1. Winter Veil

    Guys, as you know the most popular thing atm for fully geared people is achievement hunting (on FW).

    I wanted to know which all Winter Veil achievements work. Can someone confirm which of the winterveil achievements work?

    A snapshot of the ones you have dont would be perfect thanks!.

    These are the only ones I was able to do till now.

  2. >Achievement hunting on fw
    7/10 made me laugh

  3. I can confirm that The Winter Veil Gourmet does not work:

  4. Thanks Watamote

    I tried few myself. Can some one confirm if these are working?
    The Winter Veil Gourmet - Not working confirmed
    'Tis the Season
    With a Little Helper from My Friends
    Fa la la la ogrila
    Bros before ho ho ho's
    A frosty shake - Not working confirmed

    I tried these but didnt seem to get any achievement. I may have done them wrong tho. Please confirm!
    Edited: December 17, 2015

  5. this 1 is not for marrymaker achiv but winter veil too http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=4437. BB King work

  6. been out for 5 days, lemme catch up qq

  7. Thanks Watamote

    I tried few myself. Can some one confirm if these are working?
    The Winter Veil Gourmet - Not working confirmed
    'Tis the Season
    With a Little Helper from My Friends
    Fa la la la ogrila
    Bros before ho ho ho's
    A frosty shake - Not working confirmed

    I tried these but didnt seem to get any achievement. I may have done them wrong tho. Please confirm!
    meh, i'm just gonna assume they don't work... the sweater isn't at the vendors.. scrooge doesn't work... /kiss ing the revelers does nothing.. cba with the bg ques atm... haven't gotten the winter veil disguise kit yet... so yea, do tell if you find out this is all wrong, i hope

  8. I can confirm that 'Tis the Season does not work. Just tried it wearing winter boots, vest and hat. Nothing.

  9. Any1 know more about this on DEATHWING

    Let it snow
    Simply abominable
    The Winter Veil Gourmet - - -- - - ALL DONE- - - - - -
    On Metzen
    Tis the season - I cant find a stupid hat...
    A frosty shake - Sure I have done the quests but havent recieaved anything yet.
    BB King - Where do I get that gun ?

    Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's - In progress..
    Rest I havent really tryed..

    Also the quest. : Treast for Greatfather Winter. Is that bugged or is it doable somehow.. I cant turn in the quest.

    Some help would be nice.. Oh and sigh also pilgrim achievements.. But lets wait with that I guess..

  10. Guys, as you know the most popular thing atm for fully geared people is achievement hunting (on FW).

    I wanted to know which all Winter Veil achievements work. Can someone confirm which of the winterveil achievements work?

    A snapshot of the ones you have dont would be perfect thanks!.

    These are the only ones I was able to do till now.
    On Frostwolf only 3 of these achievments work , I didn't even expect these 3 working cuz world events 99% dont work here.
    I wish we would get the ****y freakin events they planed already..

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