Greetings, Quel'Thalas is a lush forest region north of the Kingdom of Lordaeron (in some cases it is implied to be a seperate continent). The map published in the Warcraft II manual shows several regions including Khaz Modan, Quel'Thalas, and Lordaeron, each sharing the same font size. Azeroth is shown with a larger font size. It once served as the traditional home of the high elves but was invaded and laid to waste by the death knight Arthas. Many of the High Elves were killed, including Sylvanas Windrunner, and those few that were not fled. The few survivors from the attack renamed their people Blood Elves, vowing vengeance against the Scourge for destroying their ancient culture.

<Quel' Thalas is a Raiding Guild with experienced players of The Horde Faction. Our main goal is to be the succesful and helpful guild in realm Sargeras (Molten-WoW).>