1. LF Trade - Alliance gold for horde gold (Giving 2:1 Ratio)

    Hey guys recently started up my new alliance character and really don't wish to live on struggle street having to buy critical skills instead of them all etc.

    Wishing to trade Horde gold for Alliance gold (Willing to go up to 1K horde for 500g alliance)

    More than happy to go first if the person has a reputable standing here on warmane, if not then I'm sure we can work something out on the neutral auction house.

    Hit me up if this sounds appealing, either on here or via PM ingame. My name is ''Neitz'' alliance side. I can give horde details on request.

  2. May I ask why you aren't using the neutral auction house to transfer the gold alone*? Then you would get 85 % of it instead of 50 %.

    * Since a 2nd account is free.

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