1. It's not even a vanilla realm, the focus is on the progressive nature of it.
    this is everything, but they go mental over 26 pages.

  2. Now this is just stupid.

    You are not asking for x1 for yourself, you are asking to force x1 on everyone, because you don't want to do something others don't have to...
    What's wrong with you? Why are you taking it out of context and twisting my words?
    1. I've not imposed anything on anyone and I'm not going to.
    2. I wish that the realm would gather the maximum number of players and even have a queue for as long as possible. So that it would also be popular among all vanilla and tbc projects.
    3. I've never push the idea of slow leveling in Vanilla (x1 exp). You can read my post history if you want. x2 exp rates perfectly, x3 max for vanilla.
    4. I just shared my thoughts that I consider compromise for people of different views. But some realm things must be uncompromising. For example realm must be pvp. Because practice says that pvp realms are more popular than pve.

    Hell... It is impossible to conduct an adequate and constructive dialogue here.

  3. I would bet my tusk that the beings that want this server to be PvE are humans or their friends from Alliance.

  4. To everyone who thinks x5 xp rate is too high, go play classic. Go see how long x1 really takes you. I don't want to spend an entire month just getting to max level. Vanilla leveling speed is SO LOW, most people don't realize how slow it really is. The rate of x5 is definitely the right amount (honestly I would prefer x7, like frostmourne was). Anything lower, and you will literally loose probably over 50% of your playerbase before they reach max level.

  5. over half of the questions you asked are answered in the article. try reading it.

  6. Who is this server for? It's going to be full P2W like Icecrown and Frostmourne, as well as x5 XP rate. That immediately alienates the entire Vanilla crowd.

    It's also going to be based on Vanilla classes, content, talents, etc. That immediately alienates the WotLK crowd.

    So again, who is this aimed at? High rate Vanilla with a gear shop doesn't exist for a reason. If you want the Vanilla crowd, make this x1 with no gear on the shop. If you want your normal playerbase, make it WotLK. I just don't see why anyone would bother with this server, as its not catering to any group at all.
    I completely agree, in my honest opinion if you don't have the mechanics of the classes in version 3.3.5 it won't be any fun, most people will ignore this new realm.

  7. store similar to ICECROWN, EXPERIENCE X5
    why no x1 or MAX x3
    pay 2 win system like icecrown is nonsense, a lot of people will be disappointed
    is it such a problem to create a server without the possibility to buy anything?
    it would be nice to have a server where you have to do some hard work to get something.

  8. i am happy with x5 rates . I prefer x7 rates though. Dont forget in vanilla it takes alot longer to level. so with x5 rates it still may take 2-3 days to level to 60.

  9. All very good changes for vanilla, 5x rates with RDF are great for alts and new players alike.

    I am interested to see how things get turned for 25mans with no debuff limit, but I trust the beta testing will help with that.

    A bit disappointed you cant do blood elf or draenei from the start as this will both make faction balance more difficult and force some people to reroll/race change? later.

    I know its not likely to happen, but some class changes would be amazing for vanilla. Each class only has like 1 viable raid spec and pvp spec if theyre lucky. Probably too much work for the devs, but it is one of the worst things about vanilla.

  10. Thank you so much for the update!

    Really happy about dual spec and RDF, just makes sense, The classic elitists might be unhappy but reducing the lfg spam is just great and if you have a spare 15mins to just run to a dungeon then good, i don't...

    Can we vote on the xp rate in the future? Can completely understand it for beta but seems too high along with RDF being enabled. Feels like you won't stay in any one zone for more than a few quests, x3 would be my preferred.

    Just sad there's no blood elfs/draenei it would be cool to experience in vanilla content, dunno if it'd even possible though but also is this something we can vote for? Or even add the feature to the shop, don't think it's understood it costs money and time to offer this content. I'd gladly pay for it!

