1. Donated for full wrathfull

    Ayyy. I used to be a donator on Arenatournament which gave me full wrathfull for all my characters. Now that everyone has full gear, i earn nothing from the donation i made. Is it going to stay that way? or am i going to get like a transmog feature or any other kind of benefit? thanks.

  2. i support holypleb in this issue.. many people have donated, and now they get nothing at all.. Malaco are you really going to ignore all the old donators and just give us some random transmog set (which was promised, but still is not ingame) and move on? do you really focus only on the current profit with this new token system? old donators need compensations..
    also the guy above me can go suck a dick and not post if he doesnt have to say anything related to the thread.

  3. There is a transmog set (tier 7 I believe?) that is provided baseline to those who have donor accounts. I'm not sure if there's any other sort of feature for you guys though.

  4. There is a transmog set (tier 7 I believe?) that is provided baseline to those who have donor accounts. I'm not sure if there's any other sort of feature for you guys though.
    Heres what old donors should get or even more.

    Free char restoration
    Free Xmong Tokens (vips)
    Special transmongs, and remove the ID thingy.
    In my opinion they should wipe S8 gear and allow players WITH THE RATING REQ to obtain it again for free with no cost of arena points, or if they donated to obtain the gear.
    Dont turn this server into a grind fest, i`ve seen similar servers choose this path and in the end they died out and had 100 people online from 1.3k and it was almost the same as AT (blackrock). I dont really see whats the reason to make s8 gear free since we got only 100 - 200 more online which are doing bgs and isle. This isnt helping to grow the realm, since we want Arenas, isnt that what AT(blackrock) was about? You should focus on doing something and not ignoring the donors since AT could`ve died out long ago, if it wasnt for the Vips and this merge wouldnt happen.
    Edited: August 4, 2015

  5. 60 dollars is a lot of money. Might've just flushed them down the toilet, yeah?

  6. There is a transmog set (tier 7 I believe?) that is provided baseline to those who have donor accounts. I'm not sure if there's any other sort of feature for you guys though.
    Okay, then what about people who bought T7 sets on the old AT for real money or voting points? Who's even responsible for all this bullsht?

  7. Looks like you people don't know the differences between 'purchase' and 'donation'.

  8. @Madeofstun Agree with you completely.

    Im personally a donator myself (full wrath all chars) but this is getting silly. Old donations should not be treated with more respect that new ones.

    Giving exclusive perks that are unobtainable by new players just creates problems if you want the server to grow. VIPs shouldnt have the TP commands for example but its not my server.

    Lastly, most players that bought full wrath or similar has played on this server for months because of their donation. The money you spent isnt thrown away you spent plenty of time using the perks you gained through donateing and now that the server is getting a reform to increase the playerbase and most likely the fun you will have with the server, you want to whine about the money you apparently "wasted".

  9. Looks like you people don't know the differences between 'purchase' and 'donation'.
    Oh jolly, molten logic will never die.
    Wait didn't you guys had all of 'magic shiny coins' back on your own accounts after 'crash of empire'?
    Right, and dudes who donated money for transmogs, didn't get magic shiny coins? Seem's legit.
    But still, they can't use transmogs or have them? Seem's legit again, empire logic indeed.
    I guess if they didn't "refund" those you would be screaming around "HEY GUYS CALM DOWN ITS DONATION NOT PURCHASE!". Legit.


    "Old donation TL;DR..."
    Right on brother, right on. So I guess with that logic, they should just give away full gears on PvE servers, so everyone is on same playing field right?
    Because, hell they did that on AT. And that left "Old donors"with nothing expect that .tele that you would undo on your own little private circus right?
    Duh and mounts, yeah mounts..and "T7".

    Them problems, hur dur right?
    Because people who paid before, shouldn't have anything at all, that's going to create problems yes indeed, makes sense.
    Then again, wasn't it like you had to have XX days played to get random items by empire standards? Right..well.
    They made GAP there, for sure..
    I'm sure that people are happy with using 'features' and 'perks' they "gained through donateing", them mounts (T7) and .tele oh snap, danger zone bro.

    Rank one, brainless opinions we got here lads.
    Not like this whole thing is a problem of bad merge, or not having a plan how to do things. Or even how to handle current state of AT before merge, or what not.

