1. Tickets

    Why it takes so long to response a ticket.. 5-10 hours!

  2. How's 5-10 hours supposed to be 'long' ? Its getting worse and worse around here.

  3. Because:

    - your ticket isn't the only one, by far;
    - many people open tickets for things that can't be solved with tickets;
    - there's a limited amount of people who handle tickets;
    - the people who handle tickets are people, with physiological needs, such as sleep, and with things to do beyond answer tickets.

    When you consider in-game tickets on retail usually have a 24 hours wait time, I'm confused regarding what you're complaining about.

  4. Its GM's who answer the tickets a real persons or somekind of programm who asnwer it.Cuz answers are always same...missing the dialog between GM and player to resolve the problem.On Blizzard realms i have conversations with a GM's about the ticket... here nothing always same answer - no matter what kind of ticket you send.

  5. You are probably making tickets about problems that they can't help you with.

  6. It's very possible you fall on the second item I listed, as anyone0 says, case in which GMs will indeed give you a short or even copy&paste answer, so they can move on to actual ticket-worthy issues other players might be having.

  7. When you consider in-game tickets on retail usually have a 24 hours wait time, I'm confused regarding what you're complaining about.
    Actually the longest I waited for a ticket on retail, I think was probably around 5 to 6 hours. It also was actually a pretty cool ticket because the GM actually logged into my character, while I was on my other character and my guild mates thought somehow I was hacking because there was BLIZZ in front of my characters name. Then the GM started chatting with our guild while he was fixing my character, it was pretty epic.

    I think more, that GM's are mainly from Europe. They are not online 24/7, they have long lists of tickets and probably 80% of them tickets are crap that the GM's have no control over. Blizzard has a lot more GM's working in a day than Warmane does. I mean I bet they go hours before they actually get a ticket that they can do something about... people put in some of the dumbest tickets! If it is about a quest, delete it they do not help with quests, if it is about an item that you got in a raid and now do not need and would rather give to someone else, delete it, they will not fix that.

    I do not know what your ticket it about, but have a little bit of patience... this is a free private server with many bugs. Just give them time and they will probably get to your ticket soon enough.

  8. Actually the longest I waited for a ticket on retail, I think was probably around 5 to 6 hours. It also was actually a pretty cool ticket because the GM actually logged into my character, while I was on my other character and my guild mates thought somehow I was hacking because there was BLIZZ in front of my characters name. Then the GM started chatting with our guild while he was fixing my character, it was pretty epic.

    I think more, that GM's are mainly from Europe. They are not online 24/7, they have long lists of tickets and probably 80% of them tickets are crap that the GM's have no control over. Blizzard has a lot more GM's working in a day than Warmane does. I mean I bet they go hours before they actually get a ticket that they can do something about... people put in some of the dumbest tickets! If it is about a quest, delete it they do not help with quests, if it is about an item that you got in a raid and now do not need and would rather give to someone else, delete it, they will not fix that.

    I do not know what your ticket it about, but have a little bit of patience... this is a free private server with many bugs. Just give them time and they will probably get to your ticket soon enough.
    Do note that the average wait time is not that high here either and there's times where you'll make a ticket and there will be an instant answer and we have implemented a new system that speeds it up as well. Blizzard's support service is not the best either and on rare occasions you'll find yourself with an answer under 24 hours, in one case I waited for 3 consecutive days for a reply and it was just a normal work week. Our GM team is full of hardworking people who dedicate hours and hours each day to respond to players and every single ticket that is posted gets a reply. Not one is missed out, not even the silly ones, full of random characters.

    The same words can be said for the Web Support team, Smyth is a robot with human skin and probably an extra pair of hands.

    So just put a little faith into the people that handle this community, after all, we're all merely humans.

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