1. Progressive or not?

    Will lordaeron be progressive or not? And if yes how long will we wait for ulduar then toc and icc?

  2. [Lordaeron] Realm's Progression Options

    Will lordaeron be progressive or not? And if yes how long will we wait for ulduar then toc and icc?
    I proposed in previous posts two different approaches that IMHO could make the realm's progression really worth it. One is hardcore Eternal Progression, which basically implements a form of player restriction (e.g., achievements, gear iLvl, etc) to move forward through the game content. The other one does not impose any requirement on the players and makes progression of the realm dependent on time-boxes determined by the realm's release date (e.g., 1-3 months for each expansion, 1-2 years for each expansion, etc). Take a look at these, if you are interested, and share your feedback about them in the thread.
    Edited: September 4, 2015

  3. Implementing a player restriction like a certain ilvl or/and achievments to be able to join a higher raid would require custom changes and it would be extremly complimicated to script such a eternal progression and avoid that its beeing abused. Dungeons would need to drop different emblems depending on the item lvl and some quests, dungeons and raids would need to be closed until a certain ilvl.
    Also how do u wanna handle this in PvP?
    To avoid that ppl get the wrathful gear straight away and use it for pve it would be necessary to grind ur way up from deadly to furious and from furious to relentless and finally to wrathful. This would be a extremly long honor grind and the gear gap between deadly and wrathful geared ppl would be terrible.

    Such a eternal progression would cause too many problems.
    I dont think that Warmane will choice this way of progression...

  4. Constant and Eternal Progression

    Implementing a player restriction like a certain ilvl or/and achievements to be able to join a higher raid would require custom changes and it would be extremely complicated to script such a eternal progression and avoid that its being abused. Dungeons would need to drop different emblems depending on the item lvl and some quests, dungeons and raids would need to be closed until a certain ilvl.

    Also how do u wanna handle this in PvP?
    To avoid that ppl get the wrathful gear straight away and use it for pve it would be necessary to grind your way up from deadly to furious and from furious to relentless and finally to wrathful. This would be a extremely long honor grind and the gear gap between deadly and wrathful geared ppl would be terrible.

    Such a eternal progression would cause too many problems.
    I don't think that Warmane will choice this way of progression...
    This approach is not a novel idea. It is already implemented in another 1x WotLK blizzlike private server [I have not experienced it myself though]. I have no idea how hard it would be to take care of all the extra required constraints, you can google for its implementation details online if you are interested, I just think it is an idea worth considering to boost Lordaeron's potential to give a radically different game play in comparison with the one already provided by Deathwing and Ragnaros.
    Edited: September 10, 2015

  5. This approach is not a novel idea. It is already implemented in another 1x WotLK blizzlike private server [I have not experienced it myself though]. I have no idea how hard it would be to take care of all the extra required constraints, you can google for its implementation details online if you are interested, I just think it is an idea worth considering to boost Lordaeron's potential to give a radically different game play in comparison with the one already provided by Deathwing and Ragnaros.

    Should just follow blizzards time line in releasing content after content tbvh i really loved WOTLK and the timeline between releases was good(one of the best expansions for PVE imo same goes for TBC)... but wotlk was more fun imo

  6. Blizzlike Time-boxed Progression

    Should just follow blizzards time line in releasing content after content tbvh i really loved WOTLK and the timeline between releases was good(one of the best expansions for PVE imo same goes for TBC)... but wotlk was more fun imo
    True, it would be a really cool progression alternative. The idea is not novel either and it has been implemented in a time-box 2015-2021 by another 1x WotLK blizzlike private server [I have not experienced it myself though]. I believe this progression alternative is also worth considering to boost Lordaeron's potential to give a radically different game play in comparison with the one already provided by Deathwing and Ragnaros.
    Edited: September 10, 2015

  7. It has been stated many times that the plans for the release of content is to tune the progression to the players' pace, balancing both PvE and PvP content so neither side becomes highly advantageous over the other. We shouldn't be rushing content as soon as something is done the first time, but we also won't artificially keep people locked based on achievements or for huge lengths of time in older content - Lordaeron is a Wrath of the Lich King server, after all, not vanilla or Burning Crusade.

