in this line has nothing to do with what you quoted. In WotLK, Every Man for Himself opens up a trinket slot which equates directly to the raw power of a character. The racial and the PvP trinket in Legion do not allow you to equip more stats. I thought this was obvious, especially for someone who supposedly plays the content at a mediocre level.
    I figured you'd take defensive aspects into consideration as well, but if you wanna talk purely about deeps, then sure. I guess I gave you too much credit here.

    I didn't know that Orcs have a blanket silence, or that suddenly stun reduction is more powerful than EMFH!
    Oh no, a 2 seconds blanket silence. But yea, orc relentless is actually better in a lot of situations compared to the human racial, they are pretty much tied when it comes to how good they are. It depends, once again, which comb you run into if you wanna determine which one is better.

    Go ahead and assume I'm talking about Paladins, when I'm not. In fact, Paladins are probably the least represented class that I've seen compared to casters. Not even going to bother speaking to the effect of DHs, since you brought them up, or Monks, Warriors and Rogues.
    Actually, I just gave you a logical response as to why you see a lot of Belfs. I didn't assume anything here, just pointing towards the obvious.

    You should probably not comment on US matters when it's so obviously clear that you don't play US. Alliance was the dominant faction just in the prior expansion for US.
    How exactly is that related to the current situation exactly? Europe is starting to shift a lot more towards Horde now as well, the pvp quality droped heavily as a result of that. I used to lose a ton when I swapped over originally, now its like 70%ish a win. It's the normal flow of the game and you should know that, yet doesn't change that current US situation for alliance is terrible.

    Of course you would instantly run to the 3's ladder to try and prove that you are right when the 3's ladder does not represent PvP content or realms as a whole. Nevermind that there are evidences in the link you just provided, and in the US ladder that prove your statements wholly incorrect.
    Seriously? "non competitive in rated aspects of pvp", what's your rated aspects of pvp? Tomb of sargeras? Random bgs?

    Rated BGs are a massive class stack for DHs and priests, that one literally doesnt represent a thing and let's be real here, 2s is 2s. So what's your rated aspects of pvp? You should really unbind that backpeddal button, you are doing it in the forums now as well. Also, I know you well enough, that if there was evidence in the ladder, you would have pointed it out. But you left it at a claim without any facts backing it, which is what you usually do when you try to win an argument while sitting on the wrong side. Unless you wanna claim that 7 belfs (3 of which are locked in to being belfs, unless you consider tauren pala a choice instead of a joke in pvp) compared to the 34 shamans is a situation where being a non belf "is non competitive in rated pvp aspects".

    Even so, all of this ties into the "Perception of Balance" as which is what I was speaking to the effect of, not actual balance. But it seems you didn't pick up on that either.

    I know. He likes to stalk my postings though. If it wasn't me here posting, he wouldn't have commented.
    You are very off on this one, I was reading this thread before you even commented. I was gonna comment because I felt sorry for the guy, since his point was valid, but he represented it wrong. But if you are curiuous to know why I came to the forum, I was hoping people shared my hype about the WoW classic announcement, but the forum is pretty RIP. I mean cmon, not even radvo said a thing?

    as mercy pointed out its same as WOTF removes 1 type of CC and share 30 sec cd with trinket.
    How's this relevant in any shape or form? Fear effects are a million times less common and deadly, but I mentioned that aleady.

    human racial is actually not that strong anymore in legion.Belf racial is really OP for clave comps.
    It's still the 2nd most powerful racial, belf is 3rd best, but staying alive is more valuable. You'll use the blanket as a finisher after your initial stun and kick chain, not randomly to open the fight. Being orc or human already prevents you reaching that point, but I'm rambling on here.

    stunning is never wasting of GCD wtf are you even saying.
    What's your ilvl? 880? World pvp is a joke when it comes to damage, it's a 3 shot fest for most classs.

    actually belf and orc are both better then human in legion.
    Orc, obviously, never claimed otherwise, Belf not so much.

    human is really good only if you are a healer.
    It's incredible for any alliance class which can be human, the other options don't remotely compare.
    blizzcon just ended you can go check that almost all teams was horde there.
    I already established that Orc is insane in the current meta, did you miss that or soemthing?

    first of all DH is not most played class in Legion in PVP ,but the least played one.most played classes by far are DK and shaman.you can just go check arenamate.you can also check the PVP ladder DH almost dont exist there.
    I'm very well aware what my alt classes standing in pvp is, yet I said it's the most played class (which it is). I never said most played pvp class, you need to stop adding things.
    Belf racial is really good for Dk/monk/DH.o tho as monk orc is also really good almost all DKs that play serious PVP are belf.but yes aside of holy paladin the belf racial is not that good for other classes still they are 3rd most played race in PVP after human and orc.
    Never claimed it to be a bad racial, I'm a belf myself (purely because I hate the looks of orc rogues). But it's very far from the "have to be a belf to be competitive in pvp" that it was portrait to be. Matter of fact, you are literally screwing yourself if you arent an orc as a shaman. This isnt even due to lack of options like paladins have, troll and tauren are actually quite good, but orc is just far more dominant.

