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    Adopt a new player here: For free!

    Bad title aside I do have a question I'd like to pose to the denizens of this particular molten server. I chose this server due to it being 1) Cataclysm and 2) Fast leveling, all that remains for me to choose is which faction / class I go. In retail during Cataclysm I played mostly as a Death Knight and a Mage, so with that in mind can anybody recommend a friendly guild on either faction?

    My IRL schedule is often quite annoying and I can only really guarantee playtime after 9 o'clock British time (I'm british! Hooray) so I am probobly not the best person to be looking for a hardcore raiding or pvp guild where everybody gets stressed and pissy and stuff, if I wanted that I'd stick to retail. I'm looking for a more relaxed atmosphere where it doesn't matter if you gone goof every now and then. Any suggestions?

  2. To be honest most "Friendly" guilds are just full of nabs that happen not to be rude (pardon the term nabs). I've been on both factions on Sarg and I can tell you that 75% of people in either faction is going to be an ******* so I'd say you stick to whatever you want (usually pvp alliance/pve horde) and make a char and travel a little arround the guilds till you find one you like. Also you can check the recruitment threads maybe.

  3. horde wins the most bg's in my experience [i've played both, i tend to face more horde premades when i'm alliance as compared to when im horde facing alliance premades. also, when there is no premade on either side, i tend to win no matter what faction i'm on.]

    as for pve.. i'm uncertain, i don't pve. the guild i'm in on alliance is mostly euro's i believe [guessing this because they typically raid during mid day in my time] so u should be able to find guilds that raid around your timeframe on either faction as i doubt they're the only.

    so really, it don't matter so much. you'll find pluses and minuses on both sides, and no matter which side you choose you'll face the grass is greener on the other side scenario. just choose which races you like best. i would have made horde my primary stay just as i do on retail, but i transferred to sarg from warsong and the people i knew there rolled alliance on sarg so that's what i went with. sure, i miss my goblins and undeads, but i can meet them anytime i want, right before i sw: death them to.. well.. death :)

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