1. SoO with pve or pvp items

    With incoming pridefull which is 550. Will that be enough to start SoO or should i grind tothc items which are 551 with 4 upgrades? If SoO will be doable with pridefull whats the point of tothc rather than getting achievements. No matter how bugged it is now its a nice challange for pve players. Imo tot hc was suposed to be released alot sooner. That is my pve perspective, as of pvp im glad healers wont be op anymore as they were now.

  2. I think the Prideful gear should be enough if you can get hit/expertise caped. Personally i think no one will do ToT HC anymore due to the amount of bugs that are just not fun to face but feel free to try it yourself.

  3. Imo 2/2 upgraded ToT normal gear is enough to do SoO, don't know why are you making such a big deal out of it, every new raid is doable with gear from previous raid, it has been like that since wow first came out.

    just move out of the fire;P

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