  8. What is Player Tuned Progression?

    It has been stated many times that the plans for the release of content is to tune the progression to the players' pace, balancing both PvE and PvP content so neither side becomes highly advantageous over the other. We shouldn't be rushing content as soon as something is done the first time, but we also won't artificially keep people locked based on achievements or for huge lengths of time in older content - Lordaeron is a Wrath of the Lich King server, after all, not vanilla or Burning Crusade.
    Thanks for the feedback. Would you be kind to develop a bit further [roughly/conceptual] the actual game mechanics behind the idea: "tune the progression to the players' pace"? Best wishes!
    Edited: September 10, 2015

  9. This approach is not a novel idea. It is already implemented in another 1x WotLK blizzlike private server [I have not experienced it myself though]. I have no idea how hard it would be to take care of all the extra required constraints, you can google for its implementation details online if you are interested, I just think it is an idea worth considering to boost Lordaeron's potential to give a radically different game play in comparison with the one already provided by Deathwing and Ragnaros.
    Yes it is a idea worth considering and I would also like this kind of progression.
    I just dont see it happen because of the mentioned problems especially in regards to PvP.

    Im pretty sure that lordaeron will lose its progression character when ICC and RS is released and it gonna be similiar to Ragnaros and DW.
    Dont forget that Warmane also need to care about Cata and MoP.
    The plan was actually to use lordaeron to improve the quality of the content and then port it over to the other realms and expansions.

  10. Constant and Eternal Progression [PvP]

    Yes it is a idea worth considering and I would also like this kind of progression.
    I just don't see it happen because of the mentioned problems especially in regards to PvP.
    A possible implementation of PvP with this approach would be to have it subjected to a constant rotation: it would start in the season 5 and end at 8; when the last season ends, it would go back again through the first one, and so on. In a nutshell, you would have to force gear restrictions on players depending on the current season in Arenas, Battlegrounds, and Wintergrasp. This is not my idea, but I can not quote it in this forum.

    A downside of this implementation is the fact that you probably need to keep your obsolete PvP sets and it may take some bank bags space. I don't know more about it, but I am sure you can find more information online to judge how good/bad it is in practice.

    Nevertheless, in the last post of Obnoxious, he clarifies that Warmane is not considering viable Constant and Eternal Progression or Blizzlike Time-boxed Progression. IMHO, it is a real pity. Instead they propose some kind of Player Tuned Progression. I am looking forward to have more implementation details on its game mechanics to understand how it is actually going to work.

    All the best!
    Edited: September 10, 2015

  11. True, it would be a really cool progression alternative. The idea is not novel either and it has been implemented in a time-box 2015-2021 by another 1x WotLK blizzlike private server [I have not experienced it myself though]. I believe this progression alternative is also worth considering to boost Lordaeron's potential to give a radically different game play in comparison with the one already provided by Deathwing and Ragnaros.
    I dont think i will still be playing WoW in 2021... (though i said the same thing 5 years ago lol)

  12. Thanks for the feedback. Would you be kind to develop a bit further [roughly/conceptual] the actual game mechanics behind the idea: "tune the progression to the players' pace"? Best wishes!
    Both PvE and PvP have their own "milestones" for content and gear you can get out of that content. Having progression tuned to the players' pace would simply mean giving comfortable time for current players to, to a certain extent, reach equivalent PvP and PvE milestones before going on to the next. I don't see new content coming out right when someone gets a Realm First for something, nor it being delayed until everyone has reached the milestones. A balance between neither rushing or holding back players will be the aim, from my understanding, and new players that come later will have the same experience someone joining late for a MMO would have.

  13. Comfortable Time

    Both PvE and PvP have their own "milestones" for content and gear you can get out of that content. Having progression tuned to the players' pace would simply mean giving comfortable time for current players to, to a certain extent, reach equivalent PvP and PvE milestones before going on to the next. I don't see new content coming out right when someone gets a Realm First for something, nor it being delayed until everyone has reached the milestones. A balance between neither rushing or holding back players will be the aim, from my understanding, and new players that come later will have the same experience someone joining late for a MMO would have.
    Thanks for the feedback. It seems at first sight to be a sort of rudimentary time-boxed approach. Would the duration of these "milestones" be established via player polls; the status of the current player database (e.g., 75% of the players have The Fall of Naxxramas would trigger the release of Ulduar); no actual rule/mechanism, but they will be released when they are really ready (e.g., when development gives the green light/nothing to do with the players pace though); or how do you plan to define the meaning of what is comfortable enough to enable further in-game progress?
    Edited: September 10, 2015

  14. Those details, if already decided, would be up to a Developer or similar to divulge or not.

    Not to mention that details you are asking should come as part of an announcement to the community, not in reply to a thread people might not even bother checking.

  15. Yeah we should wait for a official statement about it first imo :)

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