1. Isle Quel'Danas World PvP Zone

    Hey "Deathwing"

    Isle Quel'Danas " Endless Daily World PvP " Join in on the Action! The Ultimate world pvp experience where by Guilds vs Guilds / Public vs Public / Horde vs Alliance Clash against each other in a endless pvp struggle to claim the title as the Dominent Faction! Bored of Queing RBG's, or sitting around in Elwyne forest or Durotar waiting for que's to POP. Well why not move to Isle Quel'Danas instead! No more Organizing guild vs guild premade battles when half the people don’t turn up! Instead of camping outside your main cities all day, why not make your way to Isle Quel'Danas instead and let the hunt begin! It’s Easy accessible via Dalaran and with the right amount of people participating daily, this can work!

    10 February - 31 December 2016
    (for those of you who keep wispering what day does it start and end!

    10th Feb PvP Group vs Group battle

    If there is anyone who would like to assist me in this Progression of world pvp in Isle. Please wisper or mail me
    @ Lesy (alliance) or
    @ Dreamox (horde) so we can get things up and RUNNING FASTER!

    Any Premade group vs group Battles! Once you have wiped out your enemy group to please give them a 10 minute break to RESS and REBUFF! Before you attempt another fight with them!

    Dont know how to get there?

    Simply Make your way to Shattrath City Via Portal at your Factions portal rooms

    Once in Shattrath take Portal to Isle of Quel'danas

    Kind Regards

    < Lesy >
    Edited: February 11, 2016

  2. You forgot to mention on which realm this is taking place.

  3. I am hoping that this will become popular like Tanaris used to be (until guards became OP). Join us !

  4. Kek, joined that fight and raped some Alliance easily 9v10 with my ohdo buddy pshero and some warbringers
    after that they killed me and pshero 6v2 while warbringers and valars were emoting each other but **** it, a win is a win, get rekt by ohdo again, noobs
    hail ohdo

    forgot to introduce myself,
    nazgul, officer of ohdo and chief of the valar morghulis removal department in our guild
    Edited: February 8, 2016

  5. Hello,i just want to WARN all horde ppl to avoid this "so called" event beacouse i saw Valar Mongoloid guild in raid grps farming afk /low groups,and i mean corpse farm,as fellow Ohdo said they got their male organ reduced/cuted by fight vs horde guild and they recruited some girls and ppl with big D so they can kill lowbies and afk ppl so their D grows higher.Honestly i expected more from guild whos calling themself "best" pvp guild while rejecting some gvg events and doing things like this,so idea of wpvp was rly nice but with comunity like that its impossible to have will to organise anything anymore.
    RIP Valar Mongolid for me.

  6. when I whispered niksyn from my alliance character he said they lost because killwithme got sapped before fight started aahahha
    oh my god I laughed so ****ing much because killwithme actually used free action potion after he trinketed and they kept saying that they lost a 9 horde vs 10 alliance fight because killwithme had to trinket a sap in start of fight
    t o p k e k

    Ohdo > VM confirmed again

  7. Well as i know Niksyn has on number 1,2 and 3 macroed /target Diewithme /use Hand of Protection and on 4,5 /cast Divine Shield /use Apocalipse Advance(nitro boots)

    EDIT: its not Diewithme,its Killwithmeafklowppl

  8. Bored of Queing RBG's, or sitting around in elwyne forest or Durotar waiting for que's to POP. Well why not move to Isle Quel'Danas instead! Here you can enjoy watching healers following Killwithme all buffed-up with free action potion while he fails to use any common rotation, so he just give up and spam Incinerate and Chaos Bolt now and then...

    Friend of mine who plays Alliance told me that Killwithme once tried to summon a Voidwalker in a BG, instead he summoned a Holy Paladin. True story...

  9. It was better for you guys to GvG Pokemons at least they have word :)

    Good job and nice watching that fight <3

    i was thinking Valar better than that level, they didn't hold more than 45 seconds.. also they didn't kill any one from Warbringers :(

    i will try to upload my record from sky :D

    if i was on killwithme position i will disband my guild it is shame :S

    i hope Pokemons GvG you guys they are best on ally side.

  10. Well is there any answer from you for what was happen there ??
    and how was that lose It is incredible 45seconds..

    Seriously valar's !! go practice then ask for pvp ......

  11. xaxaxxa :d valars noobs lose one more time ...

    Hey vallar how many more game u need to lost for realaise thet u are bigget noober guild in this realm deahwing hahha;D

    and this killwhitme i think he need stop to playing this game... is not for him :D soryy bro go chop chop woods in forest maybe u beter there XD and tell you friends to call you Chopwithme
    Pozz;* ;)
    Edited: February 9, 2016

  12. It was better for you guys to GvG Pokemons at least they have word :)

    Good job and nice watching that fight <3

    i was thinking Valar better than that level, they didn't hold more than 45 seconds.. also they didn't kill any one from Warbringers :(

    i will try to upload my record from sky :D

    if i was on killwithme position i will disband my guild it is shame :S

    i hope Pokemons GvG you guys they are best on ally side.
    more respect to pokemonz

  13. it was fun after all , it was anus penetration too tho :D

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