1. Not Getting Achievement

    Hello, I completed all the criteria for this achievement but I havent got the achiv.

    Same thing has happened with one more achiv from cooking.Can someone pls help me out here?

  2. Thx a lot for helping. But there is one more achiv which is bugged for me.
    Its the Dalaran Dailies achiv for cooking.http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=1782/our-daily-bread.
    My friend got this achiv 5 days ago and now its bugged for me.This is the link of my friend's armory.
    I had same problem with one achiv during Love is in the air event. But I got that achiv after server restart. But this achiv is not getting completed even after restart.

  3. I have lots of these stuck achivements, we just have to hope they can be fixed and synced at a later date with an update.

  4. I have lots of these stuck achivements, we just have to hope they can be fixed and synced at a later date with an update.
    hope they fix it soon.Thx for the reply.

  5. I got the Daily Bread Achiv today after repeting one of the daily quests.

  6. There are tons of these achievements that are bugged,i am almost at 6.000 points and i've got at least 60-80 achievements that i know for a fact that i meet the requirements,but they just don't triger.
    I had an idea to make a huge report about all of them,but it did not fit in a single report,and it would also result in lots of duplicates,so yeah,hopefully eventually they all get nailed and fixed.

  7. Yeah, it's like this for some achievements.
    I had played over 100 Arathi Basin, and only one time had 0/1600 win, and of corse didn't get achievement :(

  8. There are plenty of achivs that dont work, like the Call to arms one where you have to win 100 BGs at max lvl and i did them AGES ago but never got the achiv

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