    The orc racial only gave attack power back then and reduced healing received. You actually felt pretty ****ed by Blizzard just by playing orc, which was only justified by your character looking like Dwayne Johnson but green instead of black.
    Chance to fully resist stuns was really really good, seeing how popular rogues were for example. But I'm guessing you forgot it was changed in wotlk to being stun reduction, so no worries.

  9. humans were very predominant during vanilla on Alliance side. The reason being that they were the most common-looking race and most reminiscent of the Alliance which players know.
    Is that so? Damn, I thought that emfh was annoying during vanilla days aswell...

  10. Discussion was about wotlk. Why the **** do you ppl bring in other expansions, who the **** cares what racials were after wotlk or b4 tbc or even in tbc tbh...

  11. Discussion was about wotlk. Why the **** do you ppl bring in other expansions, who the **** cares what racials were after wotlk or b4 tbc or even in tbc tbh...
    Because we already finished discussing WotLK at the top of this page. The human racial is overall the best racial on WotLK.

    @Drkwispurr - I don't get what you mean.

    @zwitter321 - %chance effects are generally considered to be toxic as they either do nothing for the user or do everything for the enemy. Which is why Blizzard has always worked on changing such effects. Seal of Command, stun resists, spell resistances, base miss chance, just to name a few examples. Or nerfing them, as it happened in the case of orcs vanilla=>tbc.

    but don't quote me on that
    And yeah, that was 12 years ago, sheesh. I was 15 at that time.

    By the way, happy birthday to me :nojoke:
    Edited: November 5, 2017

  12. Basic math would be to understand that the human racial is better in nearly all casses, besides some hand picked match ups, hence why people mostly played human. Doesn't remove the fact it's better in those exact situations, where usually you'd die, but as I said, the setup for that is very specific. If you wanna learn more about it, look up Joefernades VoDs from like 2-3 weeks ago, there was a big discussion about current racials in Legion and it went all the way back to wotlk even, since racial imbalance is a reoccurring theme. So if you wanna talk about people better then me, one of the best warriors around is probably a good start. If I had acccess to my browser history I could find it for you, but rip.
    But you're not basing anything on math, you're just using anecdotes and feelings to assert that 10.8% stun reduction is somehow going to save you from dying in some hypothetical situations while completely ignoring how insignificant of an effect that has compared to having an extra PvE trinket in those exact same situations. Humans simply have far more stats from their gear than any other race with BiS PvE trinkets and those stats are infinitely more useful than anything any other race has to offer. Just averaging out the DBW proc along with the extra passive stats with a 33% uptime, minus the 12.5% uptime of Bloodfury gives us slightly more than 200 extra stat points (the equivalent of 3.3 extra profession bonuses) that the human can choose to put wherever he wants without losing damage over the orc, defense or offense. 200 extra resilience is gonna help you survive better than 0.5 less secs on kidney shot while the human also has the choice of gearing for even more arp/str and doing 200 extra stats worth of more damage over the entire course of the game.

    None of this even accounts for how much more useful procs are for killing things in PvP compared to the average stats approach I'm doing but even this is enough to demonstrate how utterly detached from reality the idea that orcs are better in 'specific situations" actually is. The only reason anyone would ever even consider orc over human when it comes to racials in PvP is if you have some sort of bias against the Alliance, like our local resident pot plant Gurra99 over there who reckons himself an expert on how much impact his racials have while simultaneously not even being able to name the correct numbers they provide.
    Edited: November 5, 2017

  13. But you're not basing anything on math, you're just using anecdotes and feelings to assert that 10.8% stun reduction is somehow going to save you from dying in some hypothetical situations while completely ignoring how insignificant of an effect that has compared to having an extra PvE trinket in those exact same situations. Humans simply have far more stats from their gear than any other race with BiS PvE trinkets and those stats are infinitely more useful than anything any other race has to offer. Just averaging out the DBW proc along with the extra passive stats with a 33% uptime, minus the 12.5% uptime of Bloodfury gives us slightly more than 200 extra stat points (the equivalent of 3.3 extra profession bonuses) that the human can choose to put wherever he wants without losing damage over the orc, defense or offense. 200 extra resilience is gonna help you survive better than 0.5 less secs on kidney shot while the human also has the choice of gearing for even more arp/str and doing 200 extra stats worth of more damage over the entire course of the game.
    Having 3 second kidneys on you is an extremly big deal (keeping the example size small here, since we established it as very situational). And the value of stun reduction increases linear, the more you get the better it gets. Compare it to Legion if you want a quick example, relentless by itself is mediocre at best, but combining it with the orc passive justified a nerf. That's why people go so ham on molten when it comes to stun reduction, since it simply doesnt have the DR that retail had, where orc warrior would only go with 2/3 due to the DR with their racial (unless that got fixed after I stopped playing here). You can not calculate something that comes purely via experience.

