1. 3s rating requirement for elite weapon and Wrathful shoulder

    - Reduce 3s rating requirement for elite weapon to 2000 rating.
    - Reduce 3s rating requirement for Wrathful shoulder to 1800 rating.

    Reason for the suggestion:
    - Its impossible to reach 2,2k for the elite weapon because the 3s bracket isn't active enough. Rank one on Icecrown and Lordaeron doesn't even reach 2k rating.
    - Lower rating requirments give players a incentive to play 3s again because they have a realistic chance to reach the rating requirments.

  2. Wouldnt lower rating requirement excactly make it more inactive? People wont have to try to reach so high rating, therefore there will be no reason to do so.

  3. Wouldnt lower rating requirement excactly make it more inactive? People wont have to try to reach so high rating, therefore there will be no reason to do so.
    No because its currently impossible to reach 2k or 2,2k so there is no point to do 3s at all.
    If ppl have a realistic chance to reach the rating requirments they would be more motivated to queue for 3s.

  4. No because its currently impossible to reach 2k or 2,2k
    have u even tried?

  5. well we are only 1 month into the current season on Icecrown. the rank 1 team has been more or less the same rating for roughly 2 weeks meaning they reached almost 1.9 rate in 2 weeks from season start, the reason most ppl dont queue more when they are that high is because most ppl are bis already so they only need ranks. Despite this Im sure several teams will pass atleast 2k by the end of the season.

  6. Maybe there gonna be a few teams over 2k rating at the season end but thats not the point. The point is to give players who aren't BiS geared yet more incentive to play 3s arena so the bracket gets more active.
    Edited: June 22, 2016

  7. Would decrease iniciative to try to get high rated

  8. Would decrease iniciative to try to get high rated
    I highly doubt it. A successful 3s team which already reached a high rating wont stop playing just because they have the rating requirements. Ppl also continue to play 2v2 after reaching 1950 rating for the wrathful head.

    Goal is to motivate ppl to start playing 3s to gear up and not only 2s. If the 3s bracket was more active there would be also more high rated teams no matter if the rating requirments are lowered.

    Lets be realistic, like 99,9 % of the bis geared pvpers donated for their wrathful shoulders and we dont even need to talk about the wrathful elite weapon which requires a 2,2k rating.
    In relation to the 3s activity the rating requirements are just too high and really need to be adjusted...
    Edited: June 23, 2016

  9. I agree with OP, the 2k is quite unrealistic for anyone that is not VERY skilled due to the 3s bracket being so inactive. And basically, achievable goals provide motivation for the skilled (but not extremely skilled) players to play 3s, whereas at the moment realistically they cannot achieve a rating that high so most people don't bother with 3s and prefer to do 2s as it is easier, and nets you more arena points as it is much more active. Possibly an improvement on orginal suggestion could be items at incremental ratings to encourage it even further, such as a companion at 1400, mount at 1600, shoulders at 1800, weapon at 2k or something like this may be able to increase the activity for the 3s bracket.

  10. Well I don't know about lowering rating requirements for shoulders/t2 but I do agree with the mount/pet at incremental ratings, like Amani War Bear on 1600 3s or something like that, for like 2k arena points.

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