1. I got screwed over.

    So I was raiding in this 25 man DS normal pug. We got to Spine of Deathwing, 2 wipes but we downed it. Backbreaker Spaulders dropped. I roll and won it. Next Item Eye of the Unmaking dropped. I rolled and won, but just 20 sec later the server was shutdown from being DDOS. I waited anxiously for the server to come back up to check up on my lavish loot. So i logged on after refreshing Warmane's Main page 20 times. I looked through my DK's bag, searching every slot, trying to find my 2 ilvl 403 items. After minutes of searching over and over, I finally came to the conclusion that I just lost the loot after the server shutdown. Now I'm just sitting on my chair crying..

  2. sorry, nothing anyone can do about that, you technically could've saved them had you instantly logged off upon receiving them, but apart from a relog after boss kill, nothing you or anyone else can do

    1. GMs can't see records of the loot so they can't be sure you actually did get it because they didn't resync into a backup from live or something such and as such won't give them to you without proof, taking a screenshot of item received just before crash might be proof enough, but to my knowledge, noone has had that happen as of yet
    2. logging off your character forces that sort of 'resync' to happen and saves you from losing your items

  3. Ah, so im just royaly screwed. Good to know :)

  4. Loot drama on a private server, this is a sad day indeed.

  5. taking a screenshot of item received just before crash might be proof enough, but to my knowledge, noone has had that happen as
    They wouldnt no matter how many proofs you show even if it's an item you bought with coins (some people had their items just "dissapear" out of the blue), let alone an item that you got by a drop, they say "policies" but in truth is just "we wont, FU"

  6. Hmm, this is bad.
    Edited: January 25, 2016

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