Clan T4nk Gaming is recruiting. Multi-gaming clan with years of experience (1998). Headset is required.
100% English in Ventrilo. Add me on Steam for more information: [T4NK] Saronite#Recruiting

Clan T4nk Gaming has existed for nearly 17 years now.
Spanning over a decade of dominance, we have played nearly every game that has come our way and generally at an at least above average level.
Founded in 1998 by a group of real life friends under a much different name, T4 is one of the oldest continually active and open gaming communities of all time.
While it has had it's ups and downs, it has never once closed in that time period.
There are a few basic qualities we look for outside of loyalty and those qualities are:

1: A microphone of decent quality. It shouldn't sound like you're by a fish tank or being put through a meat grinder (unless you ARE by a fish tank or being put through a meat grinder) every time you talk.
2: Ventrilo - and you are expected to use it while gaming. We use vent as our primary means of discussion.
3: A good sense of humor, and the ability to take a joke. Expect to get hazed a bit as a new member and expect to get trolled a bit.
4: 18 years of age, mentally, is a requirement. Whilst we do have members who are under 18 in our community, they have proven that they act older and therefore we allow it. We do not care how old you actually are - we just care that you're mature enough to handle us.

If you are interested in joining please only reply in this thread if you cannot contact me through any of these other means:

Adding me on Steam: [T4NK] Saronite#Recruiting,
Sending me an email: [email protected]

If either of the above are impossible for you, please do go ahead and reply in this thread. Thank you, and as always happy gaming!

Menthol, Saronite, Glubus, Cmoney, IWofCheese, Mblaster, Nerve, Twisted.