1. Need Some Help

    Hello guys, I'm playing a resto druid and need some tips for improving.
    Currently I'm mostly playing solo que and I do get flamed a lot. I've been able to reach 1.9k but recently I've been on a huge lose streak and random wins in between so I decided to ask for some help here.

    I don't really understand what I'm doing wrong. I meld priest fears, scatters, prot war stuns, fake cast, reflect faerie fire, keep hots on everyone all the time, and yet I still lose. My positioning is pretty fine except for circle of blood, I really have no idea how to stand properly when playing top against a rushing lock/priest spamming fears on me. I'm cloning, rooting wars and melees all the time, but usually if I stop healing for a second catching up is really hard. Another problem I have is partners who rush from the beginning not waiting for hots, los'ing me all the time while tunneling someone and while I try to keep a good position in order not to get cc'd, we lose and I get flamed.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

  2. Another problem I have is partners who rush from the beginning not waiting for hots, los'ing me all the time while tunneling someone and while I try to keep a good position in order not to get cc'd, we lose and I get flamed.

    Any help would be really appreciated.
    Whatever issues you might have I beleive this is where the problem starts and ends.
    People just start off agressive and care zero about the incoming damage or just dont know how to mitigate it so you find yourself in a position where you really cant afford 2-3 globals to CC or setup anything at the start but instead you're forced to follow your imbecil DPS around every corner, every angle, every LoS object possible.
    Just ask yourself how many times have you had to Bauble and NS healing touch in the first 5 seconds of battle, think about how many times have you had to trinket literarally the first CC that lands on you because your teammate doesnt care or doesnt know how to be patient, games arent supposed to go down like this.

    Im no heal genius but these are my impression while soloqing, im 2k2 for a while now but even at this rate games often just look like a yolo 10 sec blowout where you're forced to trinket hillarious crap like petstuns or NS healing touch + bauble through mortal strikes, these are just horrible plays that eventually lead to a loss and its reasonable that you have to do this sometimes but it just feels like im doing it way more often than not.

    And as far as positioning goes, your position seems irrelevant most the times since its just dictated by your tunneling temamates, they never position themselves according to the healer, they just expect the healer to be there in line of sight, healing, i mean just rofl.

    good luck my friend
    Edited: June 24, 2016

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