1. Horde beating ally?

    1-2 year ago when ally was beating horde by population and bg winning i created ally and now its different when i solo que bg i cant win any bgs and now theres more horde than ally
    Is that true?

  2. i doubt thats the case with population i just think its because most of the ally PvP guilds fell apart and thers not many good ally premades goin on. also am not sure ur on correct server/expansion forums if ur talking about 2 years ago:)

  3. Winning rate is just equal, some days horde wins more, other alliance does. What i can suggest you is to find a good guild to play premade bgs with. Nobody likes losing, so try do do your best to enjoy your time while playing wow. The more you are, the more fun you have :)

  4. well it's true this week has been a hell of trying to cap on solo que.. nearly impossible.. thankfully they released some achievements so I'm working on those inestad of suffering on solo que for now..

    I suggest you do to the same.. do some achievements, dailies if you get a bit sick of dealing with solo que people if you can't join a premade..

  5. log on from 8pm server time and play bgs and you will win all night... this is the 3rd night in a row i lose every single bg as a horde because the team is filled with afk ******s without gear, while ally team is filled with grievous players... 1 more night and i'm changing faction, cause i can't play on daytime and i can't stand playing with *****s

  6. Through the parts of the day when premades are running if you are a solo queue on either faction you are guarenteed 100 percent losses. Yeah, you might win the lottery and get in with one premade, but it almost never happens. The way the queueing system works premades never meet each other (generalization). Its like it tries very hard to match premade versus non premade. But it doesn't matter which faction you are on original poster, just play when no premades are running and then you'll have a fair BG.

  7. There are currently lots of PvP guilds on Horde right now. Not to mention. Pokemonz transferred to Horde. :D

  8. win or lost does not base on faction but due to your partners,

    if u got more partners with clear mind, and know what and how the BG in going,

    you always be winner, if you got full of noobs & afkers, u always lose~

  9. Its almost always premades now vs pugs in green gear no matter what side you're on. You may win a few games at first, but then the matching system puts you in groups to lose.

  10. I play both factions and unless you are in a premade, both factions has tons of nabs

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