1. Que skipping on Lordaeron

    Hey guys!
    So in the past few days, I heard a few things about que skipping on Lordaeron. Some saying, that they donated and bought something for 5€ and they got their que skipping for 30days, others saying, that they got nothing like que skipping.

    TL:DR: Is que skipping enabled for 5€ payments or not?

  2. Yes, for a large amount of donations above 5, you will be able to skip the queues. Just make sure you double-check before making a purchase

  3. It is spelled "queue".
    deal with it , why not to write que? shorter and read as "queue" anyway
    its like saying "its spelled You not u" pfff

  4. To be clear, you have to be a donator, which means your account MUST HAVE premium status. The minimum donation for anything on Warmane is 10 coins which is equal to 10€. You then take these 10 coins you now have and purchase something on the Lordaeron store that cost AT LEAST 5 coins. Be sure before you confirm your purchase that the pop-up says "this purchase will include 30 days of Queue skipping on Lordaeron."

    If you don't get that message in your pop-up, (even if it is a 5 coin donation or more) don't purchase that item, find something else.

    Most people seem to be getting mounts or pets. You're not going to get anything really good, you're literally just doing it for the queue skipping.

    Once the donation is complete, Logout of the game and wait a few minutes (It can take up to 30 minutes for the transaction to go thru) and log back in. You should be skipping the queue.

    If it doesn't work for you, unlike everyone else don't waste your time complaining on the forums. Put in a ticket either in-game or preferably on the website @ https://www.warmane.com/account/support and they will help resolve your issues.

  5. deal with it , why not to write que? shorter and read as "queue" anyway
    its like saying "its spelled You not u" pfff
    Because people who spell it "que" aren't doing it for shorthand like some lazy teenager, they would say "q" if they were (which is still vexing). No, people just do not know how to spell it for a number of reasons.

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