1. Some questions

    I came back to play MoP now, after the apocalypse of molten and the lost of all the characters, so i have some questions about what is changed in this months:
    1: What is the PvP cap of hit and expertise here in Warmane? Back when MoP was just out, the cap was bugged, and was like 7%. Now it's fixed to 3%?
    2: Is Alterac Valley open? I've done some bgs, but Alterac never appeared.
    3: When you have completed the Tyrannical set, honor still have some purpouse? Yes, i can buy the PvP Mounts, or i can change it to Justice points (with the horrible exchange rate of 500 to 250), but i don't play PvE, so... any other options wich relate to the PvP? Enchants, maybe?
    4: Is Warrior's Deep Wound Bugged? Or is something bugged with resilience? I see Enormous damage coming from a warrior DoT and Dots of other classes in general (i'm used to Cata, maybe it's just an impression).
    5: What's the main stat to reforge for a warrior? Critical like in the retail, or something else, here in Warmane?

  2. 1. 3% melee hit, 3% expertise, 6% SPELL hit (but here it's bugged and with 3% u will never miss)
    2: nah, we have only wsg, ab, eots and temple, but gms said they will implement new bgs after 5.4.8 update like gilneas bg and silvershard mines
    3: here I don't know
    4: no it's fixxed (almost)
    5: crit it's the better stat

  3. 1. 3% melee hit, 3% expertise, 6% SPELL hit (but here it's bugged and with 3% u will never miss)
    2: nah, we have only wsg, ab, eots and temple, but gms said they will implement new bgs after 5.4.8 update like gilneas bg and silvershard mines
    3: here I don't know
    4: no it's fixxed (almost)
    5: crit it's the better stat
    Thank you very much for the answers!

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