1. Petiton to extend Vanilla content for an extra month. SIGN HERE

    **Petition and discussion for an extended month of Vanilla**

    This thread serves as an official petition from the forum community to ask the developers of Lordaeron to delay the TBC content for an extra month.
    The reason for this action is so we will have extra time to fully enjoy the vanilla content, the populated zones across Azeroth, and all the endgame raids and materials it has to offer.

    Having observed the Lordaeron Twitch channel, I've noticed a continues demand from interested players willing to try Lordaeron, to have the Vanilla content be extended to 2 months instead of just 1.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    The purpose of this thread is to discuss and show support for an additional month of Vanilla content.

    Sign here if you want Vanilla content for 2 months instead of just 1.

    Thank you.
    Edited: September 25, 2015

  2. meh we pretty much cleared the vanilla content in 2 days with 15-20 players and once the server launches we will have 40. I would not mind if it was longer since it would allow me to lvl more alts.

  3. meh we pretty much cleared the vanilla content in 2 days with 15-20 players and once the server launches we will have 40. I would not mind if it was longer since it would allow me to lvl more alts.
    Is it hard to read? Sorry but I clearly stated this was not a thread of discussion, either you post your signature or you just dont post if you dont agree. I want to keep this thread as clean as possible because it will be easier to "count" the votes if there are no pages filled with chatter

  4. Is it hard to read? Sorry but I clearly stated this was not a thread of discussion, either you post your signature or you just dont post if you dont agree. I want to keep this thread as clean as possible because it will be easier to "count" the votes if there are no pages filled with chatter
    This is a community forum. People are allowed to post as they wish so long as they abide by the forum rules. Trying to "mini-mod" and designate how others may or may not post is not supported nor permitted. If you do not want people to post their opinions of what you've posted, then don't post.

  5. A bit too late to decide a such desicion when the realm is gonna be released tomorrow? To be honest i would not want to have a extra month of Vanlia but that's simply because i wanna get to TBC/Wotlk content asap but that's my opinion :) Still measuring the demand of longer vanlia content by the twitch chat is meh... A bit unreliable :)

  6. Add me in too and don't force it . Alot of players want it to be extended, As do I, count me in but don't force. Discussing is good. A player could have no interest in an extra month until reading a discussion on the forums and change his mind. Ask friends in game to come here and sign.

  7. Is it hard to read? Sorry but I clearly stated this was not a thread of discussion, either you post your signature or you just dont post if you dont agree. I want to keep this thread as clean as possible because it will be easier to "count" the votes if there are no pages filled with chatter
    Im allowed to share my opinion on whatever thread i want

  8. A bit too late to decide a such desicion when the realm is gonna be released tomorrow? To be honest i would not want to have a extra month of Vanlia but that's simply because i wanna get to TBC/Wotlk content asap but that's my opinion :) Still measuring the demand of longer vanlia content by the twitch chat is meh... A bit unreliable :)
    I personally want an extra month of TBC, not vanilla. As I've said before, if they gave us an extra month WOTLK and level 80 would release on Christmas which would be a very nice gift for a realm that has no marketplace lol, spin this in your favor molten haha pls tell me no emblem farm in Lord? You'd ruin the server sk fast.

  9. This is a community forum. People are allowed to post as they wish so long as they abide by the forum rules. Trying to "mini-mod" and designate how others may or may not post is not supported nor permitted. If you do not want people to post their opinions of what you've posted, then don't post.
    It was a friendly request, nothing more. Ofc I have no power over other peoples actions and decisions.

    Thread topic has been modified.

    Add me in too and don't force it . Alot of players want it to be extended, As do I, count me in but don't force. Discussing is good. A player could have no interest in an extra month until reading a discussion on the forums and change his mind. Ask friends in game to come here and sign.
    This is merely a player petition to ventilate opinions, it will ultimately be the developers decision if any changes to the current schedule should be made.
    Edited: September 25, 2015

  10. Sounds like a good idea to me. No one wants to land on the shores of Northrend more than I do but an extra month to corral as many players as possible in anticipation for the next content release would mean absolute chaos across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor and I'd would love to bare witness to that
    : )

  11. In my honest opinion/vote, I wouldn't like to be in vanilla content for another month. Maybe Burning Crusade, just do to the fact I feel that it has more content/meat to savor than vanilla. That's my opinion. Not only that, if we extend Bc insted of Vanilla it would allow guilds to cut/grow their people right before WOTLK release. (I like Burning Crusade a lot more tbh)


  12. rofl... no. If anything, make it shorter.

  13. I feel like to many people aren't used to x1. You aren't going to ding 60 in two days. Just a heads up, most people wont make 60 before TBC is released. It's possible but it takes about 2 weeks 1-60 and that is no life. When you're in Plaugrlands and it takes you 8 hours just to level once, you're gonna cry. Making it shorter is a ridiculous thing to say. Releasing TBC when half the realm isn't even lvl 50 defeats the purpose of a progression realm

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