1. Do you like more WOTLK PvP or PvE?

    I made my warrior on Lordareon only because i hope there will be a nice PvP crowd for play with them,after we become level 80. I will be really sad if once when i get level 80 there will be dead PVP and all will focus PvE

  2. I made my warrior on Lordareon only because i hope there will be a nice PvP crowd for play with them,after we become level 80. I will be really sad if once when i get level 80 there will be dead PVP and all will focus PvE

    No threes at 80. A couple of people playing twos. But havent seen more than 10 people in Arena at the same time. Pretty dead.

  3. Even though i must admit runing in battlegrounds and arenas with wotlk warrior is epic. I must say i have had enough of that and i wanna PvE. Progressing raids is why came to this server.

  4. No threes at 80. A couple of people playing twos. But havent seen more than 10 people in Arena at the same time. Pretty dead.
    Well, that's because there are still quite few 80, as far as I know.

  5. Well, that's because there are still quite few 80, as far as I know.
    Not really true though. There are alot of 80ies. They just dont do arenas. Most came here to PvE it seems. What's worse is that there's NO 3v3s going on. Which is even worse for the serious PvPers.

  6. pve is now not that much focused than pve, if you are alliance you will have longer Bgs ques but more chance to win, where if you are in horde you will get queues faster but your win chance will be lower. Maybe it will change some day but for now horde is not good place to play bgs, unless you are doing premade with high gear people. Arenas are much likely besieged by more experienced players from Retail, arena tournament etc, most of them are +2.3 rating. Sry for bad englando.

  7. Not really true though. There are alot of 80ies. They just dont do arenas. Most came here to PvE it seems. What's worse is that there's NO 3v3s going on. Which is even worse for the serious PvPers.
    it make sense.most PVE players have realy guilds and rush in leveling to start raiding and stuff.on other hand PVP players will most likely level reallyyy slowww because we are not in a rush for anything.
    anyway there is 10k+ online there will be **** tons of PVP thats for sure.just give the server 1-2 more months so most people hit 80.

  8. PvE slows down greatly between content patches.

    Give players time to get 80. there are not 10000 people at 80, they're leveling.

  9. I have been playing this expansion since it came out on retail, I killed every boss numerous times, I played with some of the best players Molten/Warmane has, so there is nothing more to prove. I will always love this game but for me it's just Pvp .
    Edited: December 29, 2015

  10. Well,in about 2-3 months,i think the PvP will be ok,and after 6 months,ut will be awesome :) that s my opinion

  11. I have been playing this expansion since it came out on retail, I even played it before it was released. I killed every boss numerous times, alone. I played with some of the best players Molten/Warmane has, Britney Spears is my 2v2 Arena partner. So there is nothing more to prove. I will always love myself but for me this game is just PvP. I have 100 keybinds and zhit.

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