1. AT (Blackrock) pvp script

    I don't wanna spread some bad words in other topics so I want clear answer here. Devs maybe said something about this,but it bypassed me. When I see and hear about pvp bugs here and see bugtracker list (there is nothing bad about having bugs in any form if you have plans to fix them,I don't judge now) I ask myself - did you implemented AT scripts on Lordaeron (we all know blackrock have good pvp script) or it was just a fraud made by other people? I'm not judging,I just wanna know what is going on...btw.I have great expirience leveling here so far and I really wanna stay here...

  2. anyone? I see you there moderators, you can't hide :)

  3. Spell fixes are one of the priorities on Lordaeron, they are being made everyday and Developers will make sure that both PvE and PvP experience on the realm is as close to flawless as possible.

  4. No blackrock scripts are not a thing
    Proof: still no delay between finishing immolate cast and ability to cast conflagrate

  5. You obviously have no idea how scripting works if you think it's possible to just copy paste some scripts from other authors. The structure and variables are not compliant.

  6. How can they implement AT scripts? If Blackrock realm have changes from patch 3.3.5b, while in Lordaeron is supposed to be 3.3.5a?

  7. AT has also several bugs.
    Just to mention a few:
    - Using judgement with SoC does seal+judgement dmg.
    - Hard casting spells doesnt reset the auto attack swing timer.
    - Wrong los mechanics at the tree stumps in WSG.

  8. AT has also several bugs.
    Just to mention a few:
    - Using judgement with SoC does seal+judgement dmg.
    - Hard casting spells doesnt reset the auto attack swing timer.
    - Wrong los mechanics at the tree stumps in WSG.
    I could live with those...I can't live with hunters need to face meele to deterr attacks,wrong thunderstorm pathfinding etc.

  9. You obviously have no idea how scripting works if you think it's possible to just copy paste some scripts from other authors. The structure and variables are not compliant.
    you are right,I really don't understand core of scripting pservers,but you know there are same developers on lordaeron and blackrock (ex-AT) ?

  10. I could live with those...I can't live with hunters need to face meele to deterr attacks,wrong thunderstorm pathfinding etc.
    Keep in mind that abilities like shred and backstab go through deterrence.

  11. Every hunter is furious.

    Absolutely game-breaking bugs are not beign fixed.

    How long will it take?

    Spell fixes are one of the priorities on Lordaeron, they are being made everyday and Developers will make sure that both PvE and PvP experience on the realm is as close to flawless as possible.

    Priorities? 2 months since deterrence/traps bug reports and nothing has been done about them.

  12. Keep in mind that abilities like shred and backstab go through deterrence.
    I know that m8 ;)

  13. Every hunter is furious.
    Absolutely game-breaking bugs are not beign fixed. How long will it take? Priorities? 2 months since deterrence/traps bug reports and nothing has been done about them.
    I will be fixed in 1 month. Don't worry. Just stop talking about it. I am sure it will take 1 month exactly.

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