    None of this even accounts for how much more useful procs are for killing things in PvP compared to the average stats approach I'm doing but even this is enough to demonstrate how utterly detached from reality the idea that orcs are better in 'specific situations" actually is. The only reason anyone would ever even consider orc over human when it comes to racials in PvP is if you have some sort of bias against the Alliance, like our local resident pot plant Gurra99 over there who reckons himself an expert on how much impact his racials have while simultaneously not even being able to name the correct numbers they provide.
    You are ignoring literally everything and mention damage 24/7, no one here even speaks about that. Everyone agrees without a doubt that human provides the highest dps, but what we speak up for is the defensive value, outlasting certain combs is a very common tactic. Let's make a 2s scenario to keep it simple, you run into spriest rogue. Reducing the overall stun duration on you from 10 seconds (CS kidney) to 5, is massive. It doubles the time you have to defend yourself, better your positioning or to simply prevent cc on your healer. This is a value that math does not show you, it's experience and practice. But hey, let's follow what you suggested shall we? "People way better then you disagree with you', a Blizzcon champion share a very popular opinion on warriors in Wotlk (Hint: not yours), but your calculator shares yours at least. Once you learn that PvP is not PvE and there's more to it then raw DPS, we can gladly continue this discussion. I don't think you are an *****, I just believe you are ignorant, so I do have faith you'll improve in this aspect.

    I mean, this has nothing to do with the orc topic. But there's a reason why rogues started switching to Belf at the end of S8, even with humans doing more damage, it's not all about raw dps. But buttom line is, if you feel you have no uses for orcs, that's cool. It's your opinion and that's fine, it's an opinion and experience discussion after all.

  14. I mean, this has nothing to do with the orc topic. But there's a reason why rogues started switching to Belf at the end of S8, even with humans doing more damage, it's not all about raw dps. But buttom line is, if you feel you have no uses for orcs, that's cool. It's your opinion and that's fine, it's an opinion and experience discussion after all.

    Oh man, I think I almost choked on something.

    Discussion was about wotlk. Why the **** do you ppl bring in other expansions, who the **** cares what racials were after wotlk or b4 tbc or even in tbc tbh...
    I was trying to make an example about the perception of balance. A certain someone went hog wild over it. Oh well.

  15. Spoiler: Show
    I can tell you aren't pvping, purely based on this.
    That's not really relevant to anything I've said, now is it?
    Ahh, i love doing that, but no. I'm talking about demon hunters, it's literally wasted resources.
    Same difference though. You're talking about a class that has astronomical burst power, but then fizzles out after it's expired. Of course things would work that way for them.
    It's actually very very far from WotF in the current meta. Everyone is working around stuns in this Meta for the reason that it's by far the most common way to die. The type of CC being broken is incredibly important here, since fear and charm effects aren't even remotely as common, nor deadly.
    Oh so we're talking about a "meta" now? Are you trying to drag this back into the 3v3 subject? Because, again, 3v3 does not represent the PvP portion of the game as a whole.
    I figured you'd take defensive aspects into consideration as well, but if you wanna talk purely about deeps, then sure. I guess I gave you too much credit here.
    Defensive aspect? In WotLK PvP? It's almost like you don't recognize that a Corroded Skeleton Key is commonly used by Human DKs, just as an example.
    Oh no, a 2 seconds blanket silence. But yea, orc relentless is actually better in a lot of situations compared to the human racial, they are pretty much tied when it comes to how good they are. It depends, once again, which comb you run into if you wanna determine which one is better.
    Not just one, but two of them, or even three, chained together. If I'm playing my Human Priest, as I usually do for PvP, I'd much rather be stunned so I can immune it via Priest talent, or simply remove it with my racial. But that's what the perception of balance is about. It changes from person to person. You can argue opinions and alternative facts if you like, but that doesn't change that each class and race is going to have a different perspective on what is more lethal to them. "I play Horde, so I'm going to pick X or Y class because of Z reason!" OK, sure. But if I'm playing Alliance, what choices do I have? The only active racial really worth much is the Human racial, so of course some Alliance players are going to choose that. Not because it's powerful, but because it is really the only clear option for the faction. So stuns are then less of an issue. If stuns are less of an issue, then what is still a big issue?
    Actually, I just gave you a logical response as to why you see a lot of Belfs. I didn't assume anything here, just pointing towards the obvious.
    But, again, that's not what I was talking about. And even if I were to humor you, there are far more reasons for Blood Elves to be common than what you mentioned.
    How exactly is that related to the current situation exactly? Europe is starting to shift a lot more towards Horde now as well, the pvp quality droped heavily as a result of that. I used to lose a ton when I swapped over originally, now its like 70%ish a win. It's the normal flow of the game and you should know that, yet doesn't change that current US situation for alliance is terrible.
    I was asking myself the same question when you tried to claim that the US Alliance is bad compared to EU, and that's why Horde is dominant. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion. And now here you are flipping your own argument against yourself.
    Seriously? "non competitive in rated aspects of pvp", what's your rated aspects of pvp? Tomb of sargeras? Random bgs?
    Oh, I don't know.... every single other mode of rated PvP than 3's?

    Rated BGs are a massive class stack for DHs and priests, that one literally doesnt represent a thing and let's be real here, 2s is 2s. So what's your rated aspects of pvp? You should really unbind that backpeddal button, you are doing it in the forums now as well. Also, I know you well enough, that if there was evidence in the ladder, you would have pointed it out. But you left it at a claim without any facts backing it, which is what you usually do when you try to win an argument while sitting on the wrong side. Unless you wanna claim that 7 belfs (3 of which are locked in to being belfs, unless you consider tauren pala a choice instead of a joke in pvp) compared to the 34 shamans is a situation where being a non belf "is non competitive in rated pvp aspects".
    Rated BGs don't represent a thing? And 2s is 2s? Why do you feel 3s accurately represents what goes on in RBGs and 2s? Do you think 3s accurately represents what goes on in random BGs and skirmishes too? And you accuse me of backpedalling? HAH, at least I don't have a stick up my backside over 3s. All you're doing here is making it obvious that you're only here to try and flex your ego. Sorry buddy.

    So you admit it then?

    You are very off on this one, I was reading this thread before you even commented. I was gonna comment because I felt sorry for the guy, since his point was valid, but he represented it wrong. But if you are curiuous to know why I came to the forum, I was hoping people shared my hype about the WoW classic announcement, but the forum is pretty RIP. I mean cmon, not even radvo said a thing?
    If you wanted to comment on his post, then perhaps you should have done so instead of wall-of-texting a response to me? And if this isn't an accurate conclusion as to why you post, then can you explain why just about every time you start posting after an extended time away from the forum, it's a post directed at me trying to stroke your ego or you getting triggered by something I posted?

    You accentuate this merely by the fact that you decide to post here about actual balance, when I made it very clear in my initial post that I was speaking to the effect of psychology behind balance - "the perception of balance". You ignore exactly that and try to argue what you feel is actual balance, when the truth is, the two are very often disconnected from each other.

    So if you're not here posting in the first place specifically for the opportunity to argue with me, which you failed because you completely missed the point of the post, then why are you here posting and wall-of-text replying to me instead of others?

    How's this relevant in any shape or form? Fear effects are a million times less common and deadly, but I mentioned that aleady.
    Again, as DamnOriginal mentioned in previous posts towards other comments of yours, this is anecdotal.

    It's still the 2nd most powerful racial, belf is 3rd best, but staying alive is more valuable. You'll use the blanket as a finisher after your initial stun and kick chain, not randomly to open the fight. Being orc or human already prevents you reaching that point, but I'm rambling on here.
    Again, anecdotal.

    What's your ilvl? 880? World pvp is a joke when it comes to damage, it's a 3 shot fest for most classs.
    With this comment, I almost feel like I'm caught in the middle of an Overwatch argument, because people there like to conveniently forget that supports exists. Believe it or not, there are people who play healers that do not like to switch to a dps spec to do world quests.

    Orc, obviously, never claimed otherwise, Belf not so much.

    It's incredible for any alliance class which can be human, the other options don't remotely compare.

    I already established that Orc is insane in the current meta, did you miss that or soemthing?
    I think this speaks volumes to your own perception of balance. You play Horde and you think the Human racial is strong. I wonder if you ever realized the reason for that is because of the faction that the Alliance have no other relevant active racials, to which you've said yourself.

    Never claimed it to be a bad racial, I'm a belf myself (purely because I hate the looks of orc rogues). But it's very far from the "have to be a belf to be competitive in pvp" that it was portrait to be. Matter of fact, you are literally screwing yourself if you arent an orc as a shaman. This isnt even due to lack of options like paladins have, troll and tauren are actually quite good, but orc is just far more dominant.
    Perception of balance. That is all.

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