1. Flag yourself for PvP and receive extra benefits? It just doesn't sound WoW-y to me. Feels more like generic F2P grind MMO game (e.g. Black Desert) from Asia.
    Who PvE enjoyer would subject themselves to be swarmed by piles of PvP enthusiasts each time they want to do WB? This would give extra work for those who are after the WB. PvPers would get extra honor fighting against people who may not have any interest in PvP. Sounds bit unfair to me.
    Arena with ratings sounds something PvPers would enjoy, without forcing PvE players to it, same goes for the BG's.
    Pass on unique titles and rewards for doing game activities outside of regular titles/rewards.

    All your suggestions comes with extra rewards for PvP, but not a single reward for PvE.
    I'm with you with World Bosses. But why extra reward for PVE players on PVE server. Toggling PVP is taking a risk of loosing for example:
    -World Buff
    -Any other buff from other player or potion that you invested money in

    Rewarding for toggling PVP makes sence and it works (playing right now on one server). You are taking the risk and you pay for consequences (ex. ganking). PVE players run as PVE coz they dont take that risk.
    Rewarding for PVP enables WPVP more often. Of course you can and should have the option to toggle PVP off + 5min timer.

  2. Confirmed as in a staff have made an announcement? No. But I (and most of the rest of us) don't see them maintaining a 3rd fully progressed WotLK server on a long-term basis when they can transfer the characters to Icecrown.
    I would like to see them continue with onyxia on to cata, ofc cata isnt well liked but there is a lot of stuff in it that is really good. i think that if warmane could pick and chosse the good parts of cata and then either remove or improve the bad parts of cata it could be really fun

  3. I would like to see them continue with onyxia on to cata, ofc cata isnt well liked but there is a lot of stuff in it that is really good. i think that if warmane could pick and chosse the good parts of cata and then either remove or improve the bad parts of cata it could be really fun
    Honestly? I'd see them maintaining Onyxia as a 3rd fully progressed realm for years before I see them continuing past Wrath to Cata or beyond. I'm not saying that continuing past Wrath wouldn't be popular or that players wouldn't want it...just that their current Dev team is based on the Wrath client and core...and I don't see them extending the project past Wrath if it wasn't part of the original roadmap for the project.

  4. Please make Onyxia PvE, too many PvP pservers

  5. Please make Onyixa PvP, I will lose all desire to play if its PvE. also please allow us to choose our own XP rate.

  6. Please make Onyxia PvP, I will lose all desire to play if its PvE. also please allow us to choose our own XP rate.
    Guys please stop saying I wont this, I prefer that. I have my own preferences but this Is not a survey or election. The reality Is that wm staff Is leaving people free to chose what they want without forcing and losing other players. So free xp rate option, so free pvp flag option full stop. Then why not to remove the flag at max level but Is Just my view

  7. Onyxia will wipe every year like on frostmorn or is it a permanent realm?

  8. Onyxia will wipe every year like on frostmorn or is it a permanent realm?
    Onyxia will probably last about 3 years...we gotta progress through all the phases (Vanilla, then TBC, then finally Wrath). After that, it'll probably wipe like Frostmourne (with Icecrown character transfers) and we'll hear about what (if?) they plan another season, back to Wrath seasonal, or something else altogether.

  9. Please make Onyixa PvP, I will lose all desire to play if its PvE. also please allow us to choose our own XP rate.
    bg's are enable from lvl 10 to 60, and arenas. pro real pvp. no bull**** rogue in stranglethorn screaming bankai killing a noob for a permastun his class allows it for the disbalance of classic.

  10. This Server will not last long population wised, if they don't remove the BG q and require the player to only q from the bg battle masters. RDF will kill Wpvp and the server itself. Vanilla is already small and its x5. People will sit in city's all day leveling through RDF

  11. Imma be honest and say that i really dislike a lot of stuff:
    -5x exp
    Because 1 to 60 is already easy as it is ("But i got a job and **** to do man" So do i, the server ain't going nowhere for the next 3 or so years just chill)
    Because why would people go out of their way to quest and group with other people when they can just turn on 5x exp and afk in a city until it pops all the way to 60
    -Icecrown monetization model
    While i understand that you need a way to pay for the servers and the people working on it, all it's going to led to is people buying Sulfuras and Thunderfury the moment it's possible to do so not to mention the inflation that's gonna come as well from purchasing other resources
    -Debuff cap
    I mean you want the vanilla experience or not? I know it's frustating for a lot of classes not being able to do as much damage or have to work around it but it's something that defined vanilla and forced people to be smart about it

  12. Don't forget the BG qing outside the city, this will cause a lot of people to attack and join a bg to hide. They must keep it like the original where you can only q inside the cities or from the battle masters.

  13. Imma be honest and say that i really dislike a lot of stuff:
    -5x exp
    Because 1 to 60 is already easy as it is ("But i got a job and **** to do man" So do i, the server ain't going nowhere for the next 3 or so years just chill)
    Because why would people go out of their way to quest and group with other people when they can just turn on 5x exp and afk in a city until it pops all the way to 60
    -Icecrown monetization model
    While i understand that you need a way to pay for the servers and the people working on it, all it's going to led to is people buying Sulfuras and Thunderfury the moment it's possible to do so not to mention the inflation that's gonna come as well from purchasing other resources
    -Debuff cap
    I mean you want the vanilla experience or not? I know it's frustating for a lot of classes not being able to do as much damage or have to work around it but it's something that defined vanilla and forced people to be smart about it
    it's a project realm. in months you will be playing tbc, you will disenchant all you have with the 1st quest of hellfire peninsula, it's to have fun, not to self harm yourself with some weird things

  14. it's a project realm. in months you will be playing tbc, you will disenchant all you have with the 1st quest of hellfire peninsula, it's to have fun, not to self harm yourself with some weird things
    In months? So the whole journey through 3 expansions will take 1.5 - 2 years? Oh thanks, I'll better stay on Lordaeron.

  15. In months? So the whole journey through 3 expansions will take 1.5 - 2 years? Oh thanks, I'll better stay on Lordaeron.
    And what did you think, how long will it take?

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