    Imo, as I only got one "fullvip+mounts+telepower" they should just say "Looks like you people don't know the differences between 'purchase' and 'donation'."
    Then they should remove those and be like "Hell bro, merge and stuff, server free things, stuff and like i'm sorry bro #2011 is gone, tho you can buy coins for your own transmogs, and like magic shiny coins bro?"

    Times changed.
    Pull your panties down, and get bent!

  10. It's funny how selfish people are.. they deny us what we paid for so easily in their heads "it was few years ago.. it's irrelevant, you already enjoyed your perks long enough".

    Lets not talk about only wrathful donaters without vip account.. they got the shortest end of the stick, becouse what they donated for is now free for all.. anyway Malaco's thinking ahead is so damn bad. Instead of making this new era of arena-tournament, trying to truly change the face of this server and give it a fresh start, they just changed the transmog system and made it so we have to farm more now.. No rated battlegrounds,no new world pvp zone, no new and unique rewards in the system, no patch 3.3.5c .. these stuff should be priority coz any of these long promised features would bring back fresh air and life to the server.. (remember when 3.3.5b got released? server flourished!)
    Also a title wipe would have been really good ,eventho unfair to some people, it would fix far too many problems and be good for the health of the server and competition in general.
    Blackrock needs to continue growing, shaping and changing and improving, but with just so simple and narrow-minded thinking from the devs it would not really work (you promise big, and you deliver the same **** under different name afterall.. the really big and important projects are left behind and delayed for ages). As long as you give your best for this server, you will recieve alot from us - the players, but when you wanna do something - better plan ahead and think of every angle and just imagine the bigger picture.
    Edited: August 5, 2015

  11. Oh jolly, molten logic will never die.
    Wait didn't you guys had all of 'magic shiny coins' back on your own accounts after 'crash of empire'?
    Right, and dudes who donated money for transmogs, didn't get magic shiny coins? Seem's legit.
    But still, they can't use transmogs or have them? Seem's legit again, empire logic indeed.
    I guess if they didn't "refund" those you would be screaming around "HEY GUYS CALM DOWN ITS DONATION NOT PURCHASE!". Legit.
    How do you come to that conclusion ? I'm AT player since 2.4.3 and if i compare my AT playtime and MoltenWoW playtime it would be 100:1. I don't know about what transmog donations you are talking at all.

    AT stopped having newcomers because of the gear differences. People gave up on the gearing process and left the server. Having to fight vs full geared guys on 1500mmr (while you were just relentless) drove people away.

  12. How do you come to that conclusion ? I'm AT player since 2.4.3 and if i compare my AT playtime and MoltenWoW playtime it would be 100:1. I don't know about what transmog donations you are talking at all.

    AT stopped having newcomers because of the gear differences. People gave up on the gearing process and left the server. Having to fight vs full geared guys on 1500mmr (while you were just relentless) drove people away.
    That's good, it's always a divine honor to get opinion from uninformed, clueless or just illiterate people.(Tip: Read stuff on forum, jk post before your own)
    "Since 2.4.3" Never been, 2.4.3 only had 2.4.3 server, but 100 kudos for you laddie.

    Who cares, the topic wasn't why they implemented changes with gear or how they should solve population issues, or how it's so "vary hurd to fight on 1500" mmr".

  13. dude get off your high horse please.
    please tell me what's the topic about ? OP's quote ''I used to be a donator on Arenatournament which gave me full wrathfull for all my characters. Now that everyone has full gear, i earn nothing from the donation i made. Is it going to stay that way?''
    with the population of 800 people the server cannot afford to keep the gear differences
    transmog, commands ? sure get those things but if you expect to have gear advantages it's your own problem

    can you please tell me what expansion AT was on before the wotlk release ? it's an easy question for well informed and educated guy like you.

  14. 60 dollars is a lot of money. Might've just flushed them down the toilet, yeah?
    Only for countries with bad economies. For most of Europe, North America, Middle East and Oceania $60 is nothing.

    What if you bought an item and then it broke out of warranty? You wouldn't cry about it would you? You would spend more money replacing it, well it's not like Warmane are charging you again. It broke, they tried hard to fix it, it didn't happen but they continue you to enjoy most of the service for free, i.e the Wrathful gear as standard now.

    I see you guys are still teenagers living under your parents rule, in the real world there is $60 is wasted on far worse stuff than your enjoyment in a game.

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