1. Transmoging shoulders into Hearthstone ?!?!

    I saw some people transmoging Herthstone into SHoulders slot so it becomes invisible how does this even possible ?! ?!

  2. legal program called Cheat Engine.
    Cheat Engine is now allowed.

    Weird transmogs are being tolerated untill a certain level. Extreme cases (like heartstone for shoulder) are bannable ingame.

  3. WRONG!
    Cheat Engine is now allowed.

    Weird transmogs are being tolerated untill a certain level. Extreme cases (like heartstone for shoulder) are bannable ingame.
    Care to provide source?

  4. Heartstone transmogged? did i read that right?

  5. Where does it say that cheat engine is now allowed as long as you don't go overboard? that's like saying that killing is now legal as long as the victim is of certain age.
    Not saying that it's not true,but if it is,warmane should really,and i do mean really research what other funny things can be done with it,because that sounds like a very careless move.
    I remember wen Blizzard did not really care about model editing till rumor popped that someone was replacing in early days of TBC the nether egg model for fel reaver. and that was just a simple client-sided model editing.

  6. lol who said cheat engine is legal ???????? LMAO XD XD

  7. Where does it say that cheat engine is now allowed as long as you don't go overboard? that's like saying that killing is now legal as long as the victim is of certain age.
    Not saying that it's not true,but if it is,warmane should really,and i do mean really research what other funny things can be done with it,because that sounds like a very careless move.
    I remember wen Blizzard did not really care about model editing till rumor popped that someone was replacing in early days of TBC the nether egg model for fel reaver. and that was just a simple client-sided model editing.
    and yet people kill and get killed every single day and no one is doing a **** about it.

  8. lol who said cheat engine is legal ???????? LMAO XD XD
    They are just talking bullcrap cuz they use it.

  9. Anyone using anything that is not within the game itself is cheating, be it Transmog, botting or hacking.

    Report them, annoy the GMs so much they have to do something about the prevalence of it.

  10. Please. Does anybody here even bothered sending a ticket asking if it was allowed? Well, I did, and this was the response I got.

    This was before I knew it was Cheat Engine.

    If people are using it to use Hearthstone even, then I'm sure doing that, would be bannable I assume. But not if you use regular normal items.

  11. Please. Does anybody here even bothered sending a ticket asking if it was allowed? Well, I did, and this was the response I got.

    This was before I knew it was Cheat Engine.

    If people are using it to use Hearthstone even, then I'm sure doing that, would be bannable I assume. But not if you use regular normal items.
    well..to be honest i don't have any problem with cheat engine transmogging... i mean in warmane WE'RE LIMITED AS **** to choose our xmog. since most of old raids are dead. and vote shop sucks hardly cos of the new point system...anyway
    i've asked the same thing in game with a ticket and got the same awnser.. i don't know why people would rage over something that's only cosmetic. i mean yeah there's a point where it's ****ed up. but like being a druid and wanting a cute light blue dress...well XD if you really want it.....

    oh and btw. cheat engine can only affect CLIENT-SIDE stuff. not server side. i mean you can try to change your gold etc etc but wont work =P all you do with cheat engine it's ''trick'' the xmogger npc to think that the item you're putting it's plate or so.... this was also a blizzlike problem. but it was gone with WoD and it also works on other servers (confirmed)

  12. Just in case you guys missed this post, from Head GM Aldtharios, about " Is force-transmogging allowed?": http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....=1#post2618621
    Edited: February 23, 2016

  13. Care to provide source?
    sorry for late reply...
    ofcourse :)

    "Extreme cases (eg armor being transmogged to something that isn't even possible to be worn) are bannable.
    Needless to say it is still an exploit and even though we generally do not ban for it sharing it via forum isn't fine either. "

    oh lol... did not read the reply above me... same thread :)

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