1. In preparation of launch...few questions...

    Hello. I'll be rolling here so nice to meet all of you. Couple of questions...I did play retail WOTLK but this will be my first time experiencing it on private server terms (many years since retail). I actively play on a Vanilla realm (since it launched) so I'm not new to private servers, but this is a different expansion and a different type of community.

    Death Knights were pretty common in retail if I remember but from what I'm seeing they aren't allowing you to make a DK for a while after launch...I could see this seriously stemming the DK class population for those who don't want to have to spend time leveling an irrelevant character just to get the option to roll the DK when it becomes available.

    Which classes do you feel will be most numerous, and which classes do you believe will be most desired/rare?

    Thanks for your insight folks, can't wait to start leveling (again).
    Edited: September 24, 2015

  2. Hello.

    Yes, it will be a waste of time to level up other characters than your DK if you only care for the DK-class. However it's that the way it is and should be. One could just level a character to the appropiate level (55 I think it is) and then come back once dk's has been released.
    My suggestion is that you level up an alt and prepare professions for your DK.
    DK will be available upon wotlk release, which is 2 months after the initial release of the server (as I recall).

    Most popular class? I don't know, just guessing: warrior, paladin and mage.
    Again guessing: Most desired classes (besides good tanks) may be utillity classes such as balance druid, demo warlocks.

    But play whatever you'd like. I for one will be feral dps as a main spec. But I am still torn about what my offspec should be, balance or feral tank? Last night on the ptr I played with some guildies, mainly as a balance druid and it felt really fun so maybe I'll have it for my OS. On the other hand I think that feral tank as an offspec would really help me doing 5mans real quick.
    Either way as I recall from the ptr, dual specilization will cost 1000g, and it may or may not take me some time to afford it.

  3. Judging by other popular 3.3.5 WotLK server releases:
    Warlock will be the most rare class, followed by Rogue and Shaman.
    Paladin will be the most popular class by far, followed by Warrior.

  4. Judging by other popular 3.3.5 WotLK server releases:
    Warlock will be the most rare class, followed by Rogue and Shaman.
    Paladin will be the most popular class by far, followed by Warrior.
    Warlocks are not rare here. Mostly every class is good in a way. The raid testing we did today on Lord we had 3 warlocks out of 20 people.

  5. Warlocks are not rare here. Mostly every class is good in a way. The raid testing we did today on Lord we had 3 warlocks out of 20 people.
    20 people is not exactly a good sample size on whether they're rare or not, load up census on any 1k+ populated WotLK server and you'll see that I'm correct.

  6. hello, can someone tell me will the dungeon finder be enabled right from the launch?

  7. hello, can someone tell me will the dungeon finder be enabled right from the launch?
    This question is asked all the ****ing time. You'd think that people would find their answer with the amount of threads clearly stating this. Nope.

    No. Dungeon Finder will not be enabled, and it will not be enabled unless the staff changes their stance on it. If they do so, it is likely that they will enable it once ICC comes out, as they were both released in 3.3.0.
    Edited: September 24, 2015

  8. This question is asked all the ****ing time. You'd think that people would find their answer with the amount of threads clearly stating this. Nope.

    No. Dungeon Finder will not be enabled, and it will not be enabled unless the staff changes their stance on it. If they do so, it is likely that they will enable it once ICC comes out, as they were both released in 3.3.0.
    Dont take this the wrong way Esreverrr, but you didnt need to swear you could told him in a more nicer way =)

  9. Most popular classes, at least in the beggining, will be those who level faster and scale better in world pvp.
    Such classes are : Hunters and Warriors
    Least played, probably Rogue and Warlock.

    Most desired: Any tank/healer.

  10. This question is asked all the ****ing time. You'd think that people would find their answer with the amount of threads clearly stating this. Nope.

    No. Dungeon Finder will not be enabled, and it will not be enabled unless the staff changes their stance on it. If they do so, it is likely that they will enable it once ICC comes out, as they were both released in 3.3.0.
    Dont take this the wrong way Esreverrr, but you didnt need to swear you could told him in a more nicer way =)
    I didn't swear though. I said asterisk-asterisk-asterisk-asterisk-ing. ****ing.

  11. After years of private server experience, i would say its like this:

    Paladin/Warrior (always a lot of them, because of Shadowmourne)
    DK (usually, but here there will be less of them)

    So if you wanna play something that is always needed, go for lock or enhancer sham ;)

  12. I didn't swear though. I said asterisk-asterisk-asterisk-asterisk-ing. ****ing.

    Kappa 123 :D

  13. Indeed. Warlocks and rogues are the most underplayed classes but i belive the reason behind this were bugs that this classes had. Here, on Lordaeron everything should work as intended so this may not be scenario. I mean crogue owns dps races, or he should do so.
    Anyway ill roll rogue becuase i love to play classes that cause "oh f*ck i can not move.. Aaaand i'm dead" reactions. :3

  14. i love to play classes that cause "oh f*ck i can not move.. Aaaand i'm dead" reactions. :3
    exactly why i hate rogues !!! <3

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