1. Are there more PvE players than PvP ones on Deathwing?

    Also I would like to know if horde or alliance is better?

  2. Make a horde toon and a alliance toon play both and find for yourself.

  3. Make a horde toon and a alliance toon play both and find for yourself.
    Digging up a three week old thread to provide an unhelpful and unsubstantial response. Excellent.

    With regards to the OP, my impression is that the European raiding community on Deathwing is more prevalant, and perhaps more consistent too. Ragnaros provides some more diversity, however. With regards to PvP, I have no idea. All I see on the forums is "ZOMG, Horde/Alliance ARE TOO OP. PLS NERF" or "I WANNA FLEX, NERF GUARDS BECOZ I CANT KILL THEM. GM PLS".

    At the moment there aren't realm transfers out of Deathwing, so if you're new to the server and you make your main there, you won't be able to change your mind until further notice from the administration.

  4. There are more PvE players on both Wotlk realms. Global is ridden with nothing but PvE spam and once in a blue moon, you're gonna find someone looking for an arena partner.

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