1. Cool names on Warsong

    Just thought i'd share some of the cool very short original names I snagged on Warsong when it went up today.. thought about giving most of these away in exchange for something on Neltharion probably or Warsong but unsure. Let me know what you think about the names and if you're interested in one make a comment we may be able to arrange something!

    **JUST TO CLARIFY: I'm talking about character names, not selling nor trading accounts, that is against the rules!**

  2. /facepalm. Molten people... Who gives a fk about nicknames.

  3. Oh you got names for characters with the intention to trade them for "something" on Neltharion, that other people could actually use, as character names?

    So, instead of using the names you need for the characters you want, you hoard all the decent names and prevent others with the genuine intention to use the names - by leaving them unused on your account?

    I despise people like you, hoarding names like trash to later sell - most probably for gold. I hope they remove all those names from your account for being greedy and give them out to people who could actually use them and not be stuck with randomly generated names with 6+ characters.

  4. Anyone here took the name "Boeuf" idk who would take beside doing it on purpose, i hope i get that name back.

  5. Anyone here took the name "Boeuf" idk who would take beside doing it on purpose, i hope i get that name back.
    Lol. Just add 1-2 more letters to the nickname like I do: Soulstice, Soulstices, Soulsticeyo, Soulsticelol, Soulsticegod etc.

  6. after 6 years of playing this game i got THE NAME, Finally i can play a warlock named "Cobrak"
    Gracias Totales

  7. /facepalm. Molten people... Who gives a fk about nicknames.
    Or maybe you're an upset little bit-ch? I've read quite a few of your posts on this forum since the merge and all I see is your sh-itlord attitude crying on the forum about every update Molten/AT makes. Honestly if you don't like Molten, my post, or even where Molten is going than gtfo and qq more someplace else because nobody cares for your rqing a-s-s on every thread being a little whiner.

    I knew it was someone who would pop up here and have the "gg" nickname. I stole "Ez" the second I could get it haha. Otherwise though the other names you have are pretty long and unoriginal.

    Oh you got names for characters with the intention to trade them for "something" on Neltharion, that other people could actually use, as character names?

    So, instead of using the names you need for the characters you want, you hoard all the decent names and prevent others with the genuine intention to use the names - by leaving them unused on your account?

    I despise people like you, hoarding names like trash to later sell - most probably for gold. I hope they remove all those names from your account for being greedy and give them out to people who could actually use them and not be stuck with randomly generated names with 6+ characters.
    You're an i-d-i-o-t. Simply said. This is not against the rules as stated in the damn post, you're just upset and should probably uninstall WoW. QQ on another thread please, because you obviously have glaucoma and can't read.. I obviously stated in the thread that i'd be willing to give most of these names out in exchange for something in-game on Neltharion or Warsong.

  8. Oh you got names for characters with the intention to trade them for "something" on Neltharion, that other people could actually use, as character names?

    So, instead of using the names you need for the characters you want, you hoard all the decent names and prevent others with the genuine intention to use the names - by leaving them unused on your account?

    I despise people like you, hoarding names like trash to later sell - most probably for gold. I hope they remove all those names from your account for being greedy and give them out to people who could actually use them and not be stuck with randomly generated names with 6+ characters.
    Mad cuz capitalism?

    Gratz on scoring the names, though none of them interest me in the slightest. :P

  9. Dat nicknames stealing doe

    Spoiler: Show

    I'd like to see qqing Cara aka supersayenx (the biggest AT wannabe on whole Molten) about his nicknames getting stolen

  10. I got the name Suzy O_O Get rekt!

    Male Blood Elf Protection Paladin.


  11. the fact that people care so much about names is quite hilarious

  12. i don't see anything hilarious in some nerdy RolePlay

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