1. Looking for decent gearing guide?

    So as a new pve player 80, I feel overwhelmed with the gap of Gearscore needed to get into raids.
    I am currently 3565 gs, and nobody really accepts anything lower than 3.7k into the raids. I think I'm missing something very fundamental, or is it just me unlucky with drops?

  2. You're not missing anything. +3k is enough to start raiding. It's just low-key GS-whoring, like on all other realms.

  3. I am in a guild. Guildies dont run any raids because they are afraid they are undergeared.

  4. "afraid" ....
    dont be afraid of something unless you actually try to do it first. watch some guides on youtube and then get going , kill bosses or at least farm naxx for trash drops.

  5. Don't PuG rather join a Guild.
    I am a 3700gs full engi/full jc... (even got jeeves) fury warrior and i have been searching for a decent guild to start raiding for over 2 weeks... I am still guildless...everyone is "full on wars"... my bad i rolled a furry war it seams.
    So what leaves for people like me? pugs and hope somebody notice me ..haha
    Edited: February 24, 2016

  6. Same issue, prot warrior but can't seem to find a decent raiding guild as everyone is full on warriors ;<

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