    I know half of the peeps here are offended by the suggestion but you can play for free if you want. (Just have to wait until TBC for horde pallys and ally shamans)

    At the end of the day, these legends should be making a profit off all of us. /played folks, how many hours have they given you?

    I look forward to this, thanks again.

  11. Can the server admins turn off the forbidden names file so I can name my rogue Illidan?

  12. BRAVO!!!
    Thank you so much fo x5 rate, now i am even more hyped to play yay :D

  13. Hello everyone!

    We've been hard at work on the project we announced back in March of this year, and we have seen that a lot of you are eager to learn more about it! We are excited to share with you some news about the project, too, and we think that you will be too! The time has come to finally give you an update on the project!

    The Beta for this realm will be available on August 14th, 2023.

    We'd like to reiterate the concept of this new realm!

    We are beyond excited to reveal our next project, which is the culmination of many years of dedication and expertise in hosting amazing gaming experiences that many can enjoy. We are honored to present to you Onyxia, the next realm with the Warmane stamp of excellence.

    Onyxia is currently officially a placeholder realm name, although we are fond of it, suggestions and ideas are welcome and the name itself is subject to change.

    Onyxia is a unique realm that will progress through three expansions: Vanilla, The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. This realm will offer you the opportunity to experience the evolution of World of Warcraft from its beginnings to its peak. You will be able to explore the original continents, face the challenges of Outland and Northrend, and witness the rise and fall of the Lich King.

    Onyxia is inspired by our previous realm, Frostmourne, which taught us a lot about how to create a fun and engaging seasonal realm.

    We have applied the feedback and suggestions we received from countless players to improve and refine our realm design. Keep an eye at this section over the coming months as we will modify realm design based on Beta feedback and add more information as time passes. Onyxia will feature:

    • Experience rate of x5
    • Quality of Life features
    • You will be able to experience the original spells, talents and mechanics, gear stats and functions of each expansion, without having to switch your standard WoW client that you own and use to play on Warmane realms with.
    • Marketplace similar to Icecrown model.
    • Character trading and the trading system available as on Lordaeron.
    • Each expansion season will have a set duration. The content of each season will be divided in tiers. The content of the first tier will be available on day one. Every few months, the content will progress further.

    Content progression:
    Spoiler: Show

    • Vanilla:

    • Phase 1: Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, Maraudon

    • Phase 2: Dire Maul, Azuregos, Kazzak

    • Phase 3: Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire

    • Phase 4: Zul'Gurub, Green Dragons

    • Phase 5: Ahn'Qiraj War Effort, Ahn'Qiraj raids

    • Phase 6: Naxxramas, Scourge Invasion

    • The Burning Crusade:

    • Phase 1: Karazhan, Gruul’s lair, Magtheridon’s Lair,

    • Phase 2: Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye in Tempest Keep

    • Phase 3: Mount Hyjal, the Black Temple, and Arena season two

    • Phase 4: Arena season three and the 10-man raid Zul’Aman

    • Phase 5: Sunwell Plateau and Arena season four

    • Wrath of the Lich King:

    • Phase 1: Naxxramas, The Eye of Eternity, The Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon

    • Phase 2: Ulduar

    • Phase 3: Trial of the Crusader, Onyxia's Lair

    • Phase 4: Icecrown Citadel

    • Phase 5: The Ruby Sanctum

    We aim to bring you a new and captivating journey in the expansions that we all enjoy. Our team has been working tirelessly, perfecting every feature of our WoTLK realms and applying them to the previous expansions as well. We are confident that we can deliver a high-quality realm that will satisfy all kinds of players. All of the work invested in this realm will also benefit our other realms where appropriate.

    We hope you join us on our next journey!

    Kind regards,
    It would be better to stick with a 3x rate rather than a 5x rate; it's too much and would lose the essence of the classic experience with such a high rate.

  14. do we have any idea on how long each expansions and tier content last?
    I think each expansion should last about a year? with the tier content by season? so 3 months or so?

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