1. Coming back

    Yo guys, what's up
    I'm returning to the game now after almost a year brake, and I'd like to know if there are still any people that know me that are playing from back then and I'd love it if you guys would contact me on the forums or ingame!:D

  2. Celt, do yourself a favour, don't. Since you've been gone Sarg has gotten so bad. PvP is no longer skill, 1.5k players in the top 10.

  3. You dont get bored of repeating that,huh xd

  4. Celt, do yourself a favour, don't. Since you've been gone Sarg has gotten so bad. PvP is no longer skill, 1.5k players in the top 10.
    Wut a bad jokes by RANDOM jelly guy :)

    EDIT: P.S. Welcome back Celt ;)

  5. Wut a bad jokes by RANDOM jelly guy :)

    EDIT: P.S. Welcome back Celt ;)
    Randon Jelly Guy... Dude you smoking something?

    I cant believe I ever have to say this... Do you even know who I am?

  6. ^ **** just got serious

  7. Wut a bad jokes by RANDOM jelly guy :)
    Oh he did not... Wait wait hold up... **** he did .-.

  8. wondering if i should go horde since im considering coming back too uhm....decisions decisions

  9. no stay alliance :x we need more pro healz0rs in random que.

  10. maaan all of my pvp friends are gone...im stuck with the pve ppl and the bad ppl in bgs

  11. <3 do you bake cookies?

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