1. Not your casual complaint about NAMES

    Allright, I took up a name once the server was live, Dwarf rogue. Traveled with her to stormwind, joined a guild, logged out. now out of my chars only that one is missing and some Undead rogue is using it.
    can somebody explain how did my char get deleted? I got proofs. Several screenshots of me using that char. I DID NOT DELETE THE CHAR...

  2. You took what name ? Dwarf or Dwarfrogue ? Maybe you used Dwarf but not Dwarfrogue since i am using it and i used it even before the main molten crash on lord and it's not (and never was) undead. It's a ... dwarf. You could have just said Dwarf without the rogue part. As far as the guild goes, in the PTR, couldn't you form guilds ? I didn't get to play then but if you could, how exactly can you prove that you took Dwarf now not then ?

  3. You took what name ? Dwarf or Dwarfrogue ? Maybe you used Dwarf but not Dwarfrogue since i am using it and i used it even before the main molten crash on lord and it's not (and never was) undead. It's a ... dwarf. You could have just said Dwarf without the rogue part. As far as the guild goes, in the PTR, couldn't you form guilds ? I didn't get to play then but if you could, how exactly can you prove that you took Dwarf now not then ?
    no I did not mention the name itself in the post. i'm just saying it was a dwarf rogue. It was a four letter word and the coolest I had... only that one is missing...

  4. Well say the name m8. Don't be shy :)

  5. my guess would be it was somehow deleted in a rollback. only explanation i can think of if you yourself didn't delete it.

  6. This exact situation happened to me. It definitely was not rollback. I created a few characters with popular names right when server went up. I logged in a few times throughout the day and everything was fine, but I had classes and wasn't able to play much.

    Then I logged in about 30 minutes ago, and one of my characters was deleted. The name definitely was used by someone on Ragnaros. It was not a personal attack at all to steal their name. I legitimately wanted to use the name, and love the anime that it references.

    I think that it is very wrong that the character and name were taken away from me.

  7. Sounds strange. Only people that can deleate characters should be Gm's. try to contact one and ask why you got your char deleated and the name taken by someone else

  8. 1. Roolback
    2. Or GM deleted it for their purpose. They can do that.

  9. GMs cannot and will never delete your characters.

  10. Lordaeron has not had any rollbacks and should not have unless a disaster happens. As for the subject, there was a known issue yesterday immediately at launch freezes and lockups when duplicate character names could be registered and that issue was fixed shortly after it was discovered yesterday. There was a total of 27 characters level 1 and three characters being level 3, 6 and 9 had to be cleaned up during the fix. In distant future we will introduce character cleanups to characters below level 10 as we're not keen on name reservation without usage on Lordaeron.

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