1. Unabalanced Factions

    So it seems that the factions on Warsong are even more unabalanced than it was, why are the factions so unabalanced?

  2. So it seems that the factions on Warsong are even more unabalanced than it was, why are the factions so unabalanced?
    Two words:
    Human racial.

  3. I think opening free migration to horde is a wise idea

  4. It wasnt imbalanced* before!Horde had the quality, Alliance had the numbers!
    There are gaps in the gear because of the merge with Arena Tournament(another private server), in which they got their characters intact and the former Molten players lost it all after falling victim to a scam(in a few words).
    So when the server opened, Horde had a severe handicap in numbers and gear because it seems 95% of AT players were Alliance. Now the former Molten players thinking that the role of the ''favorite'' is much more appealing and maybe the old saying ''there's safety in numbers'', they joined Alliance, thus leaving the Horde side with limited population which results in the imbalance you're talking about and every Hordie feels everyday they login to enjoy their game!

    We need time...long time to be competitive, which could be reduced if the conquest gains become as they were when the server opened and the resets are 2-3 times/week as i suggested in another post.

  5. It wasnt imbalanced* before!Horde had the quality, Alliance had the numbers!
    Not essentially true. On old Warsong BGs were mainly donor alliance premades vs starter gear hordies, which resulted in painful graveyard camping :/ so actually alliance had both the quality and the numbers.

    I think opening free migration to horde is a wise idea
    Or just implement cross-faction BGs?

  6. Or just implement cross-faction BGs?
    Yes this or Free Faction change because it's a pretty dramatic difference in players.

  7. Faction change won't change the balance a lot...or at all i believe!Its a half-measure.If AT players prefered Alliance then, they will prefer it now too! Former Molteners in Alliance won't have the gear to balance things out IF they decide to tranfer. I won't comment on cross-faction because i don't know if its possible from a technical point(yeah i know that's the way in Blackrock). All we want is the means to balance things out--->Bigger conquest gains , more resets/week.

  8. - Fix all racials & important spells > less need to be human for extra damage or survival.
    - Enable cross-faction BG's.
    - Enable .utility commands or add free faction / race changes because truly this was one of the best features and I don't see why not, Malaco said we would transfer "while trying to keep as much of the old realms features as possible". I know a lot of AT players (cata at least) who frequently changed from human to Night Elf / Undead / Orc / Even trolls, depending on what composition they played or for fun, me included.

  9. I think opening free migration to horde is a wise idea
    Would be a wise idea to do this is almoust all realms.

  10. - Enable .utility commands or add free faction / race changes because truly this was one of the best features and I don't see why not, Malaco said we would transfer "while trying to keep as much of the old realms features as possible". I know a lot of AT players (cata at least) who frequently changed from human to Night Elf / Undead / Orc / Even trolls, depending on what composition they played or for fun, me included.
    that sounds weird to me. even if they add free changes it should be somehow limited. for instance, these faction/race changes should be only allowed from alliance to horde and not the other way round since the sole purpose of these free changes is to fix the factions unbalance. but frequent faction/race changes to make your comp more viable or "just for fun" makes absolutely no sense imo.

  11. Maybe so but I also think it's kinda unfair for those of us who did it back when AT cata was live, because a lot of our characters are now stuck on horde with no outs, and we couldn't have known about this since they stated that they would try to keep it as AT-like as possible and nobody ever mentioned anything about faction changes before they shut down the server.

  12. shaulaa's Avatar
    Maybe so but I also think it's kinda unfair for those of us who did it back when AT cata was live, because a lot of our characters are now stuck on horde with no outs, and we couldn't have known about this since they stated that they would try to keep it as AT-like as possible and nobody ever mentioned anything about faction changes before they shut down the server.
    Exactly, .utility factionchange/customize all the way.

  13. Crossfaction bgs. It's literally as simple as that.

  14. No it really isn't just "that simple".
    As I stated earlier most of us had chars on horde from old AT because we loved swapping alot for certain comps and for fun messing with racials.

    And now we're stuck with our chars on horde and can't do much about it, and have to gear new chars if we want to play ally.

  15. No it really isn't just "that simple".
    As I stated earlier most of us had chars on horde from old AT because we loved swapping alot for certain comps and for fun messing with racials.

    And now we're stuck with our chars on horde and can't do much about it, and have to gear new chars if we want to play ally.
    Obviously they dont give a **** about the community's opinion..

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