1. Bug reports and priority

    Hello Warmane stuff. I would like to thank you for fixing several crucial class bugs lately. Seems like we are getting better and promisses you gave to us where not fake. But I must notice that bug reports are not being looked into according to the community votes. Some reports are getting repairs even if they are like 3-4 times outvoted by other reports that are also confirmed. So I ask is that, and what the community votes are supposed to do if not that?

  2. The community's opinion is just yet another attribute to be considered by the QA/developers when deciding what they will fix. It isn't as simple as going to a bug report and pressing a button to have something magically fixed.

  3. Community votes are a reflection of what the Community wishes, but a guideline, not a set path.

    The votes will be taken in consideration, but a vote being at the top doesn't means it will be the next one to be fixed, especially since the Community has no idea about the inner workings of scripting, the impact certain fixes can have on stability and performance, or even if certain fixes aren't needed to be implemented first, because they affect a highly voted one directly or indirectly.

    For all we know those things might even be in the works, but assigned to a different Developer; they could be harder to fix than it looks, so it takes longer; they could be being tested by the QA team before they are released. We have a team of Developers and of QAs, and they aren't all assigned to deal with the same bug or necessarily have the expertise to deal with every kind of bug.

  4. Hello Warmane stuff. I would like to thank you for fixing several crucial class bugs lately. Seems like we are getting better and promisses you gave to us where not fake. But I must notice that bug reports are not being looked into according to the community votes. Some reports are getting repairs even if they are like 3-4 times outvoted by other reports that are also confirmed. So I ask is that, and what the community votes are supposed to do if not that?
    Hello Warmane...."stuff"?

  5. That was on purpose, because they got better last months.

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