1. what is the pros of lord ?

    hi all im looking for server to play wowtlk and i found this i would like what is the procs of this server
    and thanks
    sry for bad english

  2. those might not be pros for all people, but can be seen as by some:
    - 1x xp, drop en reputation rates (for the maximum hardcore blizzlike experience)
    - buffed raid bosses (to ensure hardcore raiding is challenging)
    - limited donation shop, very expensive and not BiS items (to ensure a fair game for donators and non-donators alike)
    - barely any queue since icecrown has been released

    All of the above is compared with Icecrown realm.

  3. so the pve here is challenging and harder cool
    what about pvp ? is it active ?

  4. so the pve here is challenging and harder cool
    what about pvp ? is it active ?
    I am mainly a pvp player and I can tell from a lot of experience on the server:

    WG works, and people play it
    World pvp is great
    RBGs are active
    2v2 arena are active (Sometimes 3v3 - but often people need to ask people in the global chat to join - 5v5 arena is dead).

    Not all pvp / and pve gear are released yet, since we are only that the Ulduar part.

  5. Yeah, most people complain about not having RDF or no donation for gear but to me that is what makes the Realm fun, I mean, we will die a lot while leveling, because you need to go to the meeting stone, or summon people or get summoned, and the other faction too, but if we didn't had this little things that maybe sometimes one wishes to have, then everything would be boring... When we are bored, we want to hit 80, if you get instant 80 then you are done... We don't want to do dungeons, we would want all the gear now, if you get it now then... Just play the game for playing it, try to find people to PLAY with, not to rush to get to the end, because at the end there's nothing to do, all geared all done, just chat... That is why you can do other chars, to keep playing, not to get to the end again and stuff... Just play with friends, on skype and stuff, don't rush.

  6. Yeah, most people complain about not having RDF or no donation for gear but to me that is what makes the Realm fun, I mean, we will die a lot while leveling, because you need to go to the meeting stone, or summon people or get summoned, and the other faction too, but if we didn't had this little things that maybe sometimes one wishes to have, then everything would be boring... When we are bored, we want to hit 80, if you get instant 80 then you are done... We don't want to do dungeons, we would want all the gear now, if you get it now then... Just play the game for playing it, try to find people to PLAY with, not to rush to get to the end, because at the end there's nothing to do, all geared all done, just chat... That is why you can do other chars, to keep playing, not to get to the end again and stuff... Just play with friends, on skype and stuff, don't rush.

    This is why I love Lordaeron, you got always somthing to do. I have never seen someone with full furiouse gear in pvp yet - so people got a lot to do still in pvp. And just a small number got 4.6k gs +. I'v seen people with 4.7k gs too, but the number of people is really small.

    So for a "normal" player there will always be gear to work for, something atleast I think is great. If I just got my gear without working for it, I would have nothing to do. Something that would destroy a huge part of why atleast I play. I know there are those who like to get the gear for "free" (or atleast very easy), maybe because they just like to run the instance over and over again for the experince. Some also loves to just pvp for the pvp, and not to earn the gear there too.

  7. hi all im looking for server to play wowtlk and i found this i would like what is the procs of this server
    and thanks
    sry for bad english
    For me personally it's the leveling experience , at first I didn't like the fact that the LFD tool was disabled but then I was like " Wait a minute , that's why BC was cool remeber ? " :D

    P.S. I don't raid at all on Lordaeron , keep that in mind .

  8. Yeah, most people complain about not having RDF or no donation for gear but to me that is what makes the Realm fun, I mean, we will die a lot while leveling, because you need to go to the meeting stone, or summon people or get summoned, and the other faction too, but if we didn't had this little things that maybe sometimes one wishes to have, then everything would be boring... When we are bored, we want to hit 80, if you get instant 80 then you are done... We don't want to do dungeons, we would want all the gear now, if you get it now then... Just play the game for playing it, try to find people to PLAY with, not to rush to get to the end, because at the end there's nothing to do, all geared all done, just chat... That is why you can do other chars, to keep playing, not to get to the end again and stuff... Just play with friends, on skype and stuff, don't rush.

    I find it funny how some ppl love to talk in behalf or everybody.
    PPL no longer argue about the possibility to get instant 80, cause we all got it, it wont happen, but to claim that there is nothing to do after you reach lvl 80 or when you are full geared, that's only in your short-sighted